Create an audience

Last update: 2025-01-29
  • Created for:
  • Experienced

Learn how to use attribute rules to create an audience and define a composite audience in Experience Cloud.

This article helps you understand how to:

  • Create an audience
  • Create a rule
  • Use rules to define a composite audience

The following graphic represents two rules in a composite audience.

Two rules in a composite audience

Each circle represents a rule that defines audience membership. Visitors that qualify as members in both audience rules overlap to become the composite, defined audience.


The audience is fully defined after data collection for the specified period completes.

The following example shows how to create the rules for a composite audience. This audience is composed of:

  • Home & Garden section derived from page data, or raw analytics data.

  • Chrome and Safari users derived from an Adobe Analytics segment published to the Experience Cloud.

    Create the rules for a composite audience

To create an audience

  1. In the Experience Cloud, under Experience Platform, click People > Audience Library.

  2. On the Audiences page, click New. add

    Step Result

  3. On the Create New Audience page, specify a title and description.

  4. Under Rules, select an attribute source:

    • Real-Time Analytics Data: (or Raw data) This is attribute data derived from Real-Time Analytics image requests, and includes data such as eVars and events. You must select a report suite when using this attribute source, and define the dimension or event to include. This report suite selection provides the variable structure used by the report suite.

    Due to caching, deleted report suites in Analytics require 12 hours before the deletion is shown in Experience Cloud.

    • Experience Cloud: Attribute data derived from the Experience Cloud sources. For example, this can be data from audience segments you create in Analytics, or data from Audience Manager.
  5. Define audience rules, then click Save.


You should have an understanding of your implementation variables when defining audience rules.

Under Rules, define the Home & Garden attribute selections:

  • Attribute Source: Raw Analytics Data
  • Report Suite: Report Suite 31
  • Dimension = Store (Merch) (v6) > Equals > Home & Garden

Attribute selections in Audience Library

The Chrome & Safari Visitors is an audience segment shared from Analytics:

  • Attribute Source: Experience Cloud
  • Dimension: Chrome & Safari Visitors

Chrome & Safari Visitors

For comparison, you might add an OR rule to see all visitors to a site section, such as Patio & Furniture.

OR rule for an audience

The resulting rule is a defined audience comprising Chrome & Safari users who visited Home & Garden. The Patio & Furniture segment provides additional insight into all visitors visiting that site section.

Defined audience in Experience Cloud

  • Historical Estimate: (Dotted circle) Represents rules created based on Analytics data.
  • Actual Audience: (Solid circle) Any rule created that has 30 days of data from Audience Manager. When the Audience Manager data reaches 30 days, the line becomes solid and represents actual numbers.

After the data collection completes for the specified period, the circles combine to show a defined audience.

After the audience is saved, it is available for other applications. For example, you can include a shared audience in an Adobe Target activity.

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