Experience Cloud audiences

Last update: 2024-09-11
  • Created for:
  • Experienced

The Audience Library displays audiences in Experience Cloud. Audiences are collections of visitors (a list of Experience Cloud IDs). You can manage the translation of visitor data into audience segmentation. As such, creating, and managing audiences is similar to creating and using segments. You can also share the audience segment to products and services in Experience Cloud.

Experience Cloud audiences

Audiences can be created or derived from various sources, such as:

  • New ones created in the Experience Cloud
  • Analytics segments published to the Experience Cloud
  • Audience Manager

Real-Time versus historical audiences

All audiences, regardless of where they are sourced, are accessible for real-time targeting use cases. However, audiences shared from Analytics to Audience Manager are not accessible for real-time targeting. The system evaluates audiences in two ways:

  • Historical audiences from Analytics are evaluated every four hours. Total time to process and share takes up to eight hours. Historical audiences always include return visitors.
  • Real-time audiences are sourced in Experience Cloud Audiences and evaluated in real time.

How applications use audiences

The following table describes how audiences are used in Experience Cloud applications:

Solution Description
Experience Cloud Audiences Create, manage, and share audiences natively using Audience Library. You can:
  • Use real-time audiences using raw analytics attributes
  • Combine audiences to create composite ones, joining real-time and historical data
  • See graphical views of estimated audiences size

For suggestions about what type of audience you want to create see Audience creation options.
Analytics In segmentation, you can build a segment, combine it with a report suite, and then publish the segment to Experience Cloud. Publishing the segment displays it on the Audience Library page in Experience Cloud. (See Publish segments to Experience Cloud in Analytics help for details.) The audience is also available as a targeted audience for a campaign experience delivered by Adobe Target, and in Audience Manager. After you share an audience from Adobe Analytics, and select it for use in an active campaign, the visitor profiles who meet the segment definition criteria for the past 90 days are sent to Audience Services. The limit for shared audiences has been increased to 75. Audiences shared to Experience Cloud from Analytics cannot exceed 20 million unique members. Also, due to caching, deleted report suites in Analytics require 12 hours before the deletion is shown in Experience Cloud.
Mobile Services Analyze mobile traffic using the sunburst visualization in the Device Types report.
Target The ID service unifies visitor IDs and data into a single, actionable profile for use across applications. The Publish to Experience Cloud checkbox during the segment creation process in Adobe Analytics allows the segment to be available within the Adobe Target’s custom audience library. A segment created in Analytics or Audience Manager can be used for activities in Target. For example, you can create campaign activities based on Analytics conversion metrics and audience segments created in Analytics.
Audience Manager Shared audiences are available in Audience Manager segmentation. All Experience Cloud audiences are available natively in Audience Manager, which provides:
  • Built-in automation regarding how they are shared and consumed in application workflows
  • Offsite destinations
  • Look-alike modeling
  • Import shared audiences from different Adobe Experience Cloud applications into Adobe Campaign.
  • Export recipient lists in the form of shared audiences. These shared audiences can be used in the different Adobe Experience Cloud applications that you use.
Advertising Cloud Use the audience as targets.

Once a visitor qualifies for the audience shared from Analytics, there is a 4-8 hour delay before that information is actionable in Target, Ad Cloud, and Campaign Standard.

Audience Library interface elements

The Experience Cloud provides a library for creating and managing audiences, with native, real-time audience identification.

Experience Cloud > Experience Platform > People > Audience Library

Add audience in Audience Library

Element Description
New Create an audience.
Title & Description A column heading that identifies and describes the audience.
Author The person who created the audience segment.
Source Identifies where the audience was created.
  • Analytics: A segment created in Adobe Analytics, then published to Experience Cloud.
  • Experience Cloud: A new audience created in Experience Cloud Audiences.
  • Audience Manager: Audiences created Audience Manager automatically display in Experience Cloud Audiences.
Current Size The current audience size.
Active The active status of the segment.

Publish audiences from Adobe Analytics

See Publish segments to Experience Cloud in the Adobe Analytics documentation for more information.

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