Learn about the journey canvas visualization, which allows you to analyze and gain deep insights on the journeys that you provide to your users and customers.
Hello, this is Travis Saban with Adobe Analytics Product Management. And today I’m going to walk you through our new Journey Canvas visualization. So to use Journey Canvas, simply add the new visualization to any project that you have. You need to select the primary metric you would like to use for the reporting on the Journey Canvas defaulted to people, but you can change it to any other metric that you might want to see progress through a journey. You can add an optional secondary metric to track a second metric across the journey as well, or you can change the default container from person back to session. So once you do that, hit build. You’re presented with this open canvas where you can drag and drop whatever you want to build a journey. A combination of dimensions, metrics, or segments. I’m going to start with a simple page journey. I want to know people who came from home. And then let’s see, they go to maybe purchase step one and purchase step two. And then I’m going to do my metric of total orders. I can hit the little zoom to fit screen here to adjust the view. And now I’ve got all my little nodes here and I need to connect them. So simply hover and click and drag. And then you’ll notice as they collect, they will have that glowing background that is to notify that it’s loading. I go out there and connect the rest of them. Now I’ve got a simple four-step journey and I can see the number of people who started at home, went to purchase step one, purchased step two, and eventually made an order. So right now this is calculating based on the total population in my date range. So for January 21st through July 21st in 2023, this percent, 35% of the population visited the homepage and then it moves through the funnel from there. I can change this to be from the start. Since I have a single start here, I can start with all people here and see how that population moves through. Or if I want to know node to node progression, I can change the 2% of previous node. So I can see how they move from step A to B to C to D and so on. I’m going to stick with percent of start. And on this journey, there might be something else I want to see happen in between. So I might come back to my pages. And I want to know people who did a search. I simply can drag it on little arrow in between it turns blue. And then I’m going to give myself some more space. I’ve got people who went from home to then search and then did a purchase step. But maybe I’m also curious on my forums and I can combine these together by dragging it on top of any of these nodes. So I want people who went to after the home went to search or to the forums. And maybe I also want to know how if they also possibly went to courses. So now it reloads and I’ve got this little node here that has these three dim items ordered together. If I click on the info, I can see how that’s kind of built out. If I want to remove any of these, I can just simply click on the X and it updates it. Now I’m back to my single search results page. But maybe because Journey Canvas is really flexible, I don’t want to see them or together. I want to see the different paths that they go through. So I want to see forums and courses separately broken out as individual journeys on the path. I can simply add these here. I connect my nodes together. I’ve got people back from home to these three places and then I want to connect them to the rest of the funnel along the journey to my purchase step one. And now I’ve got this nice forked funnel here for this journey process where they start at home and they go to one of these three options. I can see how my population is split out and how they progress back into the journey. Now if I want to, I could label these. This is my forum journey path. This is my search journey path. And this is my courses. So now I can see how I have these labeled here. And this is where the arrow settings come into play. And I have labels being displayed. I could turn these off if I wanted. I can show just the labels like I had or I can show the values here moving across all of my edges so I can see how they’re moving here along the journey itself. I can do values and labels. I’d have to move these things around a little bit to make some space to see both of those things. But I have those options here on the display settings. I could also turn on or off the fallout to see how people are falling out at a specific step along the journey as well. And then let’s say I’m curious to know which product is the one that’s actually driving these orders. So I can drag my product ID dimension directly onto any of these nodes, but I can drag it onto the total orders here and I can do a breakdown directly on the node. So now it breaks down. Let’s see product PRD 1026 is my highest performing one out of my top five. So it gives me a quick top five breakdown. If I wanted to, I can click open a freeform table. And I can see this is now broken out in a separate freeform table. I can see a full breakdown of that particular node. If I come back to my journey, if I don’t want this breakdown, I can right click on the node and I can remove the breakdown from it if I want. So I can just restore it back to its previous settings. Now there’s a lot of other right click actions in here you can see. I can rename any of these nodes, I can delete, duplicate, I can create a filter to this particular step, I can create an audience, I can break it down, trends, I can do top nodes after this nodes, I can click on that and it’ll break out what happens after this one in particular. So I can do it here directly in the journey canvas or I can do it in a freeform table here. So lots of options here. There’s also some settings on the edge or the arrows themselves that you can do lots of great things there. One last thing, if I wanted to, not only can I have a multi-step here, maybe I have some people who I wanted to have them start later in the journey. And so maybe I have them go directly to my total orders page. So if I do, this is mostly my desktop data, but I found this mobile web, I could bring this on and I could just connect it later on in the journey just to see how that affects my total orders population. So now you can see I’ve got an increase in total orders when I’m combining these two channels here, I’ve got mobile web and desktop data coming through. I could also drag on, let’s say I wanted to look at my top countries. If I drag on an entire dimension, it’ll give me the top three dimension items here. So now I have, there we go, USA, Greece and Serbia automatically created. These are the top three dimensions by dragging a whole dimension on. I connect these to my homepage and I can see how my data is different depending on these various regions. I get those three all wired up and now I’ve got this multi entry journey with a forked funnel and a delayed start as well here. So now I’ve got some really complex fallouts here and funnel analysis that I can do to better understand my user journeys and see how they’re doing along with this particular use case that I have here. So this is Journey Canvas. There’s lots of other great things that you can do with it. We’re excited to have this out and available for you. So thank you for your time.
Users can create journeys with multiple starts, paths, or ends. For more information, please visit the documentation.