Create a quick filter

Last update: 2022-10-17
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

Create quick filters directly in your Customer Journey Analytics projects and bypass the complexity of the full filter builder. This feature gives you a convenient way to filter your component data based on simple criteria and see the results immediately.


I’m going to walk you through a new inline filtering tool called the quick filter builder in Customer Journey Analytics. This feature is meant for simple, on-the-fly filtering without having to leave the project in CJA as you would when in the more robust filter builder. Now, I’m in an existing project and under the title, that is “sessions by marketing channel,” there’s the icon for “create quick filter.” When I click on that, it opens a builder with some simplified filter options. To start, you can include or exclude based on the rules you’ll be building below, and you can base that on an event, session, or person. Now, if you’re coming over from traditional analytics, these are analogous with hits, visits, and visitors. Then you can mix and match up to three dimensions, metrics, or date ranges to define the filter that you’re building. I’m going to select metric for the condition type. Now I’ll drag and drop time spent, seconds, from the left panel, and then I’ll choose “is greater than or equal to” as the operator. Now I’m going to enter 10 to the right. So I have a rule that filters this report by time spent equal to or greater than 10 seconds. Notice in the upper right corner, there’s a preview to let me know what kind of data I’ll get back. And there’s also an estimate on the percentage of events that will come back from this filter. As I mentioned, you can add up to three rules here by using drag and drop from the left panel or clicking on the plus sign, which I’ll do now. This is going to create an “and” condition but I can change this to an “or” condition if that’s what I needed to do. I’ll start typing in country under dimension for the next part of the role. I’ll select country code. Then I’ll select US from the dropdown. Again, notice how the preview section is updated based on this additional role. All right, I’m going to hit apply at the bottom of the builder. Applying this adds a new pail at the top that’s labeled “quick filter.” You’ll also notice that the data has been updated. Now, when I hover over the filter, I’ll see the pencil show up, which will allow me to edit it. And I get a preview which provides the definition of the filter as well as a preview for the events, sessions, and people metrics. There’s also a link at the bottom which will allow you to make this available to all of your projects. This would open this particular quick filter in the filter builder, which would take you out of the project. So I’m not going to do that now. All right, I’m going to click on the pencil to edit. I want to point out that you can remove any part of the roll by clicking on the X to the right of it. And you can also customize the name at the top if that’s what you’d like to do. However, I’m not going to change my value. Now, let’s say I want to do something a bit more complex, something beyond three rules or using multiple containers. I can do this from here by clicking on the “open builder” command at the bottom. I get this warning that if I do this I won’t be able to edit or access it from quick filter builder. And that’s if I save it there. Notice how it adds your rules to the filter builder. As long as I hit cancel in the upper right corner, I can get back to the quick filter version and work with it from there, which is what I’m going to do. Now, there’s no limit to the number of quick filters you can add to any given project. You can add as many as you need. I hope you find this feature useful for simple, on-the-fly filtering. You should now feel comfortable with setting these up in your own projects. Good luck. -

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