Move Adobe Analytics Segments to Customer Journey Analytics

Last update: 2023-04-10
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In this video you will learn tips for re-creating your Adobe Analytics segments as “filters” in Customer Journey Analytics.


Hey, What’s up everybody? This is Doug, in this video, I want to talk to you about moving your segments from Adobe Analytics to Customer Journey Analytics. So I’ve got a couple of tabs open here. One is in the Segment Builder in Adobe Analytics. And I’ve gotten there simply by going to the Segments, and plus sign there in Analysis Workspace to create a new segment. And then I have my other tab here which is basically the same thing, but it is the Filter Builder as you will see here. Because, as I cancel that, you’ll see that instead of segments, we have Filters in Customer Journey Analytics. And again, I just click on that plus and I’m in the Filter Builder. And so you’re going to want to get used to that name change where segments in Adobe Analytics are now filters in Customer Journey Analytics. Now the bottom line about moving your segments from Adobe Analytics to Customer Journey Analytics, is that you’ll just need to recreate them, as there is no tool to actually bring them from Adobe Analytics over to Customer Journey Analytics. And one of the big reasons for that is that in Customer Journey Analytics, of course, we’re no longer just talking about analytics data we have to broaden our aspect of the data we’re talking about, because we might be talking about, yes, analytics data, but also maybe CRM data or survey data, or call center data, or any kind of data that you bring into the platform, and then into Customer Journey Analytics to do your analysis. And so therefore, when you had segments in Adobe Analytics, they might provide you with different results in Customer Journey Analytics, because they might apply to the additional data sources that you are looking at and analyzing. But let’s talk about a couple of key differences that have everything to do with that topic that we just discussed. So in Adobe Analytics, when you had Hit, Visit and Visitor containers for your segments. Now in Customer Journey Analytics, you have Events, Sessions and Person containers. Now, this is a good indicator to help you realize that you’re talking about more data, right? Because instead of a visitor, a website visitor, we’re talking about a person that might have data across all these datasets, instead of just a visit to our website, we’re talking about really, any kind of session, it could be a call center session, it could be an analytics session, or any other session. But again, if you are used to analytics visits, think of that analytics visit, and as the data view is set up in Customer Journey Analytics, there is still that timeout period, et cetera. and so it’s still very similar, but again, think broader with it to the other datasets as well. And then an event, in this case is a hit from any of those datasets. So simply put, to move your segments over, you’re just going to want to go over to the Segment Builder in Analytics and see how it’s defined, and then recreate it in Customer Journey Analytics. So for example, if I had a Visit container and I said an order exists, so I’ll put that in there. Then of course, you’re looking at those visits where people place an order and you want to see what happened, et cetera, that helped drive the order. Well you can do the same thing of course, in Customer Journey Analytics, I can go into the Filter Builder, I can choose a session, and then drag an order in, and still go to exists. So you are still familiar with this interface, but you do need to remember this might contain more data than just your analytics data. And I happen to know in this case, that I have orders in point of sale data in this Customer Journey Analytics connection. I have call center orders, et cetera. So in this case, when I am saying that an order exists, it’s more than just analytics, and I’ll have bigger numbers then just in the Report Suite. So those are really the only things that you’ll need to remember. Remember that you will have dimensions and metrics that might come from additional datasets, so if you don’t recognize a dimension from your analytics data, it’s probably because it’s been brought in from one of your other datasets. So in this case for example, gender might come in from a survey dataset, or a CRM dataset, and so of course, you could use that and it would be limited to just those datasets that had that dimension. So if you do have a dimension that is really specific to your analytics data, then certainly even in Customer Journey Analytics, it will filter your results down to just that analytics data. But again, if there are dimensions or metrics that span datasets, and if those datasets are merged and connected by a person ID, then the results of your filter will be a larger dataset. Hope that makes sense, good luck. -

For more information about Customer Journey Analytics, visit the documentation.

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