Customer Journey Analytics leverages datasets ingested into Adobe Experience Platform. Before you begin data analysis in Workspace, you need to create a connection. Learn about Customer Journey Analytics architecture, use cases, planning, permissions required and the steps for creating a connection.
Hey everybody, this is Doug. In this video I want to show you how to connect to data sources in the Adobe Experience Platform from Customer Journey Analytics. Now, if you’re familiar with Customer Journey Analytics at all, you know that Customer Journey Analytics is Analysis Workspace on the Platform. So that means that we need some data to put Analysis Workspace on top of so we can do the analysis. So when you first come in to Customer Journey Analytics you’re going to click on Connections up at the top and I’ve already clicked on that. And I have a list here in this Demo Data but yours will be empty, you’ll need to create your first connection. In order to do that you simply go over here to Create new connection, click on it, and this will open a list of available datasets from the Platform. So over here on the left I have a list of Platform datasets. So you might just have one, you might have a lot of them. Of course I have a bunch in this Demo Data. If you do have a lot like this then you can search those datasets. So I’ll do that, and that brings back a result, and I can check one of these, and add this dataset to the connection. Now this is going to do a couple of things that I want to point out. First of all, over on the right-hand side it will automatically set the dataset type based on the data coming in. If you’d like to know a little bit more about that you can mouse over that information bubble, et cetera. It’ll show you the schema it’s using and it’ll show you the Person ID that it’s going to use. Now, it has filled that out because there’s only one available. But if you have multiple IDs available to select then you’ll need to choose that. And we’ll see that in a moment. Now, the great thing about a connection is that I can add more than one dataset. So I’m going to go back over and I’m going to put in analytics and we’ll choose this Analytics Demo Data. Now, before I click on that I want you to notice that the Customer ID is the name of this Person ID that we’re going to use for this Survey Demo Data. And when I select this Analytics Demo Data, let me select that and add it. And now it’s selected here, you’ll see that it’s actually using a different ID, this Cookie ID, or I can also select from the available IDs here, but what you don’t see here is that same one that says Customer ID. Now let’s say I’m going to use the User ID, I can do that. However, because these two datasets have different IDs, when it gets to the actual reports, they’re really going to be separate. Now, there still is a point in bringing them both in on the same connection. Because this way I can have reports for both of these datasets in the same dashboard, in the same project, in Analysis Workspace. And that can be very helpful for people to see all of their data together and all of their reports together. But keep in mind, that when you’re going to really merge datasets, you’re going to need to use the same Person ID. And so if I go back for one more, and add this Point Of Sale Demo Data, then again you can see I can come over here, and select a Person ID which is Customer ID, and that data can be merged with the Survey Demo Data, because they are using the same Person ID. Nevertheless, I can keep adding these datasets, but keep in mind again, that it does depend on the Person ID to whether you can really combine the data in the same report, in the same visualization, and have it really merge and make sense. Once I’ve added all the datasets that I want in this connection, simply go up and choose Next and then I need to add some details, I’ll give it a name, I can give it a description if I want to, and then you come down here to Data streaming. Now, if this is static data that’s never going to change, you don’t need to turn on Data streaming. But if this is going to be live data that will need to be updated, then definitely we want to turn on Data streaming. And then you can simply click Save. Now when you do click Save it’s going to do a couple of things. First of all, it’s going to go back and bring in all of the data for those datasets that I have selected in the connection. And you can see those listed right above here. And the other thing that we’ll do is turn on streaming, all right, so it’s going to set up a connection so that it can continuously stream that data from those datasets into Customer Journey Analytics. And that’s it, you’ve created your first connection. Good luck.