Create a mobile scorecard

Last update: 2022-06-03
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

This video shows you how to create a mobile scorecard using the Scorecard Builder in Customer Journey Analytics. Provide anytime access to key performance metrics and detailed views, or breakdowns, to your executives. The Scorecard Builder provides an easy-to-use interface that helps you produce multi-channel dashboards using Customer Journey Analytics data views.


In this video, I’ll walk you through how to create and share a mobile app scorecard in Customer Journey Analytics. Mobile scorecards are a special project type in workspace used for the analytics dashboard’s mobile application. The app is geared to executives and users in your company who need anywhere, anytime access to insights from Customer Journey Analytics. Before you can start using the app, you need to build the scorecards first. So to get started, log into the Experience Platform and navigate to Customer Journey Analytics. You’ll need permissions to create new projects. So if you don’t see some of the things that I’m going to be showing you coming up, you know you’ll need to ask your administrator for the proper permissions. I’m going to select Create Mobile Scorecard in the upper right corner. This opens the mobile app canvas, which allows creators to work with a representation of what executives expect to see once they open the app and view the scorecard. It will build the main visualizations in a tiled layout. In the right rail, select the data view you’ll use for the project. Data views are based on connections, and include specific dimensions and metrics that you’d want to use for a project. Connections and data views are covered in more detail in other videos.

Once you select the data view, the left rail will include the dimensions, metrics, and segments from that data view. Now because Customer Journey Analytics uses the Experience Platform, your mobile scorecards can include data from many different online and offline data sources. Like analytics, call center, customer data, store data, and product data, just to name some examples. Now let’s build the scorecard. I’m going to choose the date range first. I’ll expand the default date by clicking the arrow, and this opens the Date Ranges user interface. I’ll click on the pencil icon to edit the date range, and I’ll start with the primary date selection first. I’m going to choose the last six months. Now I’ll display the comparison date options. I’ll choose previous period. Now before I select OK, I just wanted to point out you can leave these other date ranges here or you can remove them. I’m going to keep them here for my demonstration. Next, think about the metrics you want to add to the scorecard. I’m going to be adding metrics that represent different data sources present in my data view, a combination of online and call center. You can find your metrics by expanding the Metrics section on the left rail or using the search if you’re already familiar with what’s available. I’m to search for my first metric, People. Once you see it in the filtered list, drag and drop it onto the mobile canvas. Now I’ll see high level metrics display, along with a line chart visualization, and metric totals by month below it. And I’m going to drag and drop the Sessions Per person metric over next. Now I’ll add Call Orders, a metric coming over from my call center data source. I’m going to drag and drop Online Orders next. This is coming from my analytics data. Next I’ll search for Subscriptions, and I’m going to add that. And then the last metric I’ll add is Calls. Again, this is coming from my call center data source. Now that I’ve added all of my metrics to the dashboard, I’m going to tackle the dimensions or breakdowns I want to expose for each metric. This enables drill ins for the metric, and you can add in multiple dimensions. I’m just adding in a single one for my demonstration. Again, you can expand the dimensions in the left rail to see what you have available here. I’m going to drag and drop Marketing Channel on top of the People metric first. When I do this, I can see the impact in the simulation screen on the right.

Now I’m going to search for Product Name, and I’m going to drag and drop that on top of Call Orders. Product Category to Online Orders, City to Subscriptions, and Call Reason to Calls. Another useful feature is including executives and users the ability to segment or filter the scorecard. On the left rail, you’ll see available filters for the data view you’re using. You’ll also see them in the right rail, under Properties. You can either select a filter to apply against the entire project, or you can allow the user to select the filter by dropping and dragging it to the filter section of the mobile canvas. I’ll do that now for a couple of the filters.

To save the project, select the project link at the top, under the project title, and click on Save. And give it a name and enter a description. Now before you share the project, you might want to preview it to make sure everything looks okay. There’s a Preview link in the upper right corner. You can select a device preview at the top. Then you can click through each of the metrics to see how it will render for your execs and users. You can test out the filters as well. When you’re done, click on the X in the upper right corner. Once it looks good to you, share it out to your executives and other users. Click the Share link under the project title, and add the users based on the permission you want to give them. Make sure you click the checkbox to share embedded components, and then click Share. This concludes my demonstration of mobile scorecards in Customer Journey Analytics. You should now feel comfortable creating a scorecard on your own, good luck! -

For more information, please visit the documentation.

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