Learn how to schedule workbooks in Report Builder for Customer Journey Analytics. Scheduling workbooks lets users automate the process of refreshing Report Builder workbooks with the latest data and sending it to stakeholders on a regular, pre-defined schedule.
Hi, this is Jennifer Werkmeister, senior product manager for Adobe Analytics. Today, I’m going to show you how to create a scheduled task in report builder. Creating a scheduled task allows you to automatically refresh the data in a report builder workbook and send it to recipients on a predefined schedule.
Here, I have created a simple demo workbook with only one data block pulling data by day for the previous month. I want it to refresh and to send to my stakeholders on the first day of each month. To schedule this workbook, I will first want to make sure that I have saved my recent changes. I can then either click Schedule or Send workbook to create a schedule task.
When I click Schedule, I am taken to the Workbooks tab. Here, I can see all the workbooks that I am sending out on a schedule. You can modify how this looks by clicking the icon to the right of the search bar.
I can see from this list that I have three different scheduled tasks across two workbooks. You can create multiple scheduled tasks with one workbook and I have done that here with Scheduling Demo. That’s why you see it listed twice. You’ll also notice that each workbook has a little icon next to it. This icon indicates the status of the workbook. This workbook has a blue dot and a little warning sign next to it. If I mouse over it, I can see that it is active that the task will be expiring soon. And I can see here that the expiration date that it will be expiring February 6, which is fine with me.
To add a new scheduled task with my current workbook, click the plus button. This brings you to the scheduler. The scheduler is broken up into three sections, File, Email, and Schedule.
Under File, you have the workbook name. Because I am creating a new schedule, it is the name of the workbook that I have open. However, if you are opening and editing an existing scheduled task for another workbook, you can replace it with the workbook you have open by clicking this icon. This is helpful if you have made modifications to a workbook and saved it again. By clicking the icon, you tell the scheduled task to use the latest version of the workbook that you have open.
Under filename, you can rename the file with a more friendly name. Here, you see that I’ve named the workbook Scheduling Demo three. But if I don’t want to include the version number in the file that I send out, I can alter it here. I can also append a timestamp. This is really useful because it lets you know when the file was refreshed. You have the option between two formats. You can just include the date or you can include the date plus the timestamp of when it was refreshed which is useful if you’re sending out hourly reports. Below, you can see the preview of your filename.
Lastly, you have the option to send the file as a password protected zip compression. If you select zip compression, you must set a password for the file.
Below, you can enter your recipients. You can either enter the names of recognized members in your organization, or you can directly type in the email address of your recipients.
The subject line defaults to the name of the workbook. But here again, you have the option to rename it to something a little bit more friendly. You can also add a description which will show up in the body of your email.
Lastly, you can set up the schedule. You can select the start and end date and how frequently you want it to run. There are several frequency options from which you can make customizations. For example, if I choose daily, I can choose to send it every day, only on weekdays, or create a custom option of every couple days.
For another example, I can choose to send it monthly and choose what day of what week I want to send it on. For example, the first Monday of each month.
Lastly, I click Send on schedule to finish setting up the scheduled task.
Now let’s take a look at some of the options we have for managing our existing scheduled tasks. If you click the checkbox next to a task, you have the option to edit it which will open up the scheduler again, examine its history which we’re about to go over, you can pause it, or you can delete it.
Now let’s take a look at the History tab. Here I can review all the activity from my scheduled tasks. If I am waiting on a scheduled task, say it is an especially large workbook that is being run at a busy time, I can go here to see where it is in the process. This tab is also useful for troubleshooting when a scheduled task fails to complete. For example, if someone has deleted a segment needed to refresh a workbook, the workbook would fail and then I would be able to see it here in the history and use that to troubleshoot. A green check mark indicates that the workbook has successfully been sent, and a red exclamation mark and a triangle means that an error has occurred.
You can use the History tab to look at all the activity across all scheduled workbooks. Or as mentioned before, you can look at the history for only a single scheduled task by going to the Workbooks tab, selecting the checkbox next to the workbook you are interested in, and clicking History. I hope you found this video interesting and useful and that you’re able to use scheduled tasks to automate sending report builder workbooks. Thanks for watching. -