How do you address a dataset that doesn’t have an available Person ID to configure in a Customer Journey Analytics connection? To see how it’s done, watch this video.
In this video, I’ll cover how to set up the person ID for a data set in Customer Journey Analytics. I’m logged into the Experience Platform and I’m in the Connections User interface. If you don’t see this link, it means that you don’t have the permissions to do this. Review the Connect to Experience Platform Data Sources video for more information about permissions required. To start, I’ll create a new connection and give it a name, then I’ll add a data set to it. The first thing we ask for is the person ID at the top. Sometimes you might not see the ID that you want to use or there might not be an ID for you to select. This is required for using this data set in CJA. This is what you can do to fix the situation. First, click on the link to the Schema. This opens a new tab with the Schema in Experience Platform. This is where the identity fields for the accompanying data source are defined. Looking through the structure of the Schema, you may see the field that could be used as an identity. In my structure, I see a customer ID field. I’ll click on this field, then I’ll scroll down to the Field Properties until I see Identity. When I check the box, the Identity Namespace box appears. An identity namespace is like a friendly name or a tag that you can apply to a field so that our system knows across the Experience Platform how to treat that ID. In this case, there’s a pre-built identity namespace called Customer ID, so that’s the namespace value I’ll use here. Now, I’ll select Apply at the bottom and Save at the top. Let’s say you run into a situation where you don’t see a namespace for a field you want to use as an identity. If that’s the case, navigate to the Identities interface using the link in the left navigation. In the upper corner, you’d select Create Identity Namespace and enter the pertinent information in this modal such as display name, identity, symbol, and then choose the identity type. I won’t be setting up a new identity namespace so I’ll cancel out of this modal. Back in the Schema interface, if you choose primary identity, our system will automatically use that value as the person ID in Customer Journey Analytics, then I’ll select Apply at the bottom and Save at the top. Once I save this modification in the Schema, I can go back to my connection in CJA. Now, I’ll select Customer ID as the person ID for this data set so that I can use it in my projects. I hope this video has been helpful for understanding how to address missing identities in data sets used in Customer Journey Analytics connections, good luck.