Products endpoint

Last update: 2024-02-27
  • Created for:
  • Developer

If a user token is being passed, then the user of the token must have an “org admin” role for the requested org.

The /products endpoint in the attribute-based access control API allows you to programmatically manage products as well as permission categories and permission sets associated with products in your organization.

Getting started

The API endpoint used in this guide is part of the attribute-based access control API. Before continuing, please review the getting started guide for links to related documentation, a guide to reading the sample API calls in this document, and important information regarding required headers that are needed to successfully make calls to any Experience Platform API.

Retrieve a list of entitled products

You can retrieve a list of entitled products by making a GET request to the /products endpoint.

API format

GET /products/


The following request retrieves a list of entitled products belonging to your organization.

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {IMS_ORG}' \


A successful response returns a list of entitled products belonging to your organization.

  "products": [
      "id": "{ID}",
      "name": "Adobe Experience Platform",
      "serviceCode": "{SERVICE_CODE}"
Property Description
id The corresponding ID of the queried product.
name The name of the queried product.
serviceCode The corresponding service code of the queried product.

Look up permission categories by product ID

You can look up permission categories for a given product, by making a GET request to the /products/{PRODUCT_ID}/categories endpoint while specifying your product ID.

API format

GET /products/{PRODUCT_ID}/categories
Parameter Description
The ID of the product associated with the permission categories you want to look up.


The following request retrieves permission categories associated with {PRODUCT_ID}.

curl -X GET \{PRODUCT_ID}/categories \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {IMS_ORG}' \


A successful response returns the permission categories associated with the product ID you queried.

  "categories": [
        "name": "Profile Management"
        "name": "Data Ingestion"
        "name": "Sandbox Administration"
        "name": "Query Service"
        "name": "Data Management"
        "name": "Identity Management"
        "name": "Data Modeling"
        "name": "Data Science Workspace"
        "name": "Dashboards"
        "name": "Alerts"
        "name": "Data Governance"
Property Description
category The permission categories that are available within the queried product ID.
name The name of the permission category.

Look up permission sets by product ID

You can look up permission sets for a given product, by making a GET request to the /products/{PRODUCT_ID}/permission-sets endpoint while specifying your product ID.

API format

GET /products/{PRODUCT_ID}/permission-sets
Parameter Description
The ID of the product associated with the permission sets you want to look up.


The following request retrieves permission sets associated with {PRODUCT_ID}.

curl -X GET \{PRODUCT_ID}/permission-sets \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {IMS_ORG}' \


A successful response returns the permission sets associated with the product ID you queried.

  "permission-sets": [
          "id": "manage-schemas",
          "name": "Manage Schemas",
          "category": "Data Modeling",
          "permissions": [
                  "resource": "schemas",
                  "actions": [
                  "resource": "schema-fields",
                  "actions": [
                  "resource": "sandboxes",
                  "actions": [
          "id": "view-schemas",
          "name": "View Schemas",
          "category": "Data Modeling",
          "permissions": [
                  "resource": "schemas",
                  "actions": [
                  "resource": "schema-fields",
                  "actions": [
                  "resource": "sandboxes",
                  "actions": [
Property Description
permission-sets Permission sets represent a group of permissions that an administrator can apply to a role. An administrator can assign permission sets to a role, instead of assigning individual permissions. This allows you to create custom roles from a pre-defined role that contains a group of permissions.
id The corresponding ID of the queried permission set.
name The corresponding name of the queried permission set.
category The available permission category.
permissions Permissions include the ability to view and/or use Platform features, such as creating sandboxes, defining schemas, and managing datasets.
permissions.resource The asset or object that a subject can or cannot access. Resources can be files, applications, servers, or even APIs.
permissions.actions The action that a subject is permitted to do against a queried resource. Possible values include: view, read, create, edit, and delete

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