Permission manager

Last update: 2024-08-29
  • Created for:
  • Admin

To access Permission Manager, you must be a product administrator. If you do not have admin privileges, contact your system administrator to gain access.

Use simple queries in the Permission Manager, to create concise reports that will help you understand access management and save time validating access permissions across many workflows and granularity levels. You can utilize Permission Manager to find users that belong to a user group and have specified access privileges, as well as roles that have specific labels.

Perform a search for users within a specified user group

Using the drop down, select the attribute Users.

The attribute drop down highlighting Users.

Next, select the User Group you want to search for using the drop down.


User Group is not a mandatory field. You can only select one user group for each report.

The User group drop down highlighted.

For a more granular report, you can specify the resource with actions in a particular sandbox. Select the Resource, Actions, and Sandboxes using the drop down, then select Show Results.


Resource, Actions, and Sandboxes are not mandatory fields. An action or sandbox can be removed once added by selecting the ‘x’ beside the selection you would like to remove.

The Resource, Actions, Sandboxes drop downs, and Show Results highlighted

A list of users and their email address are reported based on the criteria selected. Use the filter menu on the left to update the attributes and results. For more information on a specific user, select the user name from the list.

The generated report based on the attributes selected highlighted

Search for roles with specific labels

Using the drop down, select the attribute Roles.


Labels is not a mandatory field. You can select multiple labels, which will be listed beneath this drop down once selected. A label can be removed once added by selecting the ‘x’ beside the action.

The attribute drop down highlighting Roles.

Next, select the Labels you want to search for using the drop down.

The Labels drop down highlighted.

For a more granular report, you can specify the resource with actions in a particular sandbox. Select the Resource, Actions, and Sandboxes using the drop down, then select Show Results.


Resource, Actions, and Sandboxes are not mandatory fields. Only one Resource can be selected for each report. An action or sandbox can be removed once added by selecting the ‘x’ beside the selection you would like to remove.

The Resource, Actions, Sandboxes drop downs, and Show Results highlighted

A list of roles is reported based on the criteria selected. Use the filter menu on the left to update the attributes and results. For more information on a specific role, select the role from the list.

The following information is displayed for each role matching your criteria:

Attribute Description
Description A brief descrition of the role.
Labels A list of labels associated with the role.
Sandboxes A list of Sanboxes containing this role.
Modified at The date and timestamp of when the role was last updated.
Created at The date and timestamp of when the role was created.
Created by Details of the creator of the role.

The generated report based on the attributes selected highlighted

Next steps

You have now learnt how to generate reports for users and roles. To learn more about attribute-based access control, see the attribute-based access control overview.

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