Select a product profile to manage its access control permissions

Last update: 2024-12-19
  • Created for:
  • Admin

In order to configure access control for Experience Platform through the Adobe Admin Console, you must be an administrator for an organization that has a subscription to Experience Platform. While Adobe supports flexible administrator hierarchies for organizations, you must have system administrator, product administrator, or product profile administrator privileges to configure access control. See the Adobe Help Center article on administrative roles for more information.

If you do not have admin privileges, contact your system administrator to gain access.

Once you have admin privileges, go to Adobe Admin Console and sign in using your Adobe credentials. Once logged in, the Overview page appears for the organization you have admin privileges for. This page shows the products that your organization is subscribed to, along with other controls to add users and admins to the organization as a whole. Select Adobe Experience Platform to open the access control workspace for your Platform integration.


The access control workspace for Adobe Experience Platform appears, opening on the Product Profiles tab. This tab allows you to view all product profiles and manage various settings as outlined in this document.


This user guide focuses on how to use the Admin Console to assign access permissions for Platform. For more general information on how to navigate the Admin Console, see the Admin Console user guide.

Next steps

Once you have navigated the access control workspace, proceed to the next step to create a new product profile

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