Create a new product profile in Adobe Admin Console

Last update: 2023-01-06
  • Created for:
  • Admin

To start creating a new profile, navigate to the Product Profiles tab and select New Profile.


The Create a new product profile dialog appears, prompting you to enter a profile, an optional display name, and an optional description. Under User Notifications, you can toggle whether users will be notified by email when they are added or removed from the profile.

When finished, select Next.


The next screen prompts you to choose which Platform services to include in the profile. Select the toggle button next to a service to disable it. If a service is disabled, all functions associated with that service will not be available to users assigned to this product profile. When finished, select Save.


Customers entitled to the B2B or B2P Edition have access to B2B UI. B2B UI can be provisioned for users through the Enable services menu. Select the toggle beside B2B UI to enable the service for a particular product profile, and then select Save.

The B2B UI toggle enables users to view B2B workflows around managing Accounts and Opportunities, as well as create B2B related segments. For more information, see the documentation on Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform B2B Edition.


The new product profile is successfully created, and you are redirected to the profile’s edit permissions page. See the sections on managing permissions and managing users for more details on how to manage product profiles once they are created.

Next steps

With a new product profile created, you can proceed to the next step to manage permissions for a product profile

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