Access AI Assistant in Experience Platform

Last update: 2024-11-20
  • Created for:
  • Admin

You can access AI Assistant across several applications in Adobe Experience Cloud.


If you receive a pop up message in permissions UI that informs you that your organization must first agree to additional legal terms in order to gain access to AI Assistant, then contact your Adobe account team for guidance on these terms.

Access to AI Assistant is governed by the following parameters:

  • Access the application: You can access AI Assistant in Adobe Experience Platform, Adobe Real-Time CDP, Adobe Journey Optimizer, and Customer Journey Analytics.
  • Permissions: Use the Permissions UI to grant or revoke access to AI Assistant in your organization. In order to use AI Assistant, a given user must belong to a role that is provisioned with the Enable AI Assistant and View Operational Insights permissions.
    • As an administrator, you can add the Enable AI Assistant to a given role and add a user to that role, to allow them to access AI Assistant in your organization.
    • As an administrator, you can add the View Operational Insights to a given role and add a user to that role, to allow them to use AI Assistant’s operational insights capabilities. Operational insights are currently in beta.

The permissions UI page with the Enable AI Assistant and View Operational Insights permissions included in a given role.

Use the permissions UI to grant permissions to use AI Assistant in Experience Platform and Journey Optimizer. For information on how to access AI Assistant in Customer Journey Analytics. Read the documentation in Customer Journey Analytics.

Once you have the necessary permissions, you can access AI Assistant by selecting the AI Assistant icon on the top header of the application that you are using.

AI Assistant with first-time user experience.

Get access to AI Assistant

Watch the following video to learn how to configure access to AI Assistant for your organizations and users.

Next steps

Once you have complete access to AI Assistant, you can proceed to using the feature during your workflows, read the AI Assistant UI guide for more information.

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