User access

Last update: 2024-11-15
  • Created for:
  • Developer

Give users access to Assurance by adding them to any product profile in Adobe Experience Platform by completing the following steps in the Adobe Admin Console:

Adding users to Adobe Experience Platform through a product profile

To add a user to a product profile, log into the Adobe Admin Console. From the Overview tab of the Admin Console UI, select Add users.

The Admin Console page with Add users highlighted.

The Add users to your team dialog appears. Enter the email or username of the person you want to add, then select Add as a new user.

The email or username textbox is highlighted in the Add users dialog.

Two text boxes appear to enter an optional First name and an optional Last name. The SSO username is auto-filled, along with the Country inside the dropdown. Ensure both of these options are correct and make any needed adjustments. Once everything is correct, select Products.

The three name and country fields are highlighted in the Add users dialog.

The Select product dialog appears. Select the Adobe Experience Platform.

Select products dialog with a list of three products and the Adobe Experience Platform option highlighted.

The Select product profiles dialog appears, with a list of product profiles. Select any product profile, then select Apply. You may add additional products and product profiles by repeating these steps.

An option selected and highlighted in the Select product profiles dialog.

Double check everything is correct for the user. From here you can add additional users, or save your changes by selecting Save.

Add users to your team dialog with all the information filled in and Save selected.

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