The Analytics Events provides a richer view of SDK events to users debugging and validating their Adobe Analytics implementation. The view shows events sent to Adobe Analytics from the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network SDK as well as the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK. The view also features a details panel, which provides context on how the event was processed by the client SDK and by the upstream services after it left the device.
To use this view, complete the following steps:
Use the Analytics Edge view if you are using Edge Network or Edge Bridge mobile extensions. This view is enabled when the “Analytics Edge View” toggle switch in the top right corner is activated, displaying the Analytics events sent via Edge network in your current session. This includes all events that have been fired by Lifecycle extension, Edge extension, and/or Edge Bridge extension.
The Analytics Edge view contains information on Analytics-related Edge events and Lifecycle events dispatched by the client. By choosing an event in the list, the event detail view panel on the right displays the events that were processed by the client SDK and by the upstream service after they left the device. This allows you to easily view the chain of events that resulted from a call.
The Post-Processed Data event in the list confirms that the data has been successfully processed and sent to the Adobe Analytics. If this event or any processed data is missing, users can expand each event in the list to view detailed debugging information.
For an Edge request event or an Analytics track event, the detailed view contains the following information:
The Analytics Edge validation view allows you to easily see the results on validation scripts related to Analytics Edge session. Errors displayed by validators may contain links to where they should be fixed or display events that are in an error state.
Use the Analytics Event View if you are using the Adobe Analytics mobile extension. This view allows you to easily see Analytics Events sent from your connected client, including Track Action, Track State, and Lifecycle events. This view is active when the “Analytics Edge View” toggle on the top right is disabled.
By selecting one of the Analytics events in the event table, details of how the event was processed can be viewed on the right panel.
After the SDK makes a network request with Adobe Analytics, the status will tell you if Assurance was able to retrieve the post-processing information for the Adobe Analytics request. The Analytics Events view must remain active while the post-processing status is in operation after the request has been triggered.
Please note that in order to retrieve post-processing information, the logged-in user must have access to the corresponding report suite.
Status | Description |
Queued |
The network request is fetching the post-processing information. |
Processed |
The network request was successful, and the post-processing information is received. |
Delayed |
The maximum number of requests retries to fetch the post-processing information has been exceeded. |
Error |
An error caused the network request to fail. More details about the error are displayed in the event details view. |
Unauthorized |
The user does not have access to the Adobe Analytics report suite. |
Unavailable |
The Adobe Analytics request does not have a corresponding AnalyticsResponse event. |
No Debug Flag |
The current Adobe Analytics or Assurance SDK version might not support the Analytics Debugging feature. For more information, please read the Troubleshooting guide. |
Expired |
The AnalyticsTrack or LifecycleStart event is older than 24 hours. |
For an Analytics track event, the detailed view contains the following parts:
The validation view allows you to easily see the results on validation scripts related to Analytics. Errors displayed by validators may contain links to where they should be fixed or display events that are in an error state.