Edge Delivery View in Assurance

Last update: 2024-06-10
  • Created for:
  • Developer

The Edge Delivery view inside Adobe Experience Platform Assurance provides the ability to inspect and validate AJO Inbound edge delivery of messages to your web and mobile apps. This view is particularly useful for troubleshooting the delivery of AJO Inbound web and mobile campaigns and journeys.

Getting started

Before continuing, please ensure you have access to the following services:

To learn how to install Assurance in your application, please read the implementing Assurance guide.

Use Assurance with Edge Delivery

Once you open an Assurance session, you can add the Edge Delivery view to Assurance. At the bottom of the left panel, select Configure to add the Edge Delivery view and Save it.

Add the plug-in by selecting Configure on the bottom left

Once added, select the Edge Delivery view in the Adobe Journey Optimizer section to validate Inbound edge delivery.

Edge Delivery can be accessed in Adobe Journey Optimizer view group

Request list

On the main pane of the view, the list of edge delivery requests is displayed. This list shows all Inbound AJO requests made to Experience Edge and processed by the Inbound Delivery Service, including requests to retrieve personalization decisions, as well as track personalization proposition interactions (such as display, click, trigger, or dismiss).

Requests are ordered by timestamp, with the most recent requests at the top. In addition to the timestamp, the list also includes a Request ID column, as well as Request Type, which can be one of the following:

  • Experience Delivery: A request to retrieve personalization decisions
  • Experience Interactions: A request to track personalization proposition interactions
  • Experience Delivery & Interactions: A request to retrieve personalization decisions also including personalization proposition interactions
  • Preview Delivery: A request to retrieve Preview personalization decisions

Requests can also be filtered by entering a search term in the search bar at the top of the list. This is useful when filtering by specific values, like IDs.

The list of Inbound requests is shown in the main view

Detailed request views

Once a request is selected in the main view, detailed information about the selected request is displayed on the right. This view includes the following sections:

Request overview

This section provides a high-level overview of the selected request, including Organization ID, Edge cluster, Request ID and Request type, Sandbox ID, Sandbox name, Datastream ID, as well as the list of request surfaces in case of Experience Delivery requests.

Request overview section provides high-level request details


This section provides information about the profile data used when processing the request, including the identity map, segment membership, and consent settings.
The Profile section is very helpful when troubleshooting issues like delivery not working as expected due to missing or delayed segment membership or opt-out consent settings.

Profile section includes the identity map, segment membership, and consent settings

Qualified activities

This section provides a list of activities that were qualified for the selected request, including the activity type, IDs, identity namespace, surfaces, schedule, and audiences. More detailed information about the activity can be found in the raw execution trace section.

Qualified activities section contains the details of qualified activities

Unqualified activities

This section provides a list of activities that were excluded from being qualified. In addition to the activity type, IDs, identity namespaces, surfaces, schedules, and audiences, this section also includes a list of reasons the activity was unqualified.

Unqualified activities section contains unqualified activity details and exclusion reasons

Message details

This section provides detailed information about the messages that were delivered for the selected request. It includes message IDs, fragments, decision policies, Offer Decisioning parameters, as well as the message selection context.

Section containing delivered message details such as message IDs and selection context, fragments, decision policies, and decisioning parameters


This section provides detailed information about the interactions that were tracked in the selected request. It includes the interaction type (under propositionEventType), as well as associated proposition metadata, such as activity metadata (under scopeDetails.activity) and proposition event token (in scopeDetails.characteristics.eventToken).

Interactions are tracked via proposition tokens and associated activity metadata

Raw traces

This section provides the raw traces of the selected request. It includes the full trace of the request, including the actual request as it was received in Inbound Delivery Service, execution trace, and response trace. This is useful for advanced troubleshooting like delivery not working as expected due to Delivery Service unavailability, missing or incorrect data, or for understanding the full flow of request processing.


The request trace includes the full request as it was received by the Inbound Delivery Service Konductor upstream. It includes the request headers, body, and other metadata. For example, the XDM payload of the request can be inspected in the event.body.xdm field.

Detailed request information including headers and body can be found in the request trace


The execution trace includes the full trace of the request as it was processed by the Inbound Delivery Service. It shows the execution context, activity qualification, message selection, and other processing steps. Any errors or warnings that occurred during the processing of the request can be found in context.messages and context.exceptions fields. Detailed activity qualification information can be found in the context.qualifiedActivitiesDetailed and context.unqualifiedActivitiesDetailed fields.

Execution trace includes execution context, activity qualification, message selection, and other processing details


The response trace includes the full response as it was returned by Inbound Delivery Service downstream to Konductor. It includes the response headers, body, and other metadata. The full response body can be inspected by copying the message with id 1 to the clipboard using the Copy Value button and pasting it in a JSON viewer.

Response trace contains the full response body returned downstream

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