Data Science Workspace is no longer available for purchase.
This documentation is intended for existing customers with prior entitlements to Data Science Workspace.
JupyterLab is a web-based user interface for Project Jupyter and is tightly integrated into Adobe Experience Platform. It provides an interactive development environment for data scientists to work with Jupyter Notebooks, code, and data.
This document provides an overview of JupyterLab and its features as well as instructions to perform common actions.
Experience Platform’s JupyterLab integration is accompanied with architectural changes, design considerations, customized notebook extensions, pre-installed libraries, and an Adobe-themed interface.
The following list outlines some of the features that are unique to JupyterLab on Platform:
Feature | Description |
Kernels | Kernels provide notebook and other JupyterLab front-ends the ability to execute and introspect code in different programming languages. Experience Platform provides additional kernels to support development in Python, R, PySpark, and Spark. See the kernels section for more details. |
Data access | Access existing datasets directly from within JupyterLab with full support for read and write capabilities. |
Platform service integration | Built-in integrations allows you to utilize other Platform services directly from within JupyterLab. A complete list of supported integrations is provided in the section on Integration with other Platform services. |
Authentication | In addition to JupyterLab’s built-in security model, every interaction between your application and Experience Platform, including Platform service-to-service communication is encrypted and authenticated through the Adobe Identity Management System (IMS). |
Development libraries | In Experience Platform, JupyterLab provides pre-installed libraries for Python, R, and PySpark. See the appendix for a complete list of supported libraries. |
Library controller | When the pre-installed libraries are lacking for your needs, additional libraries can be installed for Python and R, and are temporarily stored in isolated containers to maintain the integrity of Platform and keep your data safe. See the kernels section for more details. |
Additional libraries are only available for the session in which they were installed. You must reinstall any additional libraries you require when starting new sessions.
Standardization and interoperability are key concepts behind Experience Platform. The integration of JupyterLab on Platform as an embedded IDE allows it to interact with other Platform services, enabling you to utilize Platform to its full potential. The following Platform services are available in JupyterLab:
Some Platform service integrations on JupyterLab are limited to specific kernels. Refer to the section on kernels for more details.
Information regarding key features of JupyterLab and instructions on performing common operations are provided in the sections below:
In Adobe Experience Platform, select Notebooks from the left navigation column. Allow some time for JupyterLab to fully initialize.
The JupyterLab interface consists of a menu bar, a collapsible left sidebar, and the main work area containing tabs of documents and activities.
Menu bar
The menu bar at the top of the interface has top-level menus that expose actions available in JupyterLab with their keyboard shortcuts:
Left sidebar
The left sidebar contains clickable tabs that provide access to the following features:
Select a tab to expose its features, or select on an expanded tab to collapse the left sidebar as demonstrated below:
Main work area
The main work area in JupyterLab enables you to arrange documents and other activities into panels of tabs that can be resized or subdivided. Drag a tab to the center of a tab panel to migrate the tab. Divide a panel by dragging a tab to the left, right, top, or bottom of the panel:
In JupyterLab select the gear icon in the top-right corner to open Notebook server configuration. You can toggle GPU on and allocate the amount of memory you need by using the slider. The amount of memory you can allocate depends on how much your organization has provisioned. Select Update configs to save.
Only one GPU is provisioned per organization for Notebooks. If the GPU is in use, you need to wait for the user that has currently reserved the GPU to release it. This can be done by logging out or leaving the GPU in an idle state for four or more hours.
In JupyterLab, you can terminate your session to prevent further resources from being used. Start by selecting the power icon , then select Shut Down from the popover that appears to terminate your session. Notebook sessions auto-terminate after 12 hours of no activity.
To restart JupyterLab, select the restart icon located directly to the left of the power icon, then select Restart from the popover that appears.
Code cells are the primary content of notebooks. They contain source code in the language of the notebook’s associated kernel and the output as a result of executing the code cell. An execution count is displayed to the right of every code cell which represents its order of execution.
Common cell actions are described below:
Add a cell: Click the plus symbol (+) from the notebook menu to add an empty cell. New cells are placed under the cell that is currently being interacted with, or at the end of the notebook if no particular cell is in focus.
Move a cell: Place your cursor to the right of the cell you wish to move, then click and drag the cell to a new location. Additionally, moving a cell from one notebook to another replicates the cell along with its contents.
Execute a cell: Click on the body of the cell you wish to execute and then click the play icon (▶) from the notebook menu. An asterisk (*) is displayed in the cell’s execution counter when the kernel is processing the execution, and is replaced with an integer upon completion.
Delete a cell: Click on the body of the cell you wish to delete and then click the scissor icon.
Notebook kernels are the language-specific computing engines for processing notebook cells. In addition to Python, JupyterLab provides additional language support in R, PySpark, and Spark (Scala). When you open a notebook document, the associated kernel is launched. When a notebook cell is executed, the kernel performs the computation and produces results which may consume significant CPU and memory resources. Note that allocated memory is not freed until the kernel is shut down.
Certain features and functionalities are limited to particular kernels as described in the table below:
Kernel | Library installation support | Platform integrations |
Python | Yes |
R | Yes |
Scala | No |
Each active notebook or activity on JupyterLab utilizes a kernel session. All active sessions can be found by expanding the Running terminals and kernels tab from the left sidebar. The type and state of the kernel for a notebook can be identified by observing the top right of the notebook interface. In the diagram below, the notebook’s associated kernel is Python 3 and the its current state is represented by a grey circle to the right. A hollow circle implies an idling kernel and a solid circle implies a busy kernel.
If the kernel is shut down or inactive for a prolonged period, then No Kernel! with a solid circle is shown. Activate a kernel by clicking the kernel status and selecting the appropriate kernel type as demonstrated below:
The customized Launcher provides you with useful notebook templates for their supported kernels to help you kickstart your task, including:
Template | Description |
Blank | An empty notebook file. |
Starter | A pre-filled notebook demonstrating data exploration using sample data. |
Retail Sales | A pre-filled notebook featuring the retail sales recipe using sample data. |
Recipe Builder | A notebook template for creating a recipe in JupyterLab. It is pre-filled with code and commentary that demonstrates and describes the recipe creation process. Refer to the notebook to recipe tutorial for a detailed walkthrough. |
Query Service | A pre-filled notebook demonstrating the usage of Query Service directly in JupyterLab with provided sample workflows that analyzes data at scale. |
XDM Events | A pre-filled notebook demonstrating data exploration on postvalue Experience Event data, focusing on features common across the data structure. |
XDM Queries | A pre-filled notebook demonstrating sample business queries on Experience Event data. |
Aggregation | A pre-filled notebook demonstrating sample workflows to aggregate large amounts of data into smaller, manageable chunks. |
Clustering | A pre-filled notebook demonstrating the end-to-end machine learning modeling process using clustering algorithms. |
Some notebook templates are limited to certain kernels. Template availability for each kernel is mapped in the following table:
Blank | Starter | Retail Sales | Recipe Builder | Query Service | XDM Events | XDM Queries | Aggregation | Clustering | |
Python | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no | no | no |
R | yes | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no |
PySpark 3 (Spark 2.4) | no | yes | no | no | no | no | yes | yes | no |
Scala | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | yes |
To open a new Launcher, click File > New Launcher. Alternatively, expand the File browser from the left sidebar and click the plus symbol (+):
To learn more about each of the supported notebooks and how to use them, visit the Jupyterlab notebooks data access developer guide. This guide focuses on how to use JupyterLab notebooks to access your data including reading, writing, and querying data. The data access guide also contains information on the maximum amount of data that can be read by each supported notebook.
For a list of supported packages in Python, R, and PySpark, copy and paste !conda list
in a new cell, then run the cell. A list of supported packages populates in alphabetical order.
In addition, the following dependencies are used but not listed: