Sorting and filtering responses in the Flow Service API

Last update: 2023-10-20
  • Created for:
  • Developer

When performing listing (GET) requests in the Flow Service API, you can use query parameters to sort and filter responses. This guide provides a reference for how to use these parameters for different use cases.


You can sort responses by using an orderby query param. The following resources can be sorted in the API:

To use the parameter, you must set its value to the specific property you want to sort by (for example, ?orderby=name). You can prepend the value with a plus sign (+) for ascending order or minus sign (-) for descending order. If no ordering prefix is provided, the list is sorted in ascending order by default.

GET /flows?orderby=name
GET /flows?orderby=-name

You can also combine a sorting parameter with a filtering parameter by using an “and” symbol (&).

GET /flows?property=state==enabled&orderby=createdAt


You can filter responses by using a property parameter with a key-value expression. For example, ?property=id==12345 only returns resources whose id property equals exactly 12345.

Filtering can be applied generically on any property in an entity as long as the valid path to that property is known.


If a property is nested within an array item, you must append square brackets ([]) to the array in the path. See the section on filtering on array properties for examples.

Return all source connections where source table name is lead:

GET /sourceConnections?property=params.tableName==lead

Return all flows for a specific segment ID:

GET /flows?property=transformations[].params.segmentSelectors.selectors[]

Combining filters

Multiple property filters can be included in a query provided they are separated by “and” characters (&). An AND relationship is assumed when combining filters, meaning that an entity must satisfy all filters in order for it to be included in the response.

Return all enabled flows for a segment ID:

GET /flows?property=transformations[].params.segmentSelectors.selectors[]

Filtering on array properties

You can filter based on the properties of items within arrays by appending [] to the name of the array property.

Return flows that are associated with specific source connections:

GET /flows?property=sourceConnectionIds[]==9874984,6980696

Return flows that have a transformation containing a specific selector value ID:

GET /flows?property=transformations[].params.segmentSelectors.selectors[]

Return source connections that have a column with a specific name value:

GET /sourceConnections?property=params.columns[].name==firstName

Look up the flow run ID for a destination by filtering on segment ID:

GET /runs?property=metrics.recordSummary.targetSummaries[].entitySummaries[].id==segment:068d6e2c-b546-4c73-bfb7-9a9d33375659


Any filtering query can be appended with count query parameter with a value of true to return the count of the results. The API response contains a count property whose value represents count of total filtered items. The actual filtered items are not returned in this call.

Return the count of enabled flows in the system:

GET /flows?property=state==enabled&count=true

The response to the above query would look like the following:

  "count": 95

Filterable properties by resource

Depending on the Flow Service entity you are retrieving, different properties can be used for filtering. The tables below break down the root-level fields for each resource that are commonly employed in filtering use cases.


Property Example
id /connectionSpecs?property=id==736873,9485095
name /connectionSpecs?property=name==TestConn
providerId /connectionSpecs?property=providerId==3897933
attributes.{ATTRIBUTE_NAME} /connectionSpecs?property=attributes.sampleAttribute="abc"


Property Example
id /flowSpecs?property=id==736873,9485095
name /flowSpecs?property=name==TestConn
providerId /flowSpecs?property=providerId==3897933


Property Example
id /connections?property=id==736873,9485095
name /connections?property=name==TestConn
description /connections?property=description==Test%20description /connections?,849048
state /connections?property=state==enabled


Property Example
id /sourceConnections?property=id==736873,9485095 /sourceConnections?,849048
baseConnectionId /sourceConnections?property=baseConnectionId==983908,4908095


Property Example
id /targetConnections?property=id==736873,9485095 /targetConnections?,849048
baseConnectionId /targetConnections?property=baseConnectionId==983908,4908095


Property Example
id /flows?property=id==736873,9485095
name /flows?property=name==TestFlow
description /flows?property=description==Test%20description /flows?,849048
state /flows?property=state==enabled
sourceConnectionIds /flows?property=sourceConnectionIds[]==9874984,6980696
targetConnectionIds /flows?property=targetConnectionIds[]==598590,690666


Property Example
id /runs?property=id==736873,9485095
flowId /runs?property=flowId==8749844
state /runs?property=state==inProgress

Use cases

Read this section for some specific examples of how you can use filtering and sorting to return information about certain connectors or to assist you in debugging issues. If there are any additional use cases that you would like Adobe to add, please use the Detailed feedback options on the page to submit a request.

Filter to return connections to a certain destination only

You can use filters to return connections to certain destinations only. First, query the connectionSpecs endpoint like below:

GET /connectionSpecs

Then, search for your desired connectionSpec by inspecting the name parameter. For example, search for Amazon Ads, or Pega, or SFTP, and so on in the name parameter. The corresponding id is the connectionSpec that you can search by in the next API call.

For example, filter your destinations to only return existing connections to Amazon S3 connections:

GET /connections?

Filter to return dataflows to destinations only

When querying the /flows endpoint, instead of returning all sources and destinations dataflows, you can use a filter to only return dataflows to destinations. To do this, use isDestinationFlow as query parameter, like this:

GET /flows?

Filter to return dataflows to a certain source or destination only

You can filter dataflows to return dataflows to a certain destination or from a certain source only. For example, filter your destinations to only return existing connections to Amazon S3 connections:

GET /flows?property=inheritedAttributes.targetConnections[]

Filter to get all runs of a dataflow for a specific time-period

You can filter dataflow runs of a dataflow to only look at runs in a certain time interval, like below:

GET /runs?property=flowId==<flow-id>&property=metrics.durationSummary.startedAtUTC>1593134665781&property=metrics.durationSummary.startedAtUTC<1653134665781

Filter to return failed dataflows only

For debugging purposes, you can filter and see all the failed dataflow runs for a certain source or destination dataflow, like below:

GET /runs?property=flowId==<flow-id>&property=metrics.statusSummary.status==Failed

Next steps

This guide covered how to use the orderby and property query parameters to sort and filter responses in the Flow Service API. For step-by-step guides on how to use the API for common workflows in Platform, see the API tutorials contained in the sources and destinations documentation.

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