Microsoft Bing connection

Last update: 2024-07-04
  • Created for:
  • Admin


Use the Microsoft Bing destination to send profile data to the entire Microsoft Advertising Network, including Display Advertising, Search, and Native.

The Microsoft Bing destination creates Custom Audiences in Microsoft. Those are available both in the Microsoft Search Network and Audience Network (Native /Display /Programmatic) as listed in the Microsoft Advertising documentation.

To send profile data to Microsoft Bing, you must first connect to the destination.

Use cases

As a marketer, I want to be able to use audiences built off of Microsoft Advertising IDs to target users via display or search advertising across Microsoft Advertising channels.

Supported identities

Microsoft Bing supports the activation of audiences based on the identities shown in the table below. Learn more about identities.

Identity Description
MAID Microsoft Advertising ID

Supported audiences

This section describes which types of audiences you can export to this destination.

Audience origin Supported Description
Segmentation Service Audiences generated through the Experience Platform Segmentation Service.
Custom uploads Audiences imported into Experience Platform from CSV files.

Export type and frequency

Audience Export - you are exporting all members of an audience to the Microsoft Bing destination.

Refer to the table below for information about the destination export type and frequency.

Item Type Notes
Export type Audience export You are exporting all members of an audience to the Microsoft Bing destination.
Export frequency Streaming Streaming destinations are “always on” API-based connections. As soon as a profile is updated in Experience Platform based on audience evaluation, the connector sends the update downstream to the destination platform. Read more about streaming destinations.



If you are looking to create your first destination with Microsoft Bing and have not enabled the ID sync functionality in Experience Cloud ID Service in the past (with Adobe Audience Manager or other applications), please reach out to Adobe Consulting or Customer Care to enable ID syncs. If you had previously set up Microsoft Bing integrations in Audience Manager, the ID syncs you had set up carry over to Platform.

When configuring the destination, you must provide the following information:

  • Account ID: this is your Bing Ads CID, in integer format.

Connect to the destination


To connect to the destination, you need the View Destinations and Manage Destinations access control permissions. Read the access control overview or contact your product administrator to obtain the required permissions.

To connect to this destination, follow the steps described in the destination configuration tutorial.

Fill in destination details

While setting up this destination, you must provide the following information:

  • Name: A name by which you will recognize this destination in the future.
  • Description: A description that will help you identify this destination in the future.
  • Account ID: Your Bing Ads Customer ID (CID). Your CID is an integer, found in the URL when you log into Microsoft Advertising.

Enable alerts

You can enable alerts to receive notifications on the status of the dataflow to your destination. Select an alert from the list to subscribe to receive notifications on the status of your dataflow. For more information on alerts, see the guide on subscribing to destinations alerts using the UI.

When you are finished providing details for your destination connection, select Next.

Activate audiences to this destination


To activate data, you need the View Destinations, Activate Destinations, View Profiles, and View Segments access control permissions. Read the access control overview or contact your product administrator to obtain the required permissions.

See Activate audience data to streaming audience export destinations for instructions on activating audiences to this destination.

In the Audience schedule step, you must manually map the audience name in the Mapping ID field. This ensures that audience metadata is correctly passed through to Bing.

UI image showing the audience schedule screen with an example of how to map the audience name to the Bing Mapping ID.

Exported data

To verify if data has been exported successfully to the Microsoft Bing destination, check your Microsoft Bing Ads account. If activation was successful, audiences are populated in your account.

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