LiveRamp - Onboarding connection

Last update: 2024-07-04
  • Created for:
  • Admin

Use the LiveRamp - Onboarding connection to onboard audiences from Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform to LiveRamp Connect.

Use cases

To help you better understand how and when you should use the LiveRamp - Onboarding destination, here is a sample use case that Adobe Experience Platform customers can solve by using this destination.

As a marketer, I want to send audiences from Adobe Experience Platform to onboard identities into LiveRamp Connect so that I can target users on mobile, open web, social, and CTV platforms, using the Ramp ID identifier.


The LiveRamp - Onboarding connection exports files using LiveRamp’s SFTP storage.

Before you can send data from Experience Platform to LiveRamp - Onboarding, you need your LiveRamp credentials. Please reach out to your LiveRamp representative to obtain your credentials, if you don’t already have them.

Supported identities

LiveRamp - Onboarding supports the activation of identities such as PII-based identifiers, known identifiers, and custom IDs, described in the official LiveRamp documentation.

In the mapping step of the activation workflow, you must define the target mappings as custom attributes.

Supported audiences

This section describes which types of audiences you can export to this destination.

Audience origin Supported Description
Segmentation Service Audiences generated through the Experience Platform Segmentation Service.
Custom uploads Audiences imported into Experience Platform from CSV files.

Export type and frequency

Refer to the table below for information about the destination export type and frequency.

Item Type Notes
Export type Audience export You are exporting all members of an audience with the identifiers (name, phone number, or others) used in the LiveRamp - Onboarding destination.
Export frequency Daily batch As profiles are updated in Experience Platform based on audience evaluation, the profiles (identities) are updated once a day downstream to the destination platform. Read more about batch file-based destinations.

Connect to the destination


To connect to the destination, you need the View Destinations and Manage Destinations access control permissions. Read the access control overview or contact your product administrator to obtain the required permissions.

To connect to this destination, follow the steps described in the destination configuration tutorial. In the configure destination workflow, fill in the fields listed in the two sections below.

Authenticate to destination

To authenticate to the destination, fill in the required fields and select Connect to destination.

SFTP authentication with password

Sample screenshot showing how to authenticate to the destination using SFTP with password

  • Port: The port used for your LiveRamp - Onboarding storage location. Use the port that corresponds to your geographical location, as described below:
    • NA: Use port 22
    • AU: Use port 2222
  • Username: The username for your LiveRamp - Onboarding storage location.
  • Password: The password for your LiveRamp - Onboarding storage location.
  • PGP/GPG encryption key: Optionally, you can attach your RSA-formatted public key to add encryption to your exported files. View an example of a correctly formatted encryption key in the image below.
    Image showing an example of a correctly formatted PGP key in the UI
  • Subkey ID:If you provide an encryption key, you must also provide an encryption Subkey ID. See the LiveRamp encryption documentation to learn how to obtain the subkey ID.

SFTP with SSH key authentication

Sample screenshot showing how to authenticate to the destination using SSH key

  • Port: The port used for your LiveRamp - Onboarding storage location. Use the port that corresponds to your geographical location, as described below:

    • EU: Use port 4222
  • Username: The username for your LiveRamp - Onboarding storage location.

  • SSH Key: The private SSH key used to log in to your LiveRamp - Onboarding storage location. The private key must be formatted as a Base64-encoded string and must not be password protected.

    • To connect your SSH key to the LiveRamp - Onboarding server, you must submit a ticket through LiveRamp’s technical support portal, and provide your public key. See more information in the LiveRamp documentation.
  • PGP/GPG encryption key: Optionally, you can attach your RSA-formatted public key to add encryption to your exported files. View an example of a correctly formatted encryption key in the image below.
    Image showing an example of a correctly formatted PGP key in the UI

  • Subkey ID:If you provide an encryption key, you must also provide an encryption Subkey ID. See the LiveRamp encryption documentation to learn how to obtain the subkey ID.

Fill in destination details

To configure details for the destination, fill in the required and optional fields below. An asterisk next to a field in the UI indicates that the field is required.

Platform UI screenshot showing how to fill in details for your destination

  • Name: A name by which you will recognize this destination in the future.
  • Description: A description that will help you identify this destination in the future.
  • Region: Geographic region for your instance of the LiveRamp SFTP storage.
  • Folder path: The path to the LiveRamp uploads subfolder that will host the exported files. The uploads prefix is automatically added to the folder path. LiveRamp recommends creating a dedicated subfolder for deliveries from Adobe Real-Time CDP to keep the files separate from any other existing feeds and to ensure all automation runs smoothly.
    • For example, if you want to export your files to uploads/my_export_folder, type in my_export_folder in the Folder path field.
  • Compression format: Select the compression type that Experience Platform should use for the exported files. Available options are GZIP or None.

Enable alerts

You can enable alerts to receive notifications on the status of the dataflow to your destination. Select an alert from the list to subscribe to receive notifications on the status of your dataflow. For more information on alerts, read the guide on subscribing to destinations alerts using the UI.

When you are finished providing details for your destination connection, select Next.

Activate audiences to this destination


To activate data, you need the View Destinations, Activate Destinations, View Profiles, and View Segments access control permissions. Read the access control overview or contact your product administrator to obtain the required permissions.

Read Activate audience data to batch profile export destinations for instructions on activating audiences to this destination.


In the Scheduling step, create an export schedule for each audience, with the settings shown below.

  • File export options: Export full files. Incremental file exports are currently not supported for the LiveRamp destination.
  • Frequency: Daily
  • Date: Select the export start and end times as you wish.

Platform UI screenshot showing the audience scheduling step.

The exported file name is currently not user-configurable. All files exported to the LiveRamp - Onboarding destination are automatically named based on the following template:


Platform UI screenshot showing the exported file name template.

For example, the name of an exported file for an organization named Luma could look similar to this:


Map attributes and identities

In the Mapping step, you can select which attributes and identities you want to export for your profiles.


This destination supports the activation of one source identity namespace per activation flow. If you need to export multiple identity namespaces, like Email and Phone, you must create a separate activation flow for each identity.

In the Mapping step, the Target field mapping defines the name of the column header in the exported CSV file. You can change the CSV column headers in the exported file to any friendly name that you want, by providing a custom name for the Target field.


For any changes made to the target fields after your initial file delivery to LiveRamp, please notify your LiveRamp account team or submit a ticket to LiveRamp Support to ensure the changes are reflected in the automation process.

  1. In the Mapping step, select Add new mapping. You will see a new mapping row on the screen.

    Experience Platform UI screeshot showing the Mapping screen.

  2. In the Select source field window, choose the Select attributes category and select the XDM attribute that you want to map, or choose the Select identity namespace category and select an identity to map to your destination.

    Experience Platform UI screeshot showing the source Mapping screen.

  3. In the Select target field window, enter the attribute name that you want to map the selected source field to. The attribute name defined here will reflect in the exported CSV file as a column header.

    Experience Platform UI screeshot showing the target Mapping screen.

    You can also input the attribute name by typing it directly into the Target field.

    Experience Platform UI screeshot showing the target Mapping screen.

Once you’ve added all your desired mappings, select Next and finish the activation workflow.

Exported data / Validate data export

Your data is exported to the LiveRamp - Onboarding storage location that you configured, as CSV files.

Exported files have a maximum size of 10 million rows. Experience Platform generates multiple files per delivery if the selected audiences exceed 10 million rows. If you expect to exceed the single file limit, contact your LiveRamp representative and ask them to configure batch ingestion for you.

When exporting files to the LiveRamp - Onboarding destination, Platform generates one CSV file for each merge policy ID.

For example, let’s consider the following audiences:

  • Audience A (Merge policy 1)
  • Audience B (Merge policy 2)
  • Audience C (Merge policy 1)
  • Audience D (Merge policy 1)

Platform will export two CSV files to LiveRamp - Onboarding:

  • One CSV file containing audiences A, C, and D;
  • One CSV file containing audience B.

Exported CSV files contain profiles with the selected attributes and the corresponding audience status, on separate columns, with the attribute name, and audience_namespace:audience_ID pairs as column headers, as shown in the example below:


The profiles included in the exported files can match one the following audience qualification statuses:

  • Active: The profile is currently qualified for the audience.
  • Expired: The profile is no longer qualified for the audience, but has qualified in the past.
  • ""(empty string): The profile never qualfied for the audience.

For instance, an exported CSV file with one email attribute, two audiences originating from the Experience Platform Segmentation Service, and one imported external audience, could look like this:


In the example above, the ups_aa2e3d98-974b-4f8b-9507-59f65b6442df and ups_45d4e762-6e57-4f2f-a3e0-2d1893bcdd7f sections describe audiences originating from the Segmentation Service, while CustomerAudienceUpload_7729e537-4e42-418e-be3b-dce5e47aaa1e describes an audience imported into Platform as a custom upload.

Since Platform generates one CSV file for each merge policy ID, it also generates a separate dataflow run for each merge policy ID.

This means that the Identities activated and Profiles received metrics in the dataflow runs page are aggregated for each group of audiences that use the same merge policy, instead of being displayed for each audience.

As a consequence of dataflow runs being generated for a group of audiences that use the same merge policy, the audience names are not displayed in the monitoring dashboard.

Experience Platform UI screeshot showing the identities activated metric.

Upload exported data to LiveRamp

After your data was successfully exported to the LiveRamp - Onboarding storage, you must upload the data to the LiveRamp platform.

For more information on how to upload your files from the LiveRamp - Onboarding storage to a LiveRamp audience, see the following documentation: Considerations When Uploading the First File to an Audience.

Data usage and governance

All Adobe Experience Platform destinations are compliant with data usage policies when handling your data. For detailed information on how Adobe Experience Platform enforces data governance, read the Data Governance overview.

Additional resources

For more details on how to configure your LiveRamp - Onboarding storage, see the official documentation.


This section captures the functionality and significant documentation updates made to this destination connector.

 View changelog
Release month Update type Description
March 2024 Functionality and documentation update
  • Added support for deliveries to Europe and Australia LiveRamp SFTP instances.
  • Updated documentation to describe specific configurations for newly supported regions.
  • Increased maximum file size to 10 million rows (from 5 million, previously).
  • Updated documentation to reflect increased file sizes.
July 2023 Initial release Initial destination release and documentation published.

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