Pinterest Customer List connection

Last update: 2024-11-20
  • Created for:
  • Admin


Create audiences from your customer lists, people who’ve visited your site or people who have already interacted with your content on Pinterest.


This destination was built by the Pinterest team. For any inquiries or update requests, please contact them directly at


  • The user would need to authenticate with a Pinterest account which has access to the advertiser account they want to add an audience to. Details on sharing advertiser accounts can be found here. Specifically, the user would need the “audience” access levels.
  • Details on customer list identity formats can be found here.

Supported identities

The Pinterest Customer List destination supports the activation of identities described in the table below. Learn more about identities.

In the mapping step of the destination activation workflow, map the desired identities to the target field pinterest_audience. Identities are distinguished and resolved upon data ingestion into Pinterest.

Target Identity Description Considerations
GAID Google Advertising ID Map the GAID source identity namespace to the target identity field pinterest_audience. Identities are distinguished and resolved upon data ingestion into Pinterest.
IDFA Apple ID for Advertisers Map the IDFA source identity namespace to the target identity field pinterest_audience. Identities are distinguished and resolved upon data ingestion into Pinterest.
EMAIL Email addresses (clear text or hashed with the SHA256 algorithm) Both plain text and SHA256 hashed email addresses are supported by Adobe Experience Platform.
Map the Email or Email_LC_SHA256 source identity namespace to the target identity field pinterest_audience.

Export type and frequency

Refer to the table below for information about the destination export type and frequency.

Item Type Notes
Export type Audience export You are exporting all members of an audience with the identifiers (name, phone number, or others) used in the Pinterest Customer List destination.
Export frequency Streaming Streaming destinations are “always on” API-based connections. As soon as a profile is updated in Experience Platform based on audience evaluation, the connector sends the update downstream to the destination platform. Read more about streaming destinations.

Use Cases

To help you better understand how and when you should use the Pinterest Customer List destination, here are sample use cases that Adobe Experience Platform customers can solve by using this destination.

Use Case #1

Create audiences from your customer lists, people who’ve visited your site or people who have already interacted with your content on Pinterest.

Connect to destination


To connect to the destination, you need the View Destinations and Manage Destinations access control permissions. Read the access control overview or contact your product administrator to obtain the required permissions.

To connect to this destination, follow the steps described in the destination configuration tutorial.

Connection parameters

When setting up this destination, you must provide the following information:

  • Name: A name by which you will recognize this destination in the future.
  • Description: A description that will help you identify this destination in the future.
  • Ad Account ID: Your Pinterest advertiser ID.

Refresh authentication credentials

Pinterest tokens expire every 30 days. Once the token is expired, data exports to the destination stop working. To prevent this situation, reauthenticate by performing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Destinations > Accounts
  2. (Optional) Use the available filters on the page to display Pinterest accounts only.
    Filter to show Pinterest accounts only
  3. Select the account that you want to refresh, select the ellipsis and select Edit details.
    Select Edit details control
  4. In the modal window, select Reconnect OAuth and reauthenticate with your Pinterest credentials.
    Modal window with Reconnect OAuth option

Your authentication credentials are refreshed and their expiration time is reset to 30 days.

Enable alerts

You can enable alerts to receive notifications on the status of the dataflow to your destination. Select an alert from the list to subscribe to receive notifications on the status of your dataflow. For more information on alerts, see the guide on subscribing to destinations alerts using the UI.

When you are finished providing details for your destination connection, select Next.

Activate audiences to this destination


Read Activate profiles and audiences to streaming audience export destinations for instructions on activating audiences to this destination.

Data usage and governance

All Adobe Experience Platform destinations are compliant with data usage policies when handling your data. For detailed information on how Adobe Experience Platform enforces data governance, see the Data Governance overview.

Additional resources

Please refer to the Pinterest Help Center page for additional information.

 View changelog
Release month Update type Description
November 2023 Functionality and documentation update The Pinterest destination in Real-Time CDP now uses the v5 Advertiser API.

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