The Trade Desk - CRM connection

Last update: 2025-01-15
  • Created for:
  • Admin

With the release of EUID (European Unified ID), you are now seeing two The Trade Desk - CRM destinations in the destinations catalog.

  • If you source data in the EU, please use the The Trade Desk - CRM (EU) destination.
  • If you source data in the APAC or NAMER regions, please use the The Trade Desk - CRM (NAMER & APAC) destination.

This destination connector and documentation page are created and maintained by the Trade Desk team. For any inquiries or update requests, please contact your Trade Desk representative.


Understand how you can activate profiles to your Trade Desk account for audience targeting and suppression based on CRM data.

This connector sends data to the The Trade Desk first-party endpoint. The integration between Adobe Experience Platform and The Trade Desk does not support exporting data to the The Trade Desk third-party endpoint.

The Trade Desk(TTD) does not directly handle the upload file of email addresses at any time nor does The Trade Desk store your raw (unhashed) emails.


Use The Trade Desk CRM destinations for CRM data mapping, like email or hashed email address. Use the other Trade Desk destination in the Adobe Experience Platform catalog for cookies and device ID mappings.



Before you can activate audiences to The Trade Desk, you must contact your Trade Desk account manager to sign the CRM Onboarding contract. The Trade Desk will enable use of UID2 / EUID and share other details to help you configure your destination.

ID Matching Requirements

Depending on the type of IDs that you ingest into Adobe Experience Platform, you must adhere to their corresponding requirements. Please read the Identity Namespace overview for more information.

Supported identities

The Trade Desk supports the activation of identities described in the table below. Learn more about identities.

Both plain text and SHA256 hashed email addresses are supported by Adobe Experience Platform. Follow the instructions in the ID matching requirements section and use the appropriate namespaces for plain text and hashed email addresses, respectively.

Target Identity Description Considerations
Email Email addresses (clear text) Input email as the target identity when your source identity is an Email namespace or attribute.
Email_LC_SHA256 Email addresses need to be hashed using SHA256 and lowercased. You won’t be able to change this setting later. Input hashed_email as the target identity when your source identity is an Email_LC_SHA256 namespace or attribute.

Email hashing requirements

You can hash email addresses before ingesting them into Adobe Experience Platform or use raw email addresses.

To learn about ingesting email addresses in Experience Platform, read the batch ingestion overview.

If you select to hash the email addresses yourself, make sure to comply with the following requirements:

  • Remove leading and trailing spaces.
  • Convert all ASCII characters to lowercase.
  • In email addresses, remove the following characters from the username part of the email address:
    • The period (. (ASCII code 46)). For example, normalize to
    • The plus sign (+ (ASCII code 43)) and all subsequent characters. For example, normalize to

Export type and frequency

Refer to the table below for information about the destination export type and frequency.

Item Type Notes
Export type Audience export You are exporting all members of an audience with the identifiers (email or hashed email) used in the Trade Desk destination.
Export frequency Daily Batch As a profile is updated in Experience Platform based on audience evaluation, the profile (identities) are updated once a day downstream to the destination platform. Read more about batch exports.

Connect to the destination

Authenticate to Destination

The Trade Desk CRM Destination is a daily batch file upload and does not require authentication by the user.

Fill in Destination Details

Before you can send, or activate, audience data to a destination, you must set up a connection to your own destination platform. While setting up this destination, you must provide the following information:

  • Account Type: Please choose the Existing Account option.
  • Name: A name by which you will recognize this destination in the future.
  • Description: A description that will help you identify this destination in the future.
  • Advertiser ID: your Trade Desk Advertiser ID, which can either be shared by your Trade Desk Account Manager or be found under Advertiser Preferences in the Trade Desk UI.

Platform UI screenshot showing how to fill in destination details.

When connecting to the destination, setting a data governance policy is completely optional. Please review the Experience Platform data governance overview for more details.

Activate audiences to this destination


Read activate audience data to batch profile export destinations for instructions on activating audiences to a destination.

In the Scheduling page, you can configure the schedule and the file names for each audience you are exporting. Configuring the schedule is mandatory, but configuring the file name is optional.

Platform UI screenshot to schedule audience activation.


All audiences activated to The Trade Desk CRM Destination are automatically set to a daily frequency and full file export.

Platform UI screenshot to schedule audience activation.

In the Mapping page, you must select attributes or identity namespaces from the source column and map to the target column.

Platform UI screenshot to map audience activation.

Below is an example of correct identity mapping when activating audiences to The Trade Desk CRM destination.


The Trade Desk CRM Destination does not accept raw and hashed email addresses as identities in the same activation flow. Create separate activation flows for raw and hashed email addresses.

Selecting source fields:

  • Select the Email namespace or attribute as source identity if using the raw email address on data ingestion.
  • Select the Email_LC_SHA256 namespace or attribute as source identity if you hashed customer email addresses on data ingestion into Platform.

Selecting target fields:

  • Input email as target identity when your source namespace or attribute is Email.
  • Input hashed_email as target identity when your source namespace or attribute is Email_LC_SHA256.

Validate Data Export

To validate that data is correctly exported out of Experience Platform and into The Trade Desk, please find the audiences under the Adobe 1PD data tile within The Trade Desk Data Management Platform (DMP). Here are the steps to finding the corresponding ID within the Trade Desk UI:

  1. First, select the Data tab, and review the First-Party section.
  2. Scroll down the page, under Imported Data, you will find the Adobe 1PD Tile.
  3. Click on theAdobe 1PD tile, and it will list out all audiences activated to the Trade Desk destination for your advertiser. You may also use the search function.
  4. The Segment ID # from Experience Platform will appear as the Segment Name in the Trade Desk UI.

Data usage and governance

All Adobe Experience Platform destinations are compliant with data usage policies when handling your data. For detailed information on how Adobe Experience Platform enforces data governance, see the Data Governance overview.

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