RainFocus Attendee Profiles

Last update: 2024-12-17
  • Created for:
  • Admin


Use the RainFocus Attendee Profiles destination to stream customer profiles from Adobe Experience Platform into the RainFocus platform in order to create and update attendee profiles.


The destination connector and documentation page are created and maintained by the RainFocus team. For any inquiries or update requests, please contact them directly at clientcare@rainfocus.com or visit the RainFocus Help Center.

Use cases

To help you better understand how and when you should use the RainFocus destination, here are sample use cases that Adobe Experience Platform customers can solve by using this destination.

Use case #1

A large enterprise technology company is due to open registration for its upcoming global expo and would like to push customer profiles to RainFocus in order to streamline the registration process.

Use case #2

A financial services brand is due to host a series of roadshows targeting new and existing customers. They have a series of audience segments with target customers in Adobe Experience Platform. Using the RainFocus Destination Connector, they are able to easily send those profiles to RainFocus for activation.


Before you can use the RainFocus destination, make sure to meet the following prerequisites:

  • Create a RainFocus API Profile with OAuth (Global).
    • The Attendee Store endpoint must be enabled.
    • A Client ID and Client Secret will need to be generated.

You must also have a RainFocus event code identifier, into which you would like profiles sent to.

Supported identities

RainFocus supports the activation of identities described in the table below. Learn more about identities.

Target Identity Description Considerations
email_lc_sha256 Email addresses hashed with the SHA256 algorithm Both plain text and SHA256 hashed email addresses are supported by Adobe Experience Platform. When your source field contains unhashed attributes, check the Apply transformation option, to have Platform automatically hash the data on activation.

Supported audiences

This section describes which type of audiences you can export to this destination.

Audience origin Supported Description
Segmentation Service Audiences generated through the Experience Platform Segmentation Service.
Custom uploads Audiences imported into Experience Platform from CSV files.

Export type and frequency

Refer to the table below for information about the destination export type and frequency.

Item Type Notes
Export type Profile-based You are exporting all members of a segment, together with the desired schema fields (for example: email address, phone number, last name), as chosen in the select profile attributes screen of the destination activation workflow.
Export frequency Streaming Streaming destinations are “always on” API-based connections. As soon as a profile is updated in Experience Platform based on segment evaluation, the connector sends the update downstream to the destination platform. Read more about streaming destinations.

Connect to the destination


To connect to the destination, you need the View Destinations and Manage Destinations access control permission. Read the access control overview or contact your product administrator to obtain the required permissions.

To connect to this destination, follow the steps described in the destination configuration tutorial. In the configure destination workflow, fill in the fields listed in the two sections below.

Authenticate to destination

To authenticate to the destination, fill in the required fields and select Connect to destination.

Provide authentication details for the RainFocus Destination Connector

  • Client ID: Fill in the Client ID provided by RainFocus API Profile.
  • Client secret: Fill in the Client Secret provided by RainFocus API Profile.
  • Environment: Specify which RainFocus environment you are connecting to, for example dev, prod.
  • Org ID: Provide the unique orgid for your instance of RainFocus.

Fill in destination details

To configure details for the destination, fill in the required and optional fields below. An asterisk next to a field in the UI indicates that the field is required.

Provide connection details for the RainFocus Destination Connector

  • Name: A name by which you will recognize this destination in the future.
  • Description: A description that will help you identify this destination in the future.
  • Event ID: Your RainFocus event code identifier, into which you would like profiles sent to.

Enable alerts

You can enable alerts to receive notifications on the status of the dataflow to your destination. Select an alert from the list to subscribe to receive notifications on the status of your dataflow. For more information on alerts, see the guide on subscribing to destinations alerts using the UI.

When you are finished providing details for your destination connection, select Next.

Activate segments to this destination


Read Activate profiles and segments to streaming segment export destinations for instructions on activating audience segments to this destination.

Map attributes and identities

The following target identity namespace(s) must be mapped depending on the use case:

  • Email must be mapped as a target field using Target field > Select identity namespace > email

How to map profile and identity fields

It is recommended to map additional profile fields, as this will ensure the attendee profile in RainFocus is fully populated. The following target fields are available from RainFocus:

Target Field Description
address1 The first line of the street address
address2 The second line of the street address (if applicable)
city The city name
companyname The name of the company
countryid An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code identifier for the country
email The email address
firstname The person’s first name
lastname The person’s last name
jobtitle The person’s job title
phone The phone number
state The FIPS state alpha code for the state or province
zip The postal code or ZIP code

Exported data / Validate data export

Once a set of profiles has been sent to RainFocus, use the API Profile logging in RainFocus to validate that the profiles have been ingested successfully.

View logs in the API Profile in RainFocus

Validate that profiles have been successfully ingested

Data usage and governance

All Adobe Experience Platform destinations are compliant with data usage policies when handling your data. For detailed information on how Adobe Experience Platform enforces data governance, read the Data Governance overview.

Additional resources

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