Pega Profile Connector

Last update: 2024-01-22
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Use the Pega Profile Connector in Adobe Experience Platform to create a live outbound connection to your Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 storage to periodically export profile data to CSV files from Adobe Experience Platform into your own S3 buckets. In Pega Customer Decision Hub, you can schedule data jobs to import this profile data from S3 storage to update the Pega Customer Decision Hub profile.

This connector helps set up the initial export of profile data and also helps sync up new profiles periodically into Pega Customer Decision Hub. Having up-to-date data in Customer Decision Hub provides a better and updated view of your customer base for next-best-action decisioning.


This destination connector and documentation page are created and maintained by Pegasystems. For any inquiries or update requests, please contact Pega directly here.

Use cases

To help you better understand how and when you should use the Pega Profile Connector destination, here are sample use cases that Adobe Experience Platform customers can solve by using this destination.

Use case 1

A marketer wants to initially set up Pega Customer Decision Hub with profile data loaded from Adobe Experience Platform. This is an initial full load followed by delta loads on a scheduled basis.

Use case 2

A marketer wants up-to-date profile data from Adobe Experience Platform available in Pega Customer Decision Hub that enhances the Pega insights around customer profiles on an ongoing basis.


Before you can use this destination to export data out of Adobe Experience Platform and import profiles into Pega Customer Decision Hub, make sure you complete the following prerequisites:

  • Configure Amazon S3 bucket and the folder path to be used for export and import of data files.
  • Configure the Amazon S3 access key and Amazon S3 secret key: In Amazon S3, generate an access key - secret access key pair to grant Platform access to your Amazon S3 account.
  • To successfully connect and export data to your Amazon S3 storage location, create an Identity and Access Management (IAM) user for Platform in Amazon S3 and assign permissions such as s3:DeleteObject, s3:GetBucketLocation, s3:GetObject, s3:ListBucket, s3:PutObject, s3:ListMultipartUploadParts
  • Make sure your Pega Customer Decision Hub instance is upgraded to 8.8 version or higher.

Supported identities

Pega Customer Decision Hub supports the activation of custom user IDs described in the table below. For more details, see identities.

Target Identity Description
CustomerID Common User Identifier that uniquely identifies a profile in Pega Customer Decision Hub and Adobe Experience Platform

Export type and frequency

Refer to the table below for information about the destination export type and frequency.

Item Type Notes
Export type Profile-based You are exporting all members of a segment, together with the desired schema fields (for example: email address, phone number, last name), as chosen in the select profile attributes screen of the destination activation workflow.
Export frequency Batch Batch destinations export files to downstream platforms in increments of three, six, eight, twelve, or twenty-four hours. Read more about batch file-based destinations.

Connect to the destination


To connect to the destination, you need the View Destinations and Manage Destinations access control permissions. Read the access control overview or contact your product administrator to obtain the required permissions.

To connect to this destination, follow the steps described in the destination configuration tutorial. In the destination configuration workflow, fill in the fields listed in the two sections below.

Authenticate to destination

To authenticate to the destination, fill in the required fields and select Connect to destination.

  • Amazon S3 access key and Amazon S3 secret key: In Amazon S3, generate an access key - secret access key pair to grant Adobe Experience Platform access to your Amazon S3 account. Learn more in the Amazon Web Services documentation.

Fill in destination details

After establishing the authentication connection to Amazon S3, provide the following information for the destination:

Image of the UI screen showing completed fields for the Pega Profile Connector destination details

To configure details for the destination, fill in the required fields and select Next. An asterisk next to a field in the UI indicates that the field is required.

  • Name: enter a name that will help you identify this destination.
  • Description: enter a description of this destination.
  • Bucket name: enter the name of the Amazon S3 bucket to be used by this destination.
  • Folder path: enter the path to the destination folder that will host the exported files.
  • Compression Type: Select compression type as GZIP or NONE.

In the connect destination workflow, you can create a custom folder in your Amazon S3 storage per exported audience file. Read Use macros to create a folder in your storage location for instructions.

Enable alerts

You can enable alerts to receive notifications on the status of the dataflow to your destination. Select an alert from the list to subscribe to receive notifications on the status of your dataflow. For more information on alerts, see the guide on subscribing to destinations alerts using the UI.

When you are finished providing details for your destination connection, select Next.

Activate audiences to this destination


See Activate audience data to batch profile export destinations for instructions on activating audiences to this destination.

Map attributes and identities

In the Mapping step, you can select which attribute and identity fields to export for your profiles. You can also select to change the headers in the exported file to any friendly name that you wish. For more information, view the mapping step in the activate batch destinations UI tutorial.

Validate data export

For Pega Profile Connector destinations, Platform creates a .csv file in Amazon S3 storage location that you provided. For more information about the files, see Activate audience data to batch profile export destinations in the audience activation tutorial.

A successful import of profile data from S3 inserts data in the Pega Customer profile datastore. The imported customer profile data can be validated in Pega Customer Profile Designer , as shown in the following figure.
Image of the UI screen where you can validate Adobe profile data in Customer Profile Designer

In Pega Customer Decision Hub, data administrators can configure data jobs in Customer Profile Designer to import profile data periodically from S3 as shown in the following figure. See the additional resources for more information about how to configure data jobs to import profile data from Amazon S3.
Image of the UI screen to configure data jobs in Customer Profile Designer

Additional resources

See Import data jobs in Pega Customer Decision Hub.

Data usage and governance

All Adobe Experience Platform destinations are compliant with data usage policies when handling your data. For detailed information on how Adobe Experience Platform enforces data governance, see the Data Governance overview.

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