Create a destination configuration

Last update: 2024-05-30
  • Created for:
  • Admin

This page exemplifies the API request and payload that you can use to create your own destination configuration, using the /authoring/destinations API endpoint.

For a detailed description of the capabilities that you can configure through this endpoint, read the following articles:


All parameter names and values supported by Destination SDK are case sensitive. To avoid case sensitivity errors, please use the parameters names and values exactly as shown in the documentation.

Getting started with destination configuration API operations

Before continuing, please review the getting started guide for important information that you need to know in order to successfully make calls to the API, including how to obtain the required destination authoring permission and required headers.

Create a destination configuration

You can create a new destination configuration by making a POST request to the /authoring/destinations endpoint.


API endpoint:

API format

POST /authoring/destinations

The following request creates a new Amazon S3 destination configuration, configured by the parameters provided in the payload. The payload below includes all parameters for file-based destinations accepted by the /authoring/destinations endpoint.

Note that you do not have to add all parameters to your API call, and that the payload is customizable, according to your API requirements.

curl -X POST \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
 -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
 -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
 -d '
   "name":"Amazon S3 destination with predefined CSV formatting options",
   "description":"Amazon S3 destination with predefined CSV formatting options",
         "title":"Enter the name of your Amazon S3 bucket",
         "description":"Amazon S3 bucket name",
         "title":"Enter the path to your S3 bucket folder",
         "description":"Enter the path to your S3 bucket folder",
         "title":"Compression format",
         "description":"Select the desired file compression format.",
         "title":"Select a fileType",
         "description":"Select fileType",
Parameter Type Description
name String Indicates the title of your destination in the Experience Platform catalog.
description String Provide a description that Adobe will use in the Experience Platform destinations catalog for your destination card. Aim for no more than 4-5 sentences. Platform UI image showing the destination description.
status String Indicates the lifecycle status of the destination card. Accepted values are TEST, PUBLISHED, and DELETED. Use TEST when you first configure your destination.
customerAuthenticationConfigurations.authType String Indicates the configuration used to authenticate Experience Platform customers to your destination server. See customer authentication configuration for detailed information about the supported authentication types. String Provide a name for the custom field you are introducing.

See Customer data fields for detailed information about these settings. Platform UI image showing customer data fields.
customerDataFields.type String Indicates what type of custom field you are introducing. Accepted values are string, object, integer.

See Customer data fields for detailed information about these settings.
customerDataFields.title String Indicates the name of the field, as it is seen by customers in the Experience Platform user interface.

See Customer data fields for detailed information about these settings.
customerDataFields.description String Provide a description for the custom field. See Customer data fields for detailed information about these settings.
customerDataFields.isRequired Boolean Indicates if this field is required in the destination setup workflow.

See Customer data fields for detailed information about these settings.
customerDataFields.enum String Renders the custom field as a dropdown menu and lists the options available to the user.

See Customer data fields for detailed information about these settings.
customerDataFields.default String Defines the default value from an enum list.
customerDataFields.pattern String Enforces a pattern for the custom field, if needed. Use regular expressions to enforce a pattern. For example, if your customer IDs don’t include numbers or underscores, enter ^[A-Za-z]+$ in this field.

See Customer data fields for detailed information about these settings.
uiAttributes.documentationLink String Refers to the documentation page in the Destinations Catalog for your destination. Use, where YOURDESTINATION is the name of your destination. For a destination called Moviestar, you would use Note that this link works only after Adobe sets your destination live and the documentation is published.

See UI attributes for detailed information about these settings. Platform UI image showing the documentation link.
uiAttributes.category String Refers to the category assigned to your destination in Adobe Experience Platform. For more information, read Destination Categories. Use one of the following values: adobeSolutions, advertising, analytics, cdp, cloudStorage, crm, customerSuccess, database, dmp, ecommerce, email, emailMarketing, enrichment, livechat, marketingAutomation, mobile, personalization, protocols, social, streaming, subscriptions, surveys, tagManagers, voc, warehouses, payments.

See UI attributes for detailed information about these settings.
uiAttributes.connectionType String The type of connection, depending on the destination. Supported values:
  • Server-to-server
  • Cloud storage
  • Azure Blob
  • Azure Data Lake Storage
  • S3
  • SFTP
  • DLZ
uiAttributes.frequency String Refers to the type of data export supported by the destination. Set to Streaming for API-based integrations, or Batch when you export files to your destinations.
identityNamespaces.externalId.acceptsAttributes Boolean Indicates if customers can map standard profile attributes to the identity that you are configuring.
identityNamespaces.externalId.acceptsCustomNamespaces Boolean Indicates if customers can map identities belonging to custom namespaces to the identity that you are configuring.
identityNamespaces.externalId.transformation String Not shown in example configuration. Used, for example, when the Platform customer has plain email addresses as an attribute and your platform only accepts hashed emails. This is where you would provide the transformation that needs to be applied (for example, transform the email to lowercase, then hash).
identityNamespaces.externalId.acceptedGlobalNamespaces - Indicates which standard identity namespaces (for example, IDFA) customers can map to the identity that you are configuring.
When you use acceptedGlobalNamespaces, you can use "requiredTransformation":"sha256(lower($))" to lowercase and hash email addresses or phone numbers.
destinationDelivery.authenticationRule String Indicates how Platform customers connect to your destination. Accepted values are CUSTOMER_AUTHENTICATION, PLATFORM_AUTHENTICATION, NONE.
  • Use CUSTOMER_AUTHENTICATION if Platform customers log into your system via a username and password, a bearer token, or another method of authentication. For example, you would select this option if you also selected authType: OAUTH2 or authType:BEARER in customerAuthenticationConfigurations.
  • Use PLATFORM_AUTHENTICATION if there is a global authentication system between Adobe and your destination and the Platform customer does not need to provide any authentication credentials to connect to your destination. In this case, you must create a credentials object using the credentials API configuration.
  • Use NONE if no authentication is required to send data to your destination platform.
destinationDelivery.destinationServerId String The instanceId of the destination server template used for this destination.
backfillHistoricalProfileData Boolean Controls whether historical profile data is exported when audiences are activated to the destination. Always set this to true.
segmentMappingConfig.mapUserInput Boolean Controls whether the audience mapping ID in the destination activation workflow is input by user.
segmentMappingConfig.mapExperiencePlatformSegmentId Boolean Controls whether the audience mapping ID in the destination activation workflow is the Experience Platform audience ID.
segmentMappingConfig.mapExperiencePlatformSegmentName Boolean Controls whether the audience mapping ID in the destination activation workflow is the Experience Platform audience name.
segmentMappingConfig.audienceTemplateId String The instanceId of the audience metadata template used for this destination.
schemaConfig.profileFields Array When you add predefined profileFields as shown in the configuration above, users will have the option of mapping Experience Platform attributes to the predefined attributes on your destination’s side.
schemaConfig.profileRequired Boolean Use true if users should be able to map profile attributes from Experience Platform to custom attributes on your destination’s side, as shown in the example configuration above.
schemaConfig.segmentRequired Boolean Always use segmentRequired:true.
schemaConfig.identityRequired Boolean Use true if you users should be able to map identity namespaces from Experience Platform to your desired schema.

A successful response returns HTTP status 200 with details of your newly created destination configuration.

API error handling

Destination SDK API endpoints follow the general Experience Platform API error message principles. Refer to API status codes and request header errors in the Platform troubleshooting guide.

Next steps

After reading this document, you now know how to create a new destination configuration through the Destination SDK /authoring/destinations API endpoint.

To learn more about what you can do with this endpoint, see the following articles:

To understand where this endpoint fits into the destination authoring process, see the following articles:

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