Audience metadata management

Last update: 2024-07-26
  • Created for:
  • Admin

Use audience metadata templates to programmatically create, update, or delete audiences in your destination. Adobe provides an extensible audience metadata template, which you can configure based on the specifications of your marketing API. After you define, test, and submit the configuration, it will be used by Adobe to structure the API calls to your destination.

You can configure the functionality described in this document by using the /authoring/audience-templates API endpoint. Read create a metadata template for a complete list of operations you can perform on the endpoint.

When to use the audience metadata management endpoint

Depending on your API configuration, you may or may not need to use the audience metadata management endpoint as you configure your destination in Experience Platform. Use the decision tree diagram below to understand when to use the audience metadata endpoint and how to configure an audience metadata template for your destination.

Decision tree diagram

Use cases supported by audience metadata management

With audience metadata support in Destination SDK, when you configure your Experience Platform destination, you can give Platform users one of several options when they map and activate audiences to your destination. You can control the options available to the user via the parameters in the Audience metadata configuration section of the destination configuration.

Use case 1 - You have a 3rd party API and users don’t need to input mapping IDs

If you have an API endpoint to create/update/delete audiences or audiences, you can use audience metadata templates to configure Destination SDK to match the specs of your audience create/update/delete endpoint. Experience Platform can programmatically create/update/delete audiences and synchronize metadata back to Experience Platform.

When activating audiences to your destination in the Experience Platform user interface (UI), users don’t need to manually fill in an audience mapping ID field in the activation workflow.

Use case 2 - Users need to create an audience in your destination first and are required to manually input mapping ID

If audiences and other metadata need to be created by partners or users manually in your destination, then users must manually fill in the audience mapping ID field in the activation workflow to sync the audiencemetadata between your destination and Experience Platform.

Input mapping ID

Use case 3 - Your destination accepts the Experience Platform audience ID, users don’t need to manually input mapping ID

If your destination system accepts the Experience Platform audience ID, you can configure this in your audience metadata template. Users do not have to populate an audience mapping ID when activating a segment.

Generic and extensible audience template

To support the use cases listed above, Adobe provides you with a generic template that can be customized to adjust to your API specifications.

You can use the generic template to create a new audience template if your API supports:

  • The authentication types: OAuth 1, OAuth 2 with refresh token, OAuth 2 with bearer token
  • The functions: create an audience, update an audience, get an audience, delete an audience, validate credentials

The Adobe engineering team can work with you to expand the generic template with custom fields if your use cases requires it.

Supported template events

The table below describes the events supported by audience metadata templates.

Template section Description
create Includes all required components (URL, HTTP method, headers, request and response body) to make an HTTP call to your API, to programmatically create segments/audiences in your platform and sync the information back to Adobe Experience Platform.
update Includes all required components (URL, HTTP method, headers, request and response body) to make an HTTP call to your API, to programmatically update segments/audiences in your platform and sync the information back to Adobe Experience Platform.
delete Includes all required components (URL, HTTP method, headers, request and response body) to make an HTTP call to your API, to programmatically delete segments/audiences in your platform.
validate Runs validations for any fields in the template configuration before making a call to the partner API. For example, you could validate that the user’s account ID is input correctly.
notify Applies only to file-based destinations. Includes all required components (URL, HTTP method, headers, request and response body) to make an HTTP call to your API, to notify you of successful file exports.
createDestination Includes all required components (URL, HTTP method, headers, request and response body) to make an HTTP call to your API, to programmatically create a dataflow in your platform and sync the information back to Adobe Experience Platform.
updateDestination Includes all required components (URL, HTTP method, headers, request and response body) to make an HTTP call to your API, to programmatically update a dataflow in your platform and sync the information back to Adobe Experience Platform.
deleteDestination Includes all required components (URL, HTTP method, headers, request and response body) to make an HTTP call to your API, to programmatically delete a dataflow from your platform.

Configuration examples

This section includes examples of generic audience metadata configurations, for your reference.

Notice how the URL, headers, and request bodies differ between the three example configurations. This is due to the different specifications of the three sample platforms’ marketing API.

Note that in some examples, macro fields like {{authData.accessToken}} or {{}} are used in the URL, and in other examples these are used in the headers or request body. Their usage depends on your marketing API specifications.

 Streaming example 1
               "value":"Bearer {{oauth2ServiceAccessToken}}",
               "value":"Bearer {{oauth2ServiceAccessToken}}",
               "value":"Bearer {{oauth2ServiceAccessToken}}",
      "name":"Moviestar destination audience template - Example 1"
 Streaming example 2


 Streaming example 3
               "value":"Bearer {{authData.accessToken}}",
               "value":"Bearer {{authData.accessToken}}",
               "value":"Bearer {{authData.accessToken}}",
      "name":"Moviestar audience template - Third example"
 File-based example
               "value":"Bearer {{oauth2ServiceAccessToken}}",
               "value":"Bearer {{oauth2ServiceAccessToken}}",
               "value":"Bearer {{oauth2ServiceAccessToken}}",
               "value":"Bearer {{oauth2ServiceAccessToken}}",
      "name":"Moviestar destination audience template - Example 1"

Find descriptions of all parameters in the template in the Create an audience template API reference.

Macros used in audience metadata templates

To pass information such as audience IDs, access tokens, error messages, and more between Experience Platform and your API, the audience templates include macros that you can use. Read below a description of the macros that are used in the three configuration examples on this page:

Macro Description
{{segment.alias}} Allows you to access the audience alias in Experience Platform.
{{}} Allows you to access the audience name in Experience Platform.
{{}} Allows you to access the audience ID in Experience Platform.
{{customerData.accountId}} Allows you to access the account Id field that you set up in the destination configuration.
{{oauth2ServiceAccessToken}} Allows you to dynamically generate an access token based on your OAuth 2 configuration.
{{authData.accessToken}} Allows you to pass the access token to your API endpoint. Use {{authData.accessToken}} if Experience Platform should use non-expiring tokens to connect to your destination, otherwise use {{oauth2ServiceAccessToken}} to generate an access token.
{{body.segments[0]}} Returns the unique identifier of the created audience, as the value of the key externalAudienceId.
{{error.message}} Returns an error message that will be surfaced to users in the Experience Platform UI.
{{{segmentEnrichmentAttributes}}} Allows you to access all enrichment attributes for a specific audience. This macro is supported by the create, update, and delete events. Enrichment attributes are available only for custom upload audiences. See the batch audience activation guide to see how enrichment attribute selection works.
{{}} Returns the name of your destination.
{{destination.sandboxName}} Returns the name of the Experience Platform sandbox where your destination is configured.
{{}} Returns the ID of your destination configuration.
{{destination.imsOrgId}} Returns the IMS Org ID where your destination is configured.
{{destination.enrichmentAttributes}} Allows you to access all enrichment attributes for all audiences mapped to a destination. This macro is supported by the createDestination, updateDestination, and deleteDestination events. Enrichment attributes are available only for custom upload audiences. See the batch audience activation guide to see how enrichment attribute selection works.
{{destination.enrichmentAttributes.<namespace>.<segmentId>}} Allows you to access enrichment attributes for specific external audiences mapped to a destination. Enrichment attributes are available only for custom upload audiences. See the batch audience activation guide to see how enrichment attribute selection works.

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