When exporting data from Experience Platform to your destination, you might need specific audience metadata, like audience names or audience IDs, to be shared between Experience Platform and your destination.
Destination SDK offers tools that you can use to programmatically create, update, or delete audiences in your destination platform.
To understand where this component fits into an integration created with Destination SDK, see the diagram in the configuration options documentation or see the guide on how to use Destination SDK to configure a streaming destination.
You can configure the audience metadata template via the /authoring/audience-templates
endpoint. After creating your audience metadata configuration, you can use the /authoring/destinations
endpoint to configure the audienceMetadataConfig
section. This section tells your destination what audience metadata it should map to your audience template.
See the following API reference pages for detailed API call examples where you can configure the components shown in this page.
All parameter names and values supported by Destination SDK are case sensitive. To avoid case sensitivity errors, please use the parameters names and values exactly as shown in the documentation.
Refer to the table below for details on which types of integrations support the functionality described on this page.
Integration type | Supports functionality |
Real-time (streaming) integrations | Yes |
File-based (batch) integrations | Yes |
When creating your audience metadata configuration, you can use the parameters described in the table below to configure the audience mapping settings.
Parameter | Type | Description |
mapExperiencePlatformSegmentName |
Boolean | Indicates whether the Mapping ID value in the destination activation workflow should be the Experience Platform audience name. |
mapExperiencePlatformSegmentId |
Boolean | Indicates whether the Mapping ID value in the destination activation workflow should be the Experience Platform audience ID. |
mapUserInput |
Boolean | Enables or disables user input for the Mapping ID value in the destination activation workflow. If set to true , audienceTemplateId cannot be present. |
audienceTemplateId |
String | The instanceId of the audience metadata template used for your destination. |
After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of how you can configure audience metadata for your destination.
To learn more about the other destination components, see the following articles: