Destination delivery

Last update: 2023-11-07
  • Created for:
  • Admin

To offer more control over where the data exported to your destination lands, Destination SDK allows you to specify destination delivery settings.

The destination delivery section indicates where the exported data goes and what authentication rule is used in the location where the data will land.

To understand where this component fits into an integration created with Destination SDK, see the diagram in the configuration options documentation or see the following destination configuration overview pages:

You can configure destination delivery settings via the /authoring/destinations endpoint. See the following API reference pages for detailed API call examples where you can configure the components shown in this page.

This article describes all the supported destination delivery options that you can use for your destination.


All parameter names and values supported by Destination SDK are case sensitive. To avoid case sensitivity errors, please use the parameters names and values exactly as shown in the documentation.

Supported integration types

Refer to the table below for details on which types of integrations support the functionality described on this page.

Integration type Supports functionality
Real-time (streaming) integrations Yes
File-based (batch) integrations Yes

Supported parameters

When configuring your destination delivery settings, you can use the parameters described in the table below to define where the exported data should be sent.

Parameter Type Description
authenticationRule String Indicates how Platform should connect to your destination. Supported values:
  • CUSTOMER_AUTHENTICATION: Use this option if Platform customers log in to your system via any of the authentication methods described here.
  • PLATFORM_AUTHENTICATION: Use this option if there is a global authentication system between Adobe and your destination and the Platform customer does not need to provide any authentication credentials to connect to your destination. In this case, you must create a credentials object using the credentials API configuration.
  • NONE: Use this option if no authentication is required to send data to your destination platform.
destinationServerId String The instanceId of the destination server that you want to export data to.
deliveryMatchers.type String
  • When configuring destination delivery for file-based destinations, always set this to SOURCE.
  • When configuring destination delivery for a streaming destination, the deliveryMatchers section is not required.
deliveryMatchers.value String
  • When configuring destination delivery for file-based destinations, always set this to batch.
  • When configuring destination delivery for a streaming destination, the deliveryMatchers section is not required.

Destination delivery settings for streaming destinations

The example below shows how the destination delivery settings should be configured for a streaming destination. Note that the deliveryMatchers section is not required for streaming destinations.


Destination delivery settings for file-based destinations

The example below shows how the destination delivery settings should be configured for a file-based destination. Note that the deliveryMatchers section is required for file-based destinations.


Next steps

After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of how you can configure the locations where your destination should export data, for both streaming and file-based destinations.

To learn more about the other destination components, see the following articles:

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