The process documented here is only required for partners submitting productized (public) destinations. If you are creating a private destination for your own use, you do not need to produce and share these materials with Adobe.
Adobe’s standard response time to review destination publish requests is five business days.
If the Adobe team asks that you make any updates to your configurations following your initial submission, you must submit another destination publish request after you make the updates.
Even after your destination is live in the Experience Platform catalog, if you need to make any updates to your configurations, you must submit a new destination publish request for the updates to be reflected in the configurations.
The review timeline and required artifacts are the same for new destinations and existing destinations that you are updating.
Before your destination can be published to the Experience Platform destinations catalog, you must provide Adobe with certain information about the destination and the testing you performed, to ensure that users enjoy the best possible experience when activating data to your platform.
This page lists all the information you need to provide when submitting or updating a destination you authored using Adobe Experience Platform Destination SDK. To successfully submit a destination in Adobe Experience Platform, send an email to which includes:
You can find detailed information about each item in the sections below:
Provide a description of the use cases that your destination solves for Experience Platform customers. Your descriptions can be similar to use cases from existing partners:
This section is only required when you update an existing configuration.
Provide a brief description of the issue that your submission solves for the existing destination. For example, your submission might update the name, description, and logo of your destination as you move from beta to general availability. Or, your submission might fix a bug discovered in your destination configuration.
Provide test results after using the test destination API endpoint to perform an HTTP call to your destination. This includes:
For example, your request and response may look similar to the samples below:
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
--header 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
--header 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
--data-raw '{
"body":"{ \"attributes\": [ { \"external_id\": \"external_id-h29Fq\" , \"AdobeExperiencePlatformSegments\": { \"add\": [ \"Nirvana fans\" , \"RHCP fans\" ], \"remove\": [ ] } , \"key\": \"string\" } ] }",
"body":"{\"status\": \"success\"}",
For file-based destinations, you must provide additional proof that you have correctly set up your destination. Make sure that you include the items below:
Include a request and a response sample after using the testing API to test your file-based destination with sample profiles.
In your submission email, attach a CSV file that was exported into your storage location by the destination that you set up.
Finally, you must provide some form of proof that the data has successfully been ingested into your system after it was exported into the storage location you provided. Please provide any of the items below:
After successfully testing your destination, you must use the destination publishing API to submit the destination to Adobe for review and publishing.
Provide the ID of the publish request for your destination. For information on how to retrieve the publish request ID, read how to retrieve destination publish requests.
If you are an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) or System Integrator (SI) creating a productized integration, you must use the self-service documentation process to create a product documentation page for your destination. As part of the submission process, provide the pull request (PR) for your destination documentation.
The destinations catalog includes a logo for each destination card. In your submission email, include an image with the logo for your destination.
The image requirements are:
Download a sample email with all the information that you need to provide to Adobe.