Retrieve a destination publishing request

Last update: 2023-09-29
  • Created for:
  • Admin

You only need to use this API endpoint if you are submitting a productized (public) destination, to be used by other Experience Platform customers. If you are creating a private destination for your own use, you do not need to formally submit the destination using the publishing API.


API endpoint:

After you have configured and tested your destination, you can submit it to Adobe for review and publishing. Read Submit for review a destination authored in Destination SDK for all the other steps you must do as part of the destination submission process.

Use the publish destinations API endpoint to submit a publishing request when:

  • As a Destination SDK partner, you want to make your productized destination available across all Experience Platform organizations for all Experience Platform customers to use;
  • You make any updates to your configurations. Configuration updates are reflected in the destination only after you submit a new publishing request, which is approved by the Experience Platform team.

All parameter names and values supported by Destination SDK are case sensitive. To avoid case sensitivity errors, please use the parameters names and values exactly as shown in the documentation.

Getting started with destination publishing API operations

Before continuing, please review the getting started guide for important information that you need to know in order to successfully make calls to the API, including how to obtain the required destination authoring permission and required headers.

List destination publish requests

You can retrieve a list of all destinations submitted for publishing for your IMS Organization by making a GET request to the /authoring/destinations/publish endpoint.

API format

Use the following API format to retrieve all publishing requests for your account.

GET /authoring/destinations/publish

Use the following API format to retrieve a specific publishing request, defined by the {DESTINATION_ID} parameter.

GET /authoring/destinations/publish/{DESTINATION_ID}


The following two requests retrieve all publishing requests for your IMS Organization, or a specific publishing request, depending on whether you pass the DESTINATION_ID parameter in the request.

Select each tab below to view the corresponding payload.


The following request will retrieve the list of publishing requests that you have submitted, based on IMS Org ID and sandbox configuration.

curl -X GET \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
 -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
 -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
 -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'

The following response returns HTTP status 200 with a list of all destinations submitted for publishing that you have access to, based on the IMS Organization ID and sandbox name that you used. One configId corresponds to the publish request for one destination.

Parameter Type Description
destinationId String The destination ID of the destination configuration that you have submitted for publishing.
publishDetailsList.configId String The unique ID of the destination publish request for your submitted destination.
publishDetailsList.allowedOrgs String Returns the Experience Platform organizations for which the destination is available.
  • For "destinationType": "PUBLIC", this parameter returns "*", which means that the destination is available for all Experience Platform organizations.
  • For "destinationType": "DEV", this parameter returns the Organization ID of the organization which you used to author and test the destination.
publishDetailsList.status String The status of your destination publish request. Possible values are TEST, REVIEW, APPROVED, PUBLISHED, DENIED, REVOKED, DEPRECATED. Destinations with the value PUBLISHED are live and can be used by Experience Platform customers.
publishDetailsList.destinationType String The type of destination. Values can be DEV and PUBLIC. DEV corresponds to the destination in your Experience Platform organization. PUBLIC corresponds to the destination that you have submitted for publishing. Think of these two options in Git terms, where the DEV version represents your local authoring branch and the PUBLIC version represents the remote main branch.
publishDetailsList.publishedDate String The date when the destination was submitted for publishing, in epoch time.
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
 -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
 -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
 -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'
Parameter Description
{DESTINATION_ID} The ID of the destination for which you want to retrieve the publishing status.

If you passed a DESTINATION_ID in the API call, the response returns HTTP status 200 with detailed information about the specified destination publish request.

         "allowedOrgs": [
         "destinationType": "PUBLIC",
Parameter Type Description
destinationId String The destination ID of the destination configuration that you have submitted for publishing.
publishDetailsList.configId String The unique ID of the destination publish request for your submitted destination.
publishDetailsList.allowedOrgs String Returns the Experience Platform organizations for which the destination is available.
  • For "destinationType": "PUBLIC", this parameter returns "*", which means that the destination is available for all Experience Platform organizations.
  • For "destinationType": "DEV", this parameter returns the Organization ID of the organization which you used to author and test the destination.
publishDetailsList.status String The status of your destination publish request. Possible values are TEST, REVIEW, APPROVED, PUBLISHED, DENIED, REVOKED, DEPRECATED. Destinations with the value PUBLISHED are live and can be used by Experience Platform customers.
publishDetailsList.destinationType String The type of destination. Values can be DEV and PUBLIC. DEV corresponds to the destination in your Experience Platform organization. PUBLIC corresponds to the destination that you have submitted for publishing. Think of these two options in Git terms, where the DEV version represents your local authoring branch and the PUBLIC version represents the remote main branch.
publishDetailsList.publishedDate String The date when the destination was submitted for publishing, in epoch time.

API error handling

Destination SDK API endpoints follow the general Experience Platform API error message principles. Refer to API status codes and request header errors in the Platform troubleshooting guide.

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