Frequently asked questions

Last update: 2024-03-04
  • Created for:
  • Admin


This document provides answers to frequently asked questions about Adobe Experience Platform destinations. For questions and troubleshooting related to other Platform services, including those encountered across all Platform APIs, please refer to the Experience Platform troubleshooting guide.

General destinations questions

Why am I seeing different profile counts in the Experience Platform UI and in the exported CSV files?


This is a normal behavior due to the way Experience Platform performs segmentation.

Streaming segmentation updates the profile count for streaming audiences throughout the day, while batch segmentation updates the profile count for batch audiences once every 24 hours.

When the audience export schedule differs from the segmentation schedule, the profile counts between the UI and the exported CSV file will be different, especially when it comes to streaming audiences.

See the Segmentation Service documentation for more details.

Why do I see low match rates upon de-activating and re-activating an updated audience to the same destination?


The de-activation and of an audience from a streaming destination does not trigger a backfill upon audience re-activation to the same streaming destination.


You activated an audience consisting of 10 profiles to a streaming destination.

After activating the audience, you realize you want to change the audience configuration, so you de-activate the audience and change its population criteria, leading to an audience population of 100 profiles.

You re-activate the updated audience to the same destination, but since there is no backfill triggered, your destination does not receive the additional 90 profiles.


To ensure all the profiles are sent to your destination, you must create a new audience with the new configuration, and then activate it to your destination.

When an audience is removed from a destination, is there any signal that is sent to the destination indicating that the audience is removed?


No, there is no dependency between the Experience Platform destination and the customer instance of the target system. On the receiving side, the only indication that the target system would see is that it stopped receiving that audience data.

Facebook Custom Audiences

What do I need to do before I can activate audiences in Facebook Custom Audiences?


Before you can send your audiences to Facebook, make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • Your Facebook user account must have the Manage campaigns permission enabled for the Ad account that you plan to use.

  • The Adobe Experience Cloud business account must be added as an advertising partner in your Facebook Ad Account. Use business ID=206617933627973. See Add Partners to Your Business Manager in the Facebook documentation for details.


    When configuring the permissions for Adobe Experience Cloud, you must enable the Manage campaigns permission. This is required for the Adobe Experience Platform integration.

    * Read and sign the Facebook Custom Audiences Terms of Service. To do this, go to `[accountID]`, where `accountID` is your Facebook Ad Account ID.

Do I need to add any apps or pixels to my Facebook advertiser account?


No. As this is not a pixel-based integration, there is no need to add any pixels to your advertiser account.

How long does Facebook take to process information from Adobe Experience Platform?


As of March 2021, Facebook Custom Audiences needs up to an hour to process information received from Platform.

Can I use Facebook Custom Audiences for audience targeting in other Facebook apps, like Instagram?


You can use the Facebook Custom Audiences destination for audience targeting across Facebook’s family of apps that are supported by Facebook Custom Audiences, including Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, and Messenger. Selection of the app which advertisers want to run campaigns on is indicated at the placement level in Facebook Ads Manager.

What is the difference between the Facebook Custom Audiences connection and Facebook Pixel extension?


The Facebook Custom Audiences connection uses Platform identities when sending audiences to Facebook, while the Facebook Pixel connection uses the Facebook pixel integrated in a website.

These two integrations are complementary; you can use both to ensure better audience coverage. As an example, you can use the Facebook Pixel extension for prospecting website visitors who have not created an account, whereas Facebook Custom Audiences can help you target existing customers, based on Platform identities.

Does the Adobe Experience Platform integration with Facebook Custom Audiences support disqualifying users from an audience when they no longer qualify for it?**


Yes, the integration supports removing users from Facebook Custom Audiences when they no longer qualify.

How should I hash the audience data before sending it to Facebook?


Facebook requires that no personally identifiable information (PII) is sent in clear. Therefore, the audiences activated to Facebook can be keyed off hashed identifiers, such as email addresses or phone numbers.

For detailed explanations on the ID matching requirements, see ID matching requirements.

What kind of identities can I activate in Facebook Custom Audiences?


Facebook Custom Audiences supports the activation of the following identities: hashed emails, hashed phone numbers, GAID, IDFA, and custom external IDs.

Can I create multiple Facebook destinations in the Platform UI for separate Facebook accounts?


Yes. A Facebook destination in Experience Platform is 1:1 to an ad account in Facebook. You can create a separate Facebook destination for each Facebook ad account in your company. Follow the destination connection tutorial and connect to a separate Facebook account for each new Facebook destination in the Platform UI. There is no limit on the number of Facebook ad accounts that you can connect to.

Google Customer Match

When exporting audiences to Google Customer Match, why am I seeing extra numbers appended at the end of the audience names in the Google interface?


Google requires audience names to be unique. The numbers that you are seeing are UNIX timestamps and they are appended to keep the audience names unique, if you mapped the same audience to multiple Google destinations.

LinkedIn Matched Audiences

Do I need to add any apps or pixels to my LinkedIn advertiser account?


No. As this is not a pixel-based integration, there is no need to add any pixels to your advertiser account.

What do I need to do before I can activate audiences in LinkedIn Matched Audiences?


Before you can use the LinkedIn Matched Audience destination, make sure your LinkedIn Campaign Manager account has the Creative Manager permission level or higher.

To learn how to edit your LinkedIn Campaign Manager user permissions, see Add, Edit, and Remove User Permissions on Advertising Accounts in the LinkedIn documentation.

How should I hash the audience data before sending it to LinkedIn?


LinkedIn requires that no personally identifiable information (PII) is sent in clear. Therefore, the audiences activated to LinkedIn can be keyed off hashed identifiers, such as email addresses or phone numbers.

For detailed explanations on the ID matching requirements, see ID matching requirements.

What kind of identities can I activate in LinkedIn?


LinkedIn Matched Audiences supports the activation of the following identities: hashed emails, GAID, and IDFA.

Same-page and next-page personalization through the Adobe Target and Custom Personalization destinations

Do I need to use the Experience Platform Web SDK to send audiences and attributes to Adobe Target?


No, Web SDK is not required to activate audiences to Adobe Target.

However, if at.js is used instead of Web SDK, only next-session personalization is supported.

For same-page and next-page personalization use cases, you must use either Web SDK or the Edge Network Server API. See the documentation on activating audiences to edge destinations for more implementation details.

Is there a limit on the number of attributes that I can send from Real-time Customer Data Platform to Adobe Target or a Custom Personalization destination?


Yes, same-page and next-page personalization use cases support a maximum of 30 attributes per sandbox, when activating audiences to Adobe Target or Custom Personalization destinations. See more information about activation guardrails in the guardrails documentation.

What types of attributes are supported for activation (e.g. arrays, maps, etc.)?


Currently, only static, single-value attributes are supported, such as Array attributes are currently not supported.

After I create an audience in Experience Platform, how long will it take for that audience to be available for edge segmentation use cases?


Audience definitions are propagated to the Edge Network in up to one hour. However, if an audience is activated within this first hour, some visitors who would have qualified for the audience could be missed.

Where can I see the activated attributes in Adobe Target?


Attributes will be available to use in Target in JSON and HTML offers.

Can I create a destination without a datastream and then add a datastream to the same destination at a later point?


This is currently not supported through the Destinations UI. If you need assistance in this case, please reach out to your Adobe representative.

What happens if I delete an Adobe Target destination?


When you delete a destination, all audiences and attributes mapped under the destination are deleted from Adobe Target and they are also removed from the Edge Network.

Does the integration work using the Edge Network Server API?


Yes, the Edge Network Server API works with the Custom Personalization destination. Since profile attributes may contain sensitive data, in order to protect this data, the Custom Personalization destination requires you to use the Edge Network Server API for data collection. Furthermore, all API calls must be made in an authenticated context.

I can only have one merge policy that is active-on-edge. Can I build audiences that use a different merge policy and still send them to Adobe Target as streaming audiences?


No. All audiences that you want to activate to Adobe Target must use an active-on-edge merge policy.


Yes. The Data Governance and Consent Policies created and associated with the selected marketing actions will govern the activation of the selected attributes.

Are the Adobe Target and Custom Personalization destinations HIPAA-compliant?


Adobe Target is not HIPPA-compliant with Adobe Healthcare Shield. Customers should check with their own legal teams regarding HIPPA-readiness for custom optimization channels before using edge personalization via Adobe Target or the Custom Personalization destinations.

For use cases where consent policy management needs to be applied at scale, customers must purchase Adobe Privacy & Security Shield. Adobe Privacy & Security Shield features are sold as an advanced suite of capabilities and may not be purchased separately.

This service includes customer-managed keys and elevated thresholds to manage the customer data lifecycle.

The Adobe Target and Custom Personalization destinations are integrated with the Experience Platform Data Usage Labels and the Consent Policy Enforcement Service. These features are available for all customers.

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