Activation overview

Last update: 2024-07-04
  • Created for:
  • Admin

Adobe Experience Platform supports a wide range of destinations. The audience activation workflow varies between the destinations, based on the type of audience data they support, and the frequency of the data export.

Activation methods

After you configure your destination, you can activate audiences in multiple ways:

Activate audiences from the destinations catalog

See the following guides for detailed information on activating audiences to your destination from the destinations catalog:

Activate audiences from the Browse page

Follow the steps below to activate data to your destinations from the Browse page.

  1. Go to Connections > Destinations, and select the Browse tab.

    Browse tab

  2. Find the destination connection that you want to use to activate your segments, select the three dots in the Name column, then select Activate audiences.

    Activate audiences button

  3. Depending on the selected destination, follow the steps described in the articles below, starting with the Select segments step, to finish the activation workflow:

Activate audiences from the audience details page

You can activate audiences to destinations from the audience details page. See Audience details for more information.

Depending on the selected destination, follow the steps described in the articles below to finish the activation workflow:

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