Destinations workspace

Last update: 2024-11-19
  • Created for:
  • Admin

In Adobe Experience Platform, select Destinations from the left navigation bar to access the Destinations workspace.

The Destinations workspace consists of five sections, Overview, Catalog, Browse, Accounts, and System View, described in the sections below.

Destinations overview dashboard showing three widgets.


The Overview tab displays the Destinations dashboard, providing key metrics related your organization’s destination data. To learn more, visit the Destinations dashboard guide.


If your organization is new to Experience Platform and does not yet have active destinations, the Destinations dashboard and Overview tab are not visible. Instead, selecting Destinations from the left navigation displays the Catalog tab.

The Destinations dashboard Overview tab.


The Catalog tab displays a list of all destinations available in Platform, that you can send data to.

The Platform user interface provides several search and filter options on the destinations catalog page:

  • Use the search functionality on the page to locate a specific destination.
  • Filter destinations using the Categories control.
  • Toggle between All destinations and My destinations. When you select All destinations, all available Platform destinations are displayed. When you select My destinations, you can only see the destinations with which you have established a connection.
  • Select to view the Connections and/or Extensions types. To understand the difference between the two categories, read Destination Types and Categories.

Destinations catalog showing a few advertising and cloud storage destinations.

The destination cards contain primary and secondary control options. The primary controls include Set up, Activate, Activate audiences, or Export datasets. The secondary controls allow for viewing options. These controls are described below:

Control Description
Set up Allows you to create a connection to the destination.
Activate Once you have established a connection to the destination, you can activate audiences or export datasets to this destination.
Activate audiences Once you have established a connection to the destination, you can activate audiences to this destination.
Export datasets Once you have established a connection to the destination, you can export datasets to this destination.
View account View the accounts you have connected for a destination.
View dataflows View the data activation flows that exist for a destination.
View documentation Opens a link to the documentation page for that specific destination, for more information and to help you set it up.

Controls on the destinations card

Select a destination card in the catalog to open the right rail. Here, you can see a description of the destination. The right rail provides the same controls described in the table above, including a description of the destination, and an indication of the destination category and type.

Destination catalog options

For more information on destination categories and information on each destination, see the Destination catalog and Destination types and categories.


The Accounts tab shows you details about the connections that you have established with various destinations, and allows you to update or delete existing account details. See the table below for all the information you can get on each destination account.

  • Select the ellipsis (...) in the Platform column and use the Activate controlActivate/Activate audiences/Export datasets control to export audiences or datasets to that destination.
  • Select the ellipsis (...) in the Platform column and use the Edit details controlEdit details control to update the details of an existing destination account.
  • Select the ellipsis (...) in the Platform column and use the Delete controlDelete control to delete an existing destination account.

Accounts tab

Element Description
Destination The destination connector for which you have set up the connection.
Connection Type Represents the account connection type to your storage bucket or destination. Depending on the destination, authentication options are:
  • For email marketing destinations: Can be S3, FTP, or Azure Blob.
  • For real-time advertising destinations: Server-to-server
  • For Amazon S3 cloud storage destinations: Access Key
  • For SFTP cloud storage destinations: Basic authentication for SFTP
  • OAuth 1 or OAuth 2 authentication
  • Bearer token authentication
Username The username you selected in the connect destination workflow.
Connections Represents the number of unique successful destination dataflows connected with basic information created for a destination.
Authorization date The date when the connection to this destination was authorized.


The Browse tab displays the destinations with which you have established a connection. Destinations with the Enabled/Disabled toggle turned on set the destination to active or inactive, respectively. You can also view the destinations where you have data flowing by selecting Audiences > Browse and selecting an audience to inspect. See the table below for all the information that is provided for each destination in the Browse tab:

  • Select the ellipsis (...) in the Name column and use the Activate audiences controlActivate control to export audiences or datasets to that destination.
  • Select the ellipsis (...) in the Name column and use the Delete controlDelete control to remove an existing connection to a destination.
  • Select the ellipsis (...) in the Name column and use the View in monitoring controlView in monitoring control to view activation information for this destination in the monitoring dashboard.
  • Select the ellipsis (...) in the Name column and use the Subscribe to alerts Subscribe to alerts control to subscribe to destination dataflow alerts. You can subscribe to alerts to receive messages regarding the status, success, or failure of your flow run. See Subscribe to in-context destination alerts for detailed information on destination dataflow alerts…

Browse Tab

Element Description
Name The name you provided for your activation flow to this destination. The same column includes two controls: Activate and Delete destination.
Last Flow Run Status The status of the last dataflow run. See View destination details for more information about dataflow runs.
Last Flow Run Date Time and date when the last dataflow run has occurred. See View destination details for more information about dataflow runs.
Destination The destination platform that you selected for your activation flow.
Connection Type Represents the connection type to your storage bucket or destination.
  • For email marketing destinations: Can be S3, FTP, or Azure Blob.
  • For real-time advertising destinations: Server-to-server.
  • For streaming destinations: Can be Azure Event Hubs or Amazon Kinesis.
Username The account credentials you selected for the destination flow.
Activation Data Indicates the number of audiences that are being activated to this destination. Select this control to find out more about the activated audiences. Refer to Activation Data in the destination details page for more information about the activated audiences.
Created The date and UTC time when the activation flow to the destination was created. Select the up/down arrow symbol to sort the activation flows by newest first or oldest first.
Status Enabled or Disabled. Indicates whether data is being activated to this destination.

Click on a destination row to bring up more information about the destination in the right rail, such as destination ID, description, the number of activated audiences, and more.

Click destination row

Select the destination name to see information about the audiences activated to this destination. Click Edit activation to modify or add to the audiences that are being sent to this destination.

System View

The System View tab displays a graphic representation of the activation flows that you have set up in the Adobe Experience Platform.


Select any of the destinations displayed on the page and click View dataflows to see information on all the connections you have set up for each destination.


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