Personalization via Offer Decisioning

Last update: 2023-11-01
  • Created for:
  • Developer


The Edge Network Server API can deliver personalized experiences managed in Offer Decisioning to the web channel.

Offer Decisioning supports a non-visual interface to create, activate, and deliver your activities and personalization experiences.


Personalization via Offer Decisioning requires that you have access to Adobe Journey Optimizer before you configure your integration.

Configure your datastream

Before you can use the Server API in conjunction with Offer Decisioning, you must enable Adobe Experience Platform personalization on your datastream configuration, and enable the Offer Decisioning option.

See the guide on adding services to a datastream, for detailed information on how to enable Offer Decisioning.

UI image showing the datastream service configuration screen, with Offer Decisioning selected

Audience creation

Offer Decisioning relies on the Adobe Experience Platform Segmentation Service for audience creation. You can find the documentation for the Segmentation Service here.

Defining decision scopes

The Offer Decision Engine uses Adobe Experience Platform data and Real-Time Customer profiles, along with the Offer Library, to deliver offers to the right customers and channels at the right time.

To learn more about the Offer Decisioning Engine, see the dedicated documentation.

After configuring your datastream, you must define the decision scopes to be used in your personalization campaign.

Decision scopes are the Base64-encoded JSON strings containing the activity and placement IDs that you want the Offer Decisioning Service to use when proposing offers.

Decision scope JSON


Decision scope Base64-encoded string


After you have created your offers and collections, you need to define a decision scope.

Copy the Base64-encoded decision scope. You will use it in the query object of the Server API request.

UI image showing the Offer Decisioning UI, highlighting the decision scope.


API call example

API format

POST /ee/v2/interact


A full request that includes a complete XDM object, data object and an Offer Decisioning query is outlined below.


The xdm and data objects are optional and are only required for Offer Decisioning if you have created segments with conditions that use fields in either of those objects.

--header 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
--header 'x-gw-ims-org: {ORG_ID}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "event": {
        "xdm": {
            "eventType": "web.webpagedetails.pageViews",
            "identityMap": {
                "ECID": [
                        "id": "05907638112924484241029082405297151763",
                        "authenticatedState": "ambiguous",
                        "primary": true
            "web": {
                "webPageDetails": {
                    "URL": "",
                    "name": "Home Page"
                "webReferrer": {
                    "URL": ""
            "device": {
                "screenHeight": 1440,
                "screenWidth": 3440,
                "screenOrientation": "landscape"
            "environment": {
                "type": "browser",
                "browserDetails": {
                    "viewportWidth": 3440,
                    "viewportHeight": 1440
            "placeContext": {
                "localTime": "2022-03-22T22:45:21.193-06:00",
                "localTimezoneOffset": 360
            "timestamp": "2022-03-23T04:45:21.193Z",
            "implementationDetails": {
                "name": "",
                "version": "1.0",
                "environment": "serverapi"
        "data": {
            "page": {
                "pageInfo": {
                    "pageName": "Promotions",
                    "siteSection": "Home"
                "promos": {
                    "heroPromos": "purse,shoes,sunglasses"
                "customVariables": {
                    "testGroup": "orange/black theme"
                "events": {
                    "homePage": true
                "products": [
                        "productSKU": "abc123",
                        "productName": "shirt"
            "": {
                "profile.eyeColor": "brown",
                "profile.hairColor": "brown"
    "query": {
        "personalization": {
            "decisionScopes": [


The Edge Network will return a response similar to the one below.


                        "content":"{\n\t\"ODEFirstTest\" : \"Personalizaton Content\"\n}",

If the visitor qualifies for a personalization activity based on data sent to Offer Decisioning, the relevant activity content will be found under the handle object, where the type is personalization:decisions.

Other content will be returned under the handle object as well. Other content types are not relevant to Offer Decisioning personalization. If the visitor qualifies for multiple activities, they will be contained in an array.

The table below explains the key elements of that portion of the response.

Property Description Example
scope The decision scope associated with the proposed offers that were returned. "scope": "eyJhY3Rpdml0eUlkIjoieGNvcmU6b2ZmZXItYWN0aXZpdHk6MTFjZmIxZmE5MzM4MWFjYSIsInBsYWNlbWVudElkIjoieGNvcmU6b2ZmZXItcGxhY2VtZW50OjExNzUwMDk2MTJiMDEwMGMifQ==" The unique ID of the offer activity. "id": "xcore:offer-activity:11cfb1fa93381aca" The unique ID of the offer placement. "id": "xcore:offer-placement:1175009612b0100c" The unique ID of the proposed offer. "id": "xcore:personalized-offer:124cc332095cfa74"
schema The schema of the content associated with the proposed offer. "schema": "" The unique ID of the proposed offer. "id": "xcore:personalized-offer:124cc332095cfa74"
format The format of the content associated with the proposed offer. "format": "text/html"
language An array of languages associated with the content from the proposed offer. "language": [ "en-US" ]
content Content associated with the proposed offer in the format of a string. "content": "<p style="color:red;">20% Off on shipping</p>"
deliveryUrl Image content associated with the proposed offer in the format of a URL. "deliveryURL": "https://image.jpeg"
characteristics JSON object containing the characteristics associated with the proposed offer. "characteristics": { "foo": "bar", "foo1": "bar1" }

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