Personalization via Adobe Target

Last update: 2024-03-14
  • Created for:
  • Developer


The Edge Network Server API can deliver and render personalized experiences created in Adobe Target, with the help of the Form-Based Experience Composer.


Personalization experiences created through the Target Visual Experience Composer (VEC) are not fully supported by the Server API. The Server API can retrieve activities created by VEC, but Server API cannot render activities created by VEC. If you want to render activities created by VEC, please implement hybrid personalization using the Web SDK and the Edge Network Server API.

Configure your datastream

Before you can use the Server API in conjunction with Adobe Target, you must enable Adobe Target personalization on your datastream configuration.

See the guide on adding services to a datastream, for detailed information on how to enable Adobe Target.

When configuring your datastream, you can (optionally) provide values for Property Token, Target Environment ID, and Target Third Party ID Namespace.

UI image showing the datastream service configuration screen, with Adobe Target selected

Custom parameters

Most fields in the XDM portion of each request are serialized into dot notation and then sent to Target as custom or mbox parameters.


Given the following XDM sample:


When creating audiences in Target, the following values will be available as custom parameters:

  • marketing.campaignGroup
  • marketing.campaignName
  • marketing.trackingCode

Target profile updates

The Server API allows for updates to the Target profile. To update a Target profile, ensure that the profile data is passed in the data portion of the request in the following format:

"data":  {
    "": {
        "profile.eyeColor": "brown",
        "profile.hairColor": "brown"

Querying Target activities


The query portion of the request determines what content is returned by Target. Under the personalization object, schemas determines the type of content to be returned by Target.

In situations where you are unsure of what sort of offers you’ll be retrieving, you should include all four of the schemas in your personalization query to the Edge Network:

  • HTML-based offers:
  • JSON-based offers:
  • Target Redirect offers
  • Target DOM Manipulation offers

Decision scopes

Adobe Target mbox names should be included in the decisionScopes array to return the appropriate content.


In the example below, all four offer types are requested along with a Target activity called serverapimbox.


API call example

API format

POST /ee/v2/interact


A full request that includes a complete XDM object, profile paramters, along with the appropriate Target query is outlined below.

--header 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
--header 'x-gw-ims-org: {ORG_ID}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "event": {
        "xdm": {
            "eventType": "web.webpagedetails.pageViews",
            "identityMap": {
                "ECID": [
                        "id": "05907638112924484241029082405297151763",
                        "authenticatedState": "ambiguous",
                        "primary": true
            "web": {
                "webPageDetails": {
                    "URL": "",
                    "name": "Home Page"
                "webReferrer": {
                    "URL": ""
            "device": {
                "screenHeight": 1440,
                "screenWidth": 3440,
                "screenOrientation": "landscape"
            "environment": {
                "type": "browser",
                "browserDetails": {
                    "viewportWidth": 3440,
                    "viewportHeight": 1440
            "placeContext": {
                "localTime": "2022-03-22T22:45:21.193-06:00",
                "localTimezoneOffset": 360
            "timestamp": "2022-03-23T04:45:21.193Z",
            "implementationDetails": {
                "name": "",
                "version": "1.0",
                "environment": "serverapi"
            "data": {
                "__adobe": {
                    "target": {
                        "profile.eyeColor": "brown",
                        "profile.hairColor": "brown",
                        "profile.shoeColor": "black"
    "query": {
        "personalization": {
            "schemas": [
            "decisionScopes": [


The Edge Network will return a response similar to the one below.

                        "":"Server API Form",
                        "":"Experience A",
                           "value":"a/b json experience a",

If the visitor qualifies for a personalization activity based on the data sent to Adobe Target, the relevant activity content will be found under the handle object, where the type is personalization:decisions.

Other content will sometimes be returned under handle as well. Other content types are not relevant to the Target personalization. If the visitor qualifies for multiple activities, each activity will be a separate personalization object in the array.

The table below explains the key elements of that portion of the response.

Property Description Example
scope The Target mbox name that resulted in the proposed offers. "scope": "serverapimbox"
items[].schema The schema of the content associated with the proposed offer. This will be related to the activity type you selected when creating the personalization activity. "schema": "",
items[] The unique ID of the offer activity. Typically a 6-digit number. "": "140281"
items[] The name of the user-specified offer activity. This is provided during the activity creation step. "": "Server API Form"
items[] The unique ID of the personalization experience. "": "0"
items[] The unique name of the personalization experience. "": "Experience A"
items[] The ID of the proposed offer. "id": "282484"
items[].data.format The format of the content associated with the proposed offer. "format: "application/json
items[].data.content Content associated with the proposed offer. This will be used for personalization of content of the calling application. "content": "<CONTENT CONFIGURED IN TARGET>"

Server-side personalization sample application

The sample application found at this URL demonstrates using Adobe Experience Platform to get personalization content from Adobe Target. The web page changes based on the personalization content returned.

This sample does not rely on client-side libraries like the Web SDK to get personalization content. Instead, it uses the Adobe Experience Platform APIs to fetch personalization content. Then the implementation generates the HTML server-side based on the personalization content returned.

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