Entities endpoint (Profile access)

Last update: 2025-01-02
  • Created for:
  • Developer

Adobe Experience Platform enables you to access Real-Time Customer Profile data using RESTful APIs or the user interface. This guide outlines how to access entities, more commonly known as “profiles”, using the API. For more information on accessing profiles using the Platform UI, please refer to the Profile user guide.

Getting started

The API endpoint used in this guide is part of the Real-Time Customer Profile API. Before continuing, please review the getting started guide for links to related documentation, a guide to reading the sample API calls in this document, and important information regarding required headers that are needed to successfully make calls to any Experience Platform API.

Retrieve an entity

You can retrieve either a Profile entity or its time series data by making a GET request to the /access/entities endpoint along with the required query parameters.

API format

GET /access/entities?{QUERY_PARAMETERS}

Query parameters provided in the request path specify which data to access. You can include multiple parameters, separated by ampersands (&).

To access a Profile entity, you must provide the following query parameters:

  • schema.name: The name of the entity’s XDM schema. In this use case, the schema.name=_xdm.context.profile.
  • entityId: The ID of the entity you’re trying to retrieve.
  • entityIdNS: The namespace of the entity you’re trying to retrieve. This value must be provided if the entityId is not an XID.

A complete list of valid parameters is provided in the query parameters section of the appendix.


The following request retrieves a customer’s email and name using an identity.

 A sample request to retrieve an entity using an identity
curl -X GET 'https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/ups/access/entities?schema.name=_xdm.context.profile&entityId=janedoe@example.com&entityIdNS=email&fields=identities,person.name,workEmail' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'


A successful response returns HTTP status 200 with the requested entity.

 A sample response that contains the requested entity
    "BVrqzwVv7o2p3naHvnsWpqZXv3KJgA": {
        "entityId": "BVrqzwVv7o2p3naHvnsWpqZXv3KJgA",
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "identities": [
                    "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316601",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "id": "janedoe@example.com",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "email"
                    "id": "johnsmith@example.com",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "email"
                    "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316604",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "id": "58832431024964181144308914570411162539",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316602",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "primary": true
            "person": {
                "name": {
                    "firstName": "Jane",
                    "middleName": "F",
                    "lastName": "Doe"
            "workEmail": {
                "primary": true,
                "address": "janedoe@example.com",
                "label": "Jane Doe",
                "type": "work",
                "status": "active"
        "lastModifiedAt": "2018-08-28T20:57:24Z"

If a related graph links more than 50 identities, this service will return HTTP status 422 and the message “Too many related identities”. If you receive this error, consider adding more query parameters to narrow your search.

API format

GET /access/entities?{QUERY_PARAMETERS}

Query parameters provided in the request path specify which data to access. You can include multiple parameters, separated by ampersands (&).

To access the time series events data, you must provide the following query parameters:

  • schema.name: The name of the entity’s XDM schema. In this use case, this value is schema.name=_xdm.context.experienceevent.
  • relatedSchema.name: The name of the related schema. Since the schema name is Experience Event, the value of this must be relatedSchema.name=_xdm.context.profile.
  • relatedEntityId: The ID of the related entity.
  • relatedEntityIdNS: The namespace of the related entity. This value must be provided if the relatedEntityId is not an XID.

A complete list of valid parameters is provided in the query parameters section of the appendix.


The following request finds a profile entity by ID, and retrieves the values for the properties endUserIDs, web, and channel for all time series events associated with the entity.

 A sample request to retrieve the time series events associated with an entity
curl -X GET 'https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/ups/access/entities?schema.name=_xdm.context.experienceevent&relatedSchema.name=_xdm.context.profile&relatedEntityId=89149270342662559642753730269986316900&relatedEntityIdNS=ECID&fields=endUserIDs,web,channel&startTime=1531260476000&endTime=1531260480000&limit=1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'


A successful response returns HTTP status 200 with a paginated list of time series events and associated fields that were specified in the request query parameters.


The request specified a limit of one (limit=1), therefore the count in the response below is 1 and only one entity is returned.

 A sample response that contains the requested time series events data
    "_page": {
        "orderby": "timestamp",
        "start": "c8d11988-6b56-4571-a123-b6ce74236036",
        "count": 1,
        "next": "c8d11988-6b56-4571-a123-b6ce74236037"
    "children": [
            "relatedEntityId": "A29cgveD5y64e2RixjUXNzcm",
            "entityId": "c8d11988-6b56-4571-a123-b6ce74236036",
            "timestamp": 1531260476000,
            "entity": {
                "endUserIDs": {
                    "_experience": {
                        "ecid": {
                            "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316900",
                            "namespace": {
                                "code": "ecid"
                "channel": {
                    "_type": "web"
                "web": {
                    "webPageDetails": {
                        "name": "Fernie Snow",
                        "pageViews": {
                            "value": 1
            "lastModifiedAt": "2018-08-21T06:49:02Z"
    "_links": {
        "next": {
            "href": "/entities?start=c8d11988-6b56-4571-a123-b6ce74236037&orderby=timestamp&schema.name=_xdm.context.experienceevent&relatedSchema.name=_xdm.context.profile&relatedEntityId=89149270342662559642753730269986316900&relatedEntityIdNS=ECID&fields=endUserIDs,web,channel&startTime=1531260476000&endTime=1531260480000&limit=1"

API format

GET /access/entities?{QUERY_PARAMETERS}

Query parameters provided in the request path specify which data to access. You can include multiple parameters, separated by ampersands (&).

To access the B2B Account data, you must provide the following query parameters:

  • schema.name: The name of the entity’s XDM schema. In this use case, this value is schema.name=_xdm.context.account.
  • entityId: The ID of the entity you’re trying to retrieve.
  • entityIdNS: The namespace of the entity you’re trying to retrieve. This value must be provided if the entityId is not an XID.

A complete list of valid parameters is provided in the query parameters section of the appendix.


 A sample request to retrieve a B2B Account
curl -X GET 'https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/ups/access/entities?schema.name=_xdm.context.account&entityIdNs=b2b_account&entityId=2334262' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'


A successful response returns HTTP status 200 with the requested entity.

 A sample response that contains the requested entity
    "GuQ-AUFjgjaeIw": {
        "entityId": "GuQ-AUFjgjaeIw",
        "mergePolicy": {
            "id": "a6150f47-a94f-4c9d-bfa0-958a370020ee"
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "_id": "id1",
            "extSourceSystemAudit": {
                "lastReferencedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastActivityDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "{USER_ID}",
                "externalKey": {
                    "sourceID": "{SOURCE_ID}",
                    "sourceKey": "{SOURCE_KEY}",
                    "sourceInstanceID": "{SOURCE_INSTANCE_ID}",
                    "sourceType": "{SOURCE_TYPE}"
                "lastViewedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "createdDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0"
            "accountID": "2334262",
            "identityMap": {
                "b2b_account": [
                        "id": "2334263"
                        "id": "2334262"
                        "id": "{SOURCE_ID}"
            "isDeleted": false,
            "accountKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334262",
                "sourceKey": "2334262",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334262",
                "sourceType": "Random"

API format

GET /access/entities?{QUERY_PARAMETERS}

Query parameters provided in the request path specify which data to access. You can include multiple parameters, separated by ampersands (&).

To access a B2B Opportunity entity, you must provide the following query parameters:

  • schema.name: The name of the entity’s XDM schema. In this use case, the schema.name=_xdm.context.opportunity.
  • entityId: The ID of the entity you’re trying to retrieve.
  • entityIdNS: The namespace of the entity you’re trying to retrieve. This value must be provided if the entityId is not an XID.

A complete list of valid parameters is provided in the query parameters section of the appendix.


 A sample request to retrieve a B2B Opportunity entity
curl -X GET 'https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/ups/access/entities?schema.name=_xdm.context.opportunity&entityIdNs=b2b_opportunity&entityId=2334262' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'


A successful response returns HTTP status 200 with the requested entity.

 A sample response that contains the requested entity
  "Ggw_AUFjgjaeIw": {
        "entityId": "Ggw_AUFjgjaeIw",
        "mergePolicy": {
            "id": "162824be-07f5-4cd0-aa85-2ff3c8f6c775"
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "_id": "id1",
            "extSourceSystemAudit": {
                "lastReferencedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastActivityDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "{USER_ID}",
                "externalKey": {
                    "sourceID": "00394S0001xpG6xABE",
                    "sourceKey": "0043c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce",
                    "sourceInstanceID": "00DC0000000Q35nMAC",
                    "sourceType": "Salesforce"
                "lastViewedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "createdDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0"
            "accountID": "2334262",
            "identityMap": {
                "b2b_opportunity": [
                        "id": "0043c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce"
                        "id": "2334263"
                        "id": "2334262"
            "isDeleted": false,
            "opportunityKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334262",
                "sourceKey": "2334262",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334262",
                "sourceType": "Random"
            "accountKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334262",
                "sourceKey": "2334262",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334262",
                "sourceType": "Random"

Retrieve multiple entities

You can retrieve multiple Profile entities or time series events by making a POST request to the /access/entities endpoint and providing the identities in the payload.

API format

POST /access/entities


The following request retrieves the names and email addresses of several customers by a list of identities.

 A sample request to retrieve multiple entities
curl -X POST https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/ups/access/entities \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -d '{
        "timeFilter": {
            "startTime": 1539838505,
            "endTime": 1539838510
        "limit": 10,
        "orderby": "-timestamp"
Property Type Description
schema.name String (Required) The name of the XDM schema the entity belongs to.
fields Array The XDM fields to be returned, as an array of strings. By default, all fields will be returned.
identities Array (Required) An array containing a list of identities for the entities you want to access.
identities.entityId String The ID of an entity you wish to access.
identities.entityIdNS.code String The namespace of an entity ID you wish to access.
timeFilter.startTime Integer Specifies the start time to filter Profile entities (in milliseconds). By default, this value is set as the beginning of available time.
timeFilter.endTime Integer Specifies the end time to filter Profile entities (in milliseconds). By default, this value is set as the end of available time.
limit Integer The maximum number of records to return. By default, this value is set to 1000.
orderby String The sort order of retrieved experience events by timestamp, written as (+/-)timestamp with the default being +timestamp.


A successful response returns HTTP status 200 with the requested fields of entities specified in the request body.

 A sample response that contains the requested entities
    "A29cgveD5y64ezlhxjUXNzcm": {
        "entityId": "A29cgveD5y64ezlhxjUXNzcm",
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "identities": [
                    "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316601",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "id": "janedoe@example.com",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "email"
                    "id": "05DD23564EC4607F0A490D44",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316603",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "id": "janesmith@example.com",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "email"
                    "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316604",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316700",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316701",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "id": "58832431024964181144308914570411162539",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316602",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "primary": true
            "person": {
                "name": {
                    "firstName": "Jane",
                    "middleName": "F",
                    "lastName": "Doe"
            "workEmail": {
                "primary": true,
                "address": "janedoe@example.com",
                "label": "Jane Doe",
                "type": "work",
                "status": "active"
        "lastModifiedAt": "2018-08-28T20:57:24Z"
    "A29cgveD5y64e2RixjUXNzcm": {
        "entityId": "A29cgveD5y64e2RixjUXNzcm",
        "sources": [
        "entity": {},
        "lastModifiedAt": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
    "A29cgveD5y64ezphxjUXNzcm": {
        "entityId": "A29cgveD5y64ezphxjUXNzcm",
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "identities": [
                    "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316602",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "ecid"
                    "primary": true
                    "id": "janedoe@example.com",
                    "namespace": {
                        "code": "email"
            "person": {
                "name": {
                    "firstName": "Jane",
                    "middleName": "F",
                    "lastName": "Doe"
            "workEmail": {
                "primary": true,
                "address": "janedoe@example.com",
                "label": "Jane Doe",
                "type": "work",
                "status": "active"
        "lastModifiedAt": "2018-08-27T23:25:52Z"

API format

POST /access/entities


The following request retrieves user IDs, local times, and country codes for time series events associated with a list of profile identities.

 A sample request to retrieve the time series data
curl -X POST https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/ups/access/entities \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -d '{
    "schema": {
        "name": "_xdm.context.experienceevent"
    "relatedSchema": {
        "name": "_xdm.context.profile"
    "identities": [
            "relatedEntityId": "GkouAW-yD9aoRCPhRYROJ-TetAFW"
            "relatedEntityId": "GkouAW-2u-7iWt5vQ9u2wm40JOZY"
    "fields": [

    "timeFilter": {
        "startTime": 11539838505
        "endTime": 1539838510
    "limit": 10,
    "orderby": "-timestamp"
Property Type Description
schema.name String (Required) The name of the XDM schema the entity belongs to.
relatedSchema.name String If schema.name is _xdm.context.experienceevent this value must specify the schema for the profile entity that the time series events are related to.
identities Array (Required) An array listing of profiles to retrieve associated time series events from. Each entry in the array is set in one of two ways:
  1. Using a fully qualified identity consisting of ID value and namespace
  2. Providing an XID
fields String The XDM fields to be returned, as an array of strings. By default, all fields will be returned.
orderby String The sort order of retrieved experience events by timestamp, written as (+/-)timestamp with the default being +timestamp.
timeFilter.startTime Integer Specify the start time to filter time-series objects (in milliseconds). By default, this value is set as the beginning of available time.
timeFilter.endTime Integer Specify the end time to filter time-series objects (in milliseconds). By default, this value is set as the end of available time.
limit Integer The maximum number of records to return. By default, this value is set to 1,000.


A successful response returns HTTP status 200 with a paginated list of time series events associated with the multiple profiles specified in the request.

 A sample response that contains the time series events
    "GkouAW-yD9aoRCPhRYROJ-TetAFW": {
        "_page": {
            "orderby": "timestamp",
            "start": "ee0fa8eb-f09c-4d72-a432-fea7f189cfcd",
            "count": 10,
            "next": "40cb2fb3-78cd-49d3-806f-9bdb22748226"
        "children": [
                "relatedEntityId": "GkouAW-yD9aoRCPhRYROJ-TetAFW",
                "entityId": "ee0fa8eb-f09c-4d72-a432-fea7f189cfcd",
                "timestamp": 1537275882000,
                "entity": {
                    "endUserIDs": {
                        "_experience": {
                            "mcid": {
                                "id": "67971860962043911970658021809222795905",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "ECID"
                            "aacustomid": {
                                "id": "50353446361742744826197433431642033796",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "CRMID"
                                "primary": true
                            "acid": {
                                "id": "2de32e9a00003314-2fd9c00000000026",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "AVID"
                    "placeContext": {
                        "localTime": "2018-09-18T13:04:42Z",
                        "geo": {
                            "countryCode": "MX"
                "lastModifiedAt": "2018-10-24T17:35:01Z"
                "relatedEntityId": "GkouAW-yD9aoRCPhRYROJ-TetAFW",
                "entityId": "a9e137b4-1348-4878-8167-e308af523d8b",
                "timestamp": 1537275889000,
                "entity": {
                    "endUserIDs": {
                        "_experience": {
                            "mcid": {
                                "id": "67971860962043911970658021809222795905",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "ECID"
                            "aacustomid": {
                                "id": "50353446361742744826197433431642033796",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "CRMID"
                                "primary": true
                            "acid": {
                                "id": "2de32e9a00003314-2fd9c00000000026",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "AVID"
                    "placeContext": {
                        "localTime": "2018-09-18T13:04:49Z",
                        "geo": {
                            "countryCode": "MX"
                "lastModifiedAt": "2018-10-24T17:35:01Z"
        "_links": {
            "next": {
                "href": "/entities",
                "payload": {
                    "schema": {
                        "name": "_xdm.context.experienceevent"
                    "relatedSchema": {
                        "name": "_xdm.context.profile"
                    "timeFilter": {
                        "startTime": 1537275882000
                    "fields": [
                    "identities": [
                            "relatedEntityId": "GkouAW-yD9aoRCPhRYROJ-TetAFW",
                            "start": "40cb2fb3-78cd-49d3-806f-9bdb22748226"
                    "limit": 10
    "GkouAW-2u-7iWt5vQ9u2wm40JOZY": {
        "_page": {
            "orderby": "timestamp",
            "start": "2746d0db-fa64-4e29-b67e-324bec638816",
            "count": 9,
            "next": ""
        "children": [
                "relatedEntityId": "GkouAW-2u-7iWt5vQ9u2wm40JOZY",
                "entityId": "2746d0db-fa64-4e29-b67e-324bec638816",
                "timestamp": 1537559483000,
                "entity": {
                    "endUserIDs": {
                        "_experience": {
                            "mcid": {
                                "id": "76436745599328540420034822220063618863",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "ECID"
                            "aacustomid": {
                                "id": "48593470048917738786405847327596263131",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "CRMID"
                                "primary": true
                            "acid": {
                                "id": "2de32e9a80007451-03da600000000028",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "AVID"
                    "placeContext": {
                        "localTime": "2018-09-21T19:51:23Z",
                        "geo": {
                            "countryCode": "US"
                "lastModifiedAt": "2018-10-24T17:34:58Z"
                "relatedEntityId": "GkouAW-2u-7iWt5vQ9u2wm40JOZY",
                "entityId": "9bf337a1-3256-431e-a38c-5c0d42d121d1",
                "timestamp": 1537559486000,
                "entity": {
                    "endUserIDs": {
                        "_experience": {
                            "mcid": {
                                "id": "76436745599328540420034822220063618863",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "ECID"
                            "aacustomid": {
                                "id": "48593470048917738786405847327596263131",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "CRMID"
                                "primary": true
                            "acid": {
                                "id": "2de32e9a80007451-03da600000000028",
                                "namespace": {
                                    "code": "AVID"
                    "placeContext": {
                        "localTime": "2018-09-21T19:51:26Z",
                        "geo": {
                            "countryCode": "US"
                "lastModifiedAt": "2018-10-24T17:34:58Z"
        "_links": {
            "next": {
                "href": ""

In this example response, the first listed profile (“GkouAW-yD9aoRCPhRYROJ-TetAFW”) provides a value for _links.next.payload, meaning that there are additional pages of results for this profile.

To access these results, you can perform an additional POST request to the /access/entities endpoint with the listed payload as the request body.

API format

POST /access/entities


The following request retrieves the requested B2B Accounts.

 A sample request to retrieve multiple entities
curl -X POST https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/ups/access/entities \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -d '{
        "identities": [
                "entityId": "2334262",
                "entityIdNS": {
                "entityId": "2334263",
                "entityIdNS": {
                "entityId": "2334264",
                "entityIdNS": {
Property Type Description
schema.name String (Required) The name of the XDM schema the entity belongs to.
identities Array (Required) An array containing a list of identities for the entities you want to access.
identities.entityId String The ID of an entity you wish to access.
identities.entityIdNS.code String The namespace of an entity ID you wish to access.


A successful response returns HTTP status 200 with the requested entities.

 A sample response that contains the requested entities
    "GuQ-AUFjgjeeIw": {
        "requestedIdentity": {
            "entityId": "2334263",
            "entityIdNS": {
                "code": "b2b_account"
        "entityId": "GuQ-AUFjgjeeIw",
        "mergePolicy": {
            "id": "a6150f47-a94f-4c9d-bfa0-958a370020ee"
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "_id": "id1",
            "extSourceSystemAudit": {
                "lastReferencedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastActivityDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "{USER_ID}",
                "externalKey": {
                    "sourceID": "00394S0001xpG6xABE",
                    "sourceKey": "0043c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce",
                    "sourceInstanceID": "00DC0000000Q35nMAC",
                    "sourceType": "Salesforce"
                "lastViewedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "createdDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0"
            "accountID": "2334262",
            "identityMap": {
                "b2b_account": [
                        "id": "2334263"
                        "id": "2334262"
                        "id": "0043c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce"
            "isDeleted": false,
            "accountKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334262",
                "sourceKey": "2334262",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334262",
                "sourceType": "Random"
    "GuQ-AUFjgjaeIw": {
        "requestedIdentity": {
            "entityId": "2334262",
            "entityIdNS": {
                "code": "b2b_account"
        "entityId": "GuQ-AUFjgjaeIw",
        "mergePolicy": {
            "id": "a6150f47-a94f-4c9d-bfa0-958a370020ee"
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "_id": "id1",
            "extSourceSystemAudit": {
                "lastReferencedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastActivityDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "{USER_ID}",
                "externalKey": {
                    "sourceID": "00394S0001xpG6xABE",
                    "sourceKey": "0043c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce",
                    "sourceInstanceID": "00DC0000000Q35nMAC",
                    "sourceType": "Salesforce"
                "lastViewedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "createdDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0"
            "accountID": "2334262",
            "identityMap": {
                "b2b_account": [
                        "id": "2334263"
                        "id": "2334262"
                        "id": "0043c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce"
            "isDeleted": false,
            "accountKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334262",
                "sourceKey": "2334262",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334262",
                "sourceType": "Random"
    "GuQ-AUFjgjmeIw": {
        "requestedIdentity": {
            "entityId": "2334265",
            "entityIdNS": {
                "code": "b2b_account"
        "entityId": "GuQ-AUFjgjmeIw",
        "mergePolicy": {
            "id": "a6150f47-a94f-4c9d-bfa0-958a370020ee"
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "_id": "id1",
            "extSourceSystemAudit": {
                "lastReferencedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastActivityDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "{USER_ID}",
                "externalKey": {
                    "sourceID": "00394S0001xpG6xABE",
                    "sourceKey": "0054c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce",
                    "sourceInstanceID": "00DC0000000Q35nMAC",
                    "sourceType": "Salesforce"
                "lastViewedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "createdDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0"
            "accountID": "2334265",
            "identityMap": {
            "b2b_account": [
                    "id": "0054c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce"
                    "id": "2334265"
        "isDeleted": false,
        "accountKey": {
            "sourceID": "2334265",
            "sourceKey": "2334265",
            "sourceInstanceID": "2334265",
            "sourceType": "Random"

API format

POST /access/entities


The following request retrieves the requested B2B opportunities.

 A sample request to retrieve multiple entities
curl -X POST https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/ups/access/entities \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -d '{
        "identities": [
                "entityId": "2334262",
                "entityIdNS": {
                "entityId": "2334263",
                "entityIdNS": {
                "entityId": "2334264",
                "entityIdNS": {
                "entityId": "2334265",
                "entityIdNS": {
Property Type Description
schema.name String (Required) The name of the XDM schema the entity belongs to.
identities Array (Required) An array containing a list of identities for the entities you want to access.
identities.entityId String The ID of an entity you wish to access.
identities.entityIdNS.code String The namespace of an entity ID you wish to access.


A successful response returns HTTP status 200 with the requested entities.

 A sample response that contains the requested entities
    "Ggw_AUFjgjaeIw": {
        "requestedIdentity": {
            "entityId": "2334262",
            "entityIdNS": {
                "code": "b2b_opportunity"
        "entityId": "Ggw_AUFjgjaeIw",
        "mergePolicy": {
            "id": "162824be-07f5-4cd0-aa85-2ff3c8f6c775"
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "_id": "id1",
            "extSourceSystemAudit": {
                "lastReferencedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastActivityDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "{USER_ID}",
                "externalKey": {
                    "sourceID": "00394S0001xpG6xABE",
                    "sourceKey": "0043c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce",
                    "sourceInstanceID": "00DC0000000Q35nMAC",
                    "sourceType": "Salesforce"
                "lastViewedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "createdDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0"
            "accountID": "2334262",
            "identityMap": {
                "b2b_opportunity": [
                        "id": "0043c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce"
                        "id": "2334263"
                        "id": "2334262"
            "isDeleted": false,
            "opportunityKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334262",
                "sourceKey": "2334262",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334262",
                "sourceType": "Random"
            "accountKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334262",
                "sourceKey": "2334262",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334262",
                "sourceType": "Random"
    "Ggw_AUFjgjieIw": {
        "requestedIdentity": {
            "entityId": "2334264",
            "entityIdNS": {
                "code": "b2b_opportunity"
        "entityId": "Ggw_AUFjgjieIw",
        "mergePolicy": {
            "id": "162824be-07f5-4cd0-aa85-2ff3c8f6c775"
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "_id": "id1",
            "extSourceSystemAudit": {
                "lastReferencedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastActivityDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "{USER_ID}",
                "externalKey": {
                    "sourceID": "00394S0001xpG6xABE",
                    "sourceKey": "0041c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce",
                    "sourceInstanceID": "00DC0000000Q35nMAC",
                    "sourceType": "Salesforce"
                "lastViewedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "createdDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0"
            "accountID": "2334264",
            "identityMap": {
                "b2b_opportunity": [
                        "id": "2334264"
                        "id": "0041c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce"
            "isDeleted": false,
            "opportunityKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334262",
                "sourceKey": "2334262",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334262",
                "sourceType": "Random"
            "accountKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334264",
                "sourceKey": "2334264",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334264",
                "sourceType": "Salesforce"
    "Ggw_AUFjgjeeIw": {
        "requestedIdentity": {
            "entityId": "2334263",
            "entityIdNS": {
                "code": "b2b_opportunity"
        "entityId": "Ggw_AUFjgjeeIw",
        "mergePolicy": {
            "id": "162824be-07f5-4cd0-aa85-2ff3c8f6c775"
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "_id": "id1",
            "extSourceSystemAudit": {
                "lastReferencedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastActivityDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "{USER_ID}",
                "externalKey": {
                    "sourceID": "00394S0001xpG6xABE",
                    "sourceKey": "0043c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce",
                    "sourceInstanceID": "00DC0000000Q35nMAC",
                    "sourceType": "Salesforce"
                "lastViewedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "createdDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0"
            "accountID": "2334262",
            "identityMap": {
                "b2b_opportunity": [
                        "id": "0043c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce"
                        "id": "2334263"
                        "id": "2334262"
            "isDeleted": false,
            "opportunityKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334262",
                "sourceKey": "2334262",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334262",
                "sourceType": "Random"
            "accountKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334262",
                "sourceKey": "2334262",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334262",
                "sourceType": "Random"
    "Ggw_AUFjgjmeIw": {
        "requestedIdentity": {
            "entityId": "2334265",
            "entityIdNS": {
                "code": "b2b_opportunity"
        "entityId": "Ggw_AUFjgjmeIw",
        "mergePolicy": {
            "id": "162824be-07f5-4cd0-aa85-2ff3c8f6c775"
        "sources": [
        "entity": {
            "_id": "id1",
            "extSourceSystemAudit": {
                "lastReferencedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastActivityDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "{USER_ID}",
                "externalKey": {
                    "sourceID": "00394S0001xpG6xABE",
                    "sourceKey": "0054c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce",
                    "sourceInstanceID": "00DC0000000Q35nMAC",
                    "sourceType": "Salesforce"
                "lastViewedDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0",
                "createdDate": "2024-03-09 12:21:43.0"
            "accountID": "2334265",
            "identityMap": {
                "b2b_opportunity": [
                        "id": "2334265"
                        "id": "0054c329201xpG6xAAE@00DC0000000Q35nWIN.Salesforce"
            "isDeleted": false,
            "opportunityKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334262",
                "sourceKey": "2334262",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334262",
                "sourceType": "Random"
            "accountKey": {
                "sourceID": "2334265",
                "sourceKey": "2334265",
                "sourceInstanceID": "2334265",
                "sourceType": "Random"

Access a subsequent page of results

Results are paginated when retrieving time series events. If there are subsequent pages of results, the _page.next property will contain an ID. Additionally, the _links.next.href property provides a request URI for retrieving the next page. To retrieve the results, make another GET request to the /access/entities endpoint and replace /entities with the value of the provided URI.


Ensure you do not accidentally repeat /entities/ in the request path. It should only appear once like, /access/entities?start=...

API format

GET /access/{NEXT_URI}
Parameter Description
{NEXT_URI} The URI value taken from _links.next.href.


The following request retrieves the next page of results by using the _links.next.href URI as the request path.

 A sample request to access the next page of results
curl -X GET \
  'https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/ups/access/entities?start=c8d11988-6b56-4571-a123-b6ce74236037&orderby=timestamp&schema.name=_xdm.context.experienceevent&relatedSchema.name=_xdm.context.profile&relatedEntityId=89149270342662559642753730269986316900&relatedEntityIdNS=ECID&fields=endUserIDs,web,channel&startTime=1531260476000&endTime=1531260480000&limit=1' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'


A successful response returns the next page of results. This response does not have subsequent pages of results, as indicated by the empty string values of _page.next and _links.next.href.

 A sample response that contains the next page of entities
    "_page": {
        "orderby": "timestamp",
        "start": "c8d11988-6b56-4571-a123-b6ce74236037",
        "count": 1,
        "next": ""
    "children": [
            "relatedEntityId": "A29cgveD5y64e2RixjUXNzcm",
            "entityId": "c8d11988-6b56-4571-a123-b6ce74236037",
            "timestamp": 1531260477000,
            "entity": {
                "endUserIDs": {
                    "_experience": {
                        "ecid": {
                            "id": "89149270342662559642753730269986316900",
                            "namespace": {
                                "code": "ecid"
                "channel": {
                    "_type": "web"
                "web": {
                    "webPageDetails": {
                        "name": "Fernie Snow",
                        "pageViews": {
                            "value": 1
            "lastModifiedAt": "2018-08-21T06:50:01Z"
    "_links": {
        "next": {
            "href": ""

Delete an entity

You can delete an entity from the Profile Store by making a DELETE request to the/access/entities endpoint along with the required query parameters.

API format

DELETE /access/entities?{QUERY_PARAMETERS}

Query parameters provided in the request path specify which data to access. You can include multiple parameters, separated by ampersands (&).

To delete an entity, you must provide the following query parameters:

  • schema.name: The name of the entity’s XDM schema. In this use case, you can only use schema.name=_xdm.context.profile.
  • entityId: The ID of the entity you’re trying to retrieve.
  • entityIdNS: The namespace of the entity you’re trying to retrieve. This value must be provided if the entityId is not an XID.
  • mergePolicyId: The merge policy ID of the entity. The merge policy contains information about identity stitching and key-value XDM object merging. If this value is not provided, the default merge policy will be used.


The following request deletes the specified entity.

 A sample request to delete an entity
curl -X DELETE 'https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/ups/access/entities?schema.name=_xdm.context.profile&entityId=janedoe@example.com&entityIdNS=email' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'


A successful response returns HTTP status 202 with an empty response body.

Next steps

By following this guide you have successfully accessed Real-Time Customer Profile data fields, profiles, and time series data. To learn how to access other data resources stored in Platform, see the Data Access overview.


The following section provides supplemental information regarding accessing Profile data using the API.

Query parameters

The following parameters are used in the path for GET requests to the /access/entities endpoint. They serve to identify the profile entity you wish to access and filter the data returned in the response. Required parameters are labeled, while the rest are optional.

Parameter Description Example
schema.name (Required) The name of the entity’s XDM schema. schema.name=_xdm.context.experienceevent
relatedSchema.name If schema.name is _xdm.context.experienceevent, this value must specify the schema for the profile entity that the time series events are related to. relatedSchema.name=_xdm.context.profile
entityId (Required) The ID of the entity. If the value of this parameter is not an XID, an identity namespace parameter (entityIdNS) must also be provided. entityId=janedoe@example.com
entityIdNS If entityId is not provided as an XID, this field must specify the identity namespace. entityIdNS=email
relatedEntityId If schema.name is _xdm.context.experienceevent, this value must specify the related profile entity’s ID. This value follows the same rules as entityId. relatedEntityId=69935279872410346619186588147492736556
relatedEntityIdNS If schema.name is “_xdm.context.experienceevent”, this value must specify the identity namespace for the entity specified in relatedEntityId. relatedEntityIdNS=CRMID
fields Filters the data returned in the response. Use this to specify which schema field values to include in data retrieved. For multiple fields, separate values by a comma with no spaces between. fields=personalEmail,person.name,person.gender
mergePolicyId Identifies the merge policy by which to govern the data returned. If one is not specified in the call, your organization’s default for that schema will be used. If no default merge policy has been configured, the default is no profile merge and no identity stitching. mergePolicyId=5aa6885fcf70a301dabdfa4a
orderBy The sort order of retrieved entities by timestamp. This is written as (+/-)timestamp, with the default being +timestamp. orderby=-timestamp
startTime Specifies the start time to filter the entities (in milliseconds). startTime=1539838505
endTime Specifies the end time to filter entities (in milliseconds). endTime=1539838510
limit Specifies the maximum number of entities to return. By default, this value is set to 1000. limit=100
property Filters by the property value. This query parameter supports the following evaluators: =, !=, <, <=, >, >=. This can only be used with experience events, with a maximum of three properties being supported. property=webPageDetails.isHomepage=true&property=localTime<="2020-07-20"

On this page