Connect DbVisualizer to Query Service

Last update: 2023-04-12
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  • Queries
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  • User

This document covers the steps for connecting the DbVisualizer database tool with Adobe Experience Platform Query Service.

Getting started

This guide requires that you already have access to the DbVisualizer desktop app and are familiar with how to navigate its interface. To download the DbVisualizer desktop app or for more information, see the official DbVisualizer documentation.

To acquire the necessary credentials for connecting DbVisualizer to Experience Platform, you must have access to the Queries workspace in the Platform UI. Please contact your organization administrator if you do not currently have access to the Queries workspace.

Create a database connection

Once you have installed the desktop app on your local machine, follow the official BDVisualizer instructions to create a new database connection.

Once you have selected PostgreSQL from the Connections list, an Object View tab for the new PostgreSQL connection appears.

Set driver properties for your connection

From the PostgreSQL object view tab, select the Properties tab, followed by the Driver Properties from the navigation sidebar. More information on driver properties can be found in the official documentation.

Next, enter the driver properties described in the table below.


To connect DBVisualizer with Adobe Experience Platform, you must enable the use of SSL. See the SSL modes documentation to learn about SSL support for third-party connections to Adobe Experience Platform Query Service, and how to connect using verify-full SSL mode.

Property Description
PGHOST The host name for the PostgreSQL server. This value is your Experience Platform Host credential.
ssl Define the SSL value 1 to enable the use of SSL.
sslmode This controls the level of SSL protection. You are recommended to use the require SSL mode when connecting third-party clients to Adobe Experience Platform. The require mode ensures that encryption is required on all communications and that the network is trusted to connect to the correct server. Server SSL certificate validation is not required.
user The username connected to the database is your organization ID. It is an alphanumeric string ending in @Adobe.Org. This value is your Experience Platform Username credential.

Use the search bar to find each property then select the corresponding cell for the parameter’s value. The cell will highlight in blue. Enter your Platform credential in the value field and select Apply to add the driver property.


To add a second user profile, select user from the parameter column then select the blue + (plus) icon to add credentials for each user. Select Apply to add the driver property.

The Edited column shows a checkmark to denote that the parameter value has been updated.

Input Query Service credentials

To find the credentials necessary to connect BBVisualizer with Query Service, log in to the Platform UI and select Queries from the left navigation, followed by Credentials. For more information on finding your host, port, database, username, and password credentials, please read the credentials guide.

The Credentials page of the Experience Platform Queries workspace with Credentials and the Expiring Credentials highlighted.


Query Service also offers non-expiring credentials to allow for a one-time setup with third-party clients. See the documentation for full instructions on how to generate and use non-expiring credentials. It is necessary to complete this process if you wish to connect BDVisualizer as a one-time setup. The credential and technicalAccountId values acquired comprise the value for the DBVisualizer password parameter.


To require a user ID and password-based authentication each time a connection is established, navigate to the Properties tab and select Authentication from the navigation sidebar under PostgreSQL.

In the Connection Authentication panel, check both the Require Userid and Require Password checkboxes then select Apply. More information on setting authentication options can be fond in the official documentation.

Connect to Platform

You can make a connection using expiring or non-expiring credentials. To make a connection, select the Connection tab from the PostgreSQL object view tab and enter your Experience Platform credentials for the following settings. Complementary instructions to set up a manual connection are available on the official DBVisualizer website.


All credentials required by BDVisualizer in the table below are the same for expiring and non-expiring credentials unless stated in the parameter description.

Connection parameter Description
Name Create a name for your connection. You are recommended to provide a human-friendly name to recognize the connection.
Database Server This is your Experience Platform Host credential.
Database Port The port for Query Service. You must use port 80 or 5432 to connect with Query Service.
Database Use your Experience Platform Database credential value: prod:all.
Database Userid This is your Platform organization Id. Use your Experience Platform Username credential value. The ID will be in the format of ORG_ID@AdobeOrg.
Database Password This alphanumeric string is your Experience Platform Password credential. If you want to use non-expiring credentials, this value is the concatenated arguments from the technicalAccountID and the credential downloaded in the configuration JSON file. The password value takes the form: {technicalAccountId}:{credential}. The configuration JSON file for non-expiring credentials is a one-time download during their initialization that Adobe does not keep a copy of.

After you have input all relevant credentials, select Connect.

The Connect dialog appears on the first occasion of the session. Enter your Userid and Password and select Connect. A message appears in the log to confirm a successful connection.

Next steps

Now that you have connected DbVisualizer with Query Service, you can use DbVisualizer to write queries. For more information on how to write and run queries, please read the guide on query execution.

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