Connect Looker to Query Service

Last update: 2023-01-12
  • Topics:
  • Queries
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  • Created for:
  • User

This document covers the steps for connecting Looker with Adobe Experience Platform Query Service.


This guide assumes you already have access to Looker and are familiar with how to navigate its interface. More information about Looker can be found in the official Looker documentation.

Create a new database connection

After logging into Looker, select Admin, followed by Connections. The Connections page opens. On the Connections page, select Add Connection.

From here, enter the details for the connection settings listed below. See the official Looker documentation for instructions to create a new database connection and descriptions of the available properties.

  • Name: The name of your connection.
  • Dialect: The dialect used for the SQL database. Query Service uses PostgreSQL.
  • Host and Port: The host endpoint and its port for Query Service.
  • Database: The database that will be used.
  • Username and Password: The login credentials that will be used. The username will be in the form of ORG_ID@AdobeOrg.
  • SSL: Enable SSL to ensure a secure connection across the network.

To find the credentials necessary to connect Looker with Query Service, log in to the Platform UI and select Queries from the left navigation, followed by Credentials. For more information on finding your host, port, database, username, and password credentials, please read the credentials guide.

The Credentials page of the Experience Platform Queries workspace with Credentials and the Expiring Credentials highlighted.


Query Service also offers non-expiring credentials to allow for a one-time setup with third-party clients. See the documentation for full instructions on how to generate and use non-expiring credentials. It is necessary to complete this process if you wish to connect Looker as a one-time setup. The credential and technicalAccountId values acquired comprise the value for the Looker password parameter.

To learn about SSL support for third-party connections in Adobe Experience Platform, see the Query Service SSL documentation. This document provides instructions on how to connect using verify-full SSL mode.

After you have entered your connection details, select Test These Settings to ensure your credentials work properly. More information on testing your connection settings are provided in the official Looker documentation. Upon a successful connection, a message appears on screen to indicate that you can connect. Once your connection is successful, select Add Connection to create your connection.

Next steps

Now that you’ve connected with Query Service, you can use Looker to write queries. For more information on how to write and run queries, please read the running queries guide.

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