Exploratory data analysis

Last update: 2023-11-29
  • Topics:
  • Queries
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  • Created for:
  • User

This document provides some basic examples and best practices for using Data Distiller to explore and analyze data from a Python notebook.

Getting Started

Before you continue with this guide, ensure that you have created a connection to Data Distiller in your Python notebook. See the documentation for instructions on how to connect a Python notebook to Data Distiller.

Acquire basic statistics

Use the code below to retrieve the number of rows and distinct profiles in a dataset.

table_name = 'ecommerce_events'

basic_statistics_query = f"""
    COUNT(_id) as "totalRows",
    COUNT(DISTINCT _id) as "distinctUsers"
FROM {table_name}"""

df = qs_cursor.query(basic_statistics_query, output="dataframe")

Sample output

totalRows distinctUsers
0 1276563 1276563

Create a sampled version of large datasets

If the dataset you wish to query is very large, or if exact results from exploratory queries are not necessary, use the sampling functionality available for Data Distiller queries. This is a two-step process:

  • First, analyze the dataset to create a sampled version with a specified sampling ratio
  • Next, query the sampled version of the dataset. Depending on the functions you apply to the sampled dataset, you may wish to scale the output to the numbers to the full dataset

Create a 5% sample

The example below analyzes the dataset and creates a 5% sample:

# A sampling rate of 10 is 100% in Query Service, so for 5% use a sampling rate 0.5
sampling_rate = 0.5

SET aqp=true;
ANALYZE TABLE {table_name} TABLESAMPLE SAMPLERATE {sampling_rate}"""

qs_cursor.query(analyze_table_query, output="raw")

View your samples

You can use the sample_meta function to view any samples that have been created from a given dataset. The code snippet below demonstrates how to use the sample_meta function.

sampled_version_of_table_query = f'''SELECT sample_meta('{table_name}')'''

df_samples = qs_cursor.query(sampled_version_of_table_query, output="dataframe")

Sample output:

sample_table_name sample_dataset_id parent_dataset_id sample_type sampling_rate filter_condition_on_source_dataset sample_num_rows created
0 cmle_synthetic_data_experience_event_dataset_c… 650f7a09ed6c3e28d34d7fc2 64fb4d7a7d748828d304a2f4 uniform 0.5 6427 23/09/2023 11:51:37

Query your sample

You can directly query your sample by referencing the sample table name from the returned metadata. You can then multiply the results by the sampling ratio to get an estimate.

sample_table_name = df_samples[df_samples["sampling_rate"] == sampling_rate]["sample_table_name"].iloc[0]

count_query=f'''SELECT count(*) as cnt from {sample_table_name}'''

df = qs_cursor.query(count_query, output="dataframe")
# Divide by the sampling rate to extrapolate to the full dataset
approx_count = df["cnt"].iloc[0] / (sampling_rate / 100)

print(f"Approximate count: {approx_count} using {sampling_rate *10}% sample")

Sample output

Approximate count: 1284600.0 using 5.0% sample

Email funnel analysis

A funnel analysis is a method of understanding the steps required to reach a target outcome, and how many users get through each of those steps. The example below illustrates a simple funnel analysis of the steps leading toward a user subscribing to a newsletter. The subscription outcome is represented by an event type of web.formFilledOut.

First, run a query to get the number of users at each step.

simple_funnel_analysis_query = f'''SELECT eventType, COUNT(DISTINCT _id) as "distinctUsers",COUNT(_id) as "distinctEvents" FROM {table_name} GROUP BY eventType ORDER BY distinctUsers DESC'''

funnel_df = qs_cursor.query(simple_funnel_analysis_query, output="dataframe")

Sample output

eventType distinctUsers distinctEvents
0 directMarketing.emailSent 598840 598840
1 directMarketing.emailOpened 239028 239028
2 web.webpagedetails.pageViews 120118 120118
3 advertising.impressions 119669 119669
4 directMarketing.emailClicked 51581 51581
5 commerce.productViews 37915 37915
6 decisioning.propositionDisplay 37650 37650
7 web.webinteraction.linkClicks 37581 37581
8 web.formFilledOut 17860 17860
9 advertising.clicks 7610 7610
10 decisioning.propositionInteract 2964 2964
11 decisioning.propositionDismiss 2889 2889
12 commerce.purchases 2858 2858

Plot query results

Next, plot the query results using the Python plotly library:

import plotly.express as px

email_funnel_events = ["directMarketing.emailSent", "directMarketing.emailOpened", "directMarketing.emailClicked", "web.formFilledOut"]
email_funnel_df = funnel_df[funnel_df["eventType"].isin(email_funnel_events)]

fig = px.funnel(email_funnel_df, y='eventType', x='distinctUsers')

Sample output

An infographic of the eventType email funnel.

Event correlations

Another common analysis is to compute correlations between event types and a target conversion event type. In this example, the subscription event is represented by web.formFilledOut. This example uses the Spark functions available in Data Distiller queries to achieve the following steps:

  1. Count the number of events for each event type by profile.
  2. Aggregate the counts of each event type across profiles and compute the correlations of each event type with web,formFilledOut.
  3. Transform the dataframe of counts and correlations into a table of Pearson Correlation coefficients of each feature (event type counts) with the target event.
  4. Visualize the results in a plot.

The Spark functions aggregate the data to return a small table of results, so you can execute this type of query on the full dataset.

SELECT SUM(webFormsFilled) as webFormsFilled_totalUsers,
       SUM(advertisingClicks) as advertisingClicks_totalUsers,
       SUM(productViews) as productViews_totalUsers,
       SUM(productPurchases) as productPurchases_totalUsers,
       SUM(propositionDismisses) as propositionDismisses_totaUsers,
       SUM(propositionDisplays) as propositionDisplays_totaUsers,
       SUM(propositionInteracts) as propositionInteracts_totalUsers,
       SUM(emailClicks) as emailClicks_totalUsers,
       SUM(emailOpens) as emailOpens_totalUsers,
       SUM(webLinkClicks) as webLinksClicks_totalUsers,
       SUM(webPageViews) as webPageViews_totalusers,
       corr(webFormsFilled, emailOpens) as webForms_EmailOpens,
       corr(webFormsFilled, advertisingClicks) as webForms_advertisingClicks,
       corr(webFormsFilled, productViews) as webForms_productViews,
       corr(webFormsFilled, productPurchases) as webForms_productPurchases,
       corr(webFormsFilled, propositionDismisses) as webForms_propositionDismisses,
       corr(webFormsFilled, propositionInteracts) as webForms_propositionInteracts,
       corr(webFormsFilled, emailClicks) as webForms_emailClicks,
       corr(webFormsFilled, emailOpens) as webForms_emailOpens,
       corr(webFormsFilled, emailSends) as webForms_emailSends,
       corr(webFormsFilled, webLinkClicks) as webForms_webLinkClicks,
       corr(webFormsFilled, webPageViews) as webForms_webPageViews
    SELECT _{tenant_id}.cmle_id as userID,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='web.formFilledOut' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as webFormsFilled,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='advertising.clicks' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as advertisingClicks,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='commerce.productViews' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as productViews,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='commerce.productPurchases' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as productPurchases,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='decisioning.propositionDismiss' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as propositionDismisses,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='decisioning.propositionDisplay' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as propositionDisplays,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='decisioning.propositionInteract' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as propositionInteracts,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='directMarketing.emailClicked' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as emailClicks,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='directMarketing.emailOpened' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as emailOpens,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='directMarketing.emailSent' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as emailSends,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='web.webinteraction.linkClicks' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as webLinkClicks,
            SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='web.webinteraction.pageViews' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as webPageViews
    FROM {table_name}
    GROUP BY userId
large_correlation_df = qs_cursor.query(large_correlation_query, output="dataframe")

Sample output:

webFormsFilled_totalUsers advertisingClicks_totalUsers productViews_totalUsers productPurchases_totalUsers propositionDismisses_totaUsers propositionDisplays_totaUsers propositionInteracts_totalUsers emailClicks_totalUsers emailOpens_totalUsers webLinksClicks_totalUsers webForms_advertisingClicks webForms_productViews webForms_productPurchases webForms_propositionDismisses webForms_propositionInteracts webForms_emailClicks webForms_emailOpens webForms_emailSends webForms_webLinkClicks webForms_webPageViews
0 17860 7610 37915 0 2889 37650 2964 51581 239028 37581 0.026805 0.2779 None 0.06014 0.143656 0.305657 0.218874 0.192836 0.259353 None

Transform row into event type correlation

Next, transform the single row of data in the query output above, into a table showing the correlations of each event type with the target subscription event:

cols = large_correlation_df.columns
corrdf = large_correlation_df[[col for col in cols if ("webForms_"  in col)]].melt()
corrdf["feature"] = corrdf["variable"].apply(lambda x: x.replace("webForms_", ""))
corrdf["pearsonCorrelation"] = corrdf["value"]


Sample output:

variable value feature pearsonCorrelation
0 webForms_EmailOpens 0.218874 EmailOpens 0.218874
1 webForms_advertisingClicks 0.026805 advertisingClicks 0.026805
2 webForms_productViews 0.277900 productViews 0.277900
3 webForms_productPurchases 0.000000 productPurchases 0.000000
4 webForms_propositionDismisses 0.060140 propositionDismisses 0.060140
5 webForms_propositionInteracts 0.143656 propositionInteracts 0.143656
6 webForms_emailClicks 0.305657 emailClicks 0.305657
7 webForms_emailOpens 0.218874 emailOpens 0.218874
8 webForms_emailSends 0.192836 emailSends 0.192836
9 webForms_webLinkClicks 0.259353 webLinkClicks 0.259353
10 webForms_webPageViews 0.000000 webPageViews 0.000000

Finally, you can visualize the correlations with the matplotlib Python library:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,10))
sns.barplot(data=corrdf.fillna(0), y="feature", x="pearsonCorrelation")
ax.set_title("Pearson Correlation of Events with the outcome event")

An bar graph of the Pearson Correlation of events of event outcomes

Next Steps

By reading this document, you have learned how to use Data Distiller to explore and analyze data from a Python notebook. The next step in creating feature pipelines from Experience Platform to feed custom models in your machine learning environment is to engineer features for machine learning.

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