Getting started with Adobe Experience Platform Query Service

Last update: 2024-02-09
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Once your organization is provisioned for Adobe Experience Platform, your administrator can grant you access to Query Service. Before you can make use of all features offered by Query Service, however, you must first ingest data into Adobe Experience Platform.

This data ingestion tutorial video provides an overview on creating a dataset, mapping a dataset to a schema, adding data to the dataset, and confirming its ingestion. The ingestion overview documentation supplements this and provides more in depth information and links to other learning resources.

After you have ingested your data into Adobe Experience Platform, you can begin working with Query Service using either the Query Editor in the Platform UI or the Query Service API. Full documentation on how to use each of these tools can be found within their respective sections.

Next Steps

This document covered the prerequisites needed to use Query Service features in Experience Platform. To quickly get started using Query Service features, you are recommended to read the following documents:

Alternatively, to learn more about how Query Service benefits data processing in Platform, watch the abandoned browse use case presentation.

The following resources are useful to improve your understanding of Query Service:

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