Use this guide to learn how higher-order functions can process complex data types, such as arrays and maps. These functions remove the need to explode the array, perform a function, and then combine the result. Higher-order functions are particularly useful for analyzing or processing time series datasets and analytics, which often feature complex nested structures, arrays, maps, and diverse use cases.
The following list of use cases contains examples of higher-order array and map manipulation functions.
transform(array<T>, function<T, U>): array<U>
The snippet above applies a function to each element of the array and returns a new array of transformed elements. Specifically, the transform
function takes an array of type T and converts each element from type T to type U. It then returns an array of type U. The actual types T and U depend on the specific use of the transform function.
transform(array<T>, function<T, Int, U>): array<U>
This array transformation function is similar to the previous example, but there are two arguments for the function. The second argument in this function also receives the index of the element in the array in addition to being transformed.
The SQL example below demonstrates this use case. The query retrieves a limited set of rows from the specified table, transforming the productListItems
array by multiplying the priceTotal
attribute of each item by 73. The result includes the _id
, productListItems
, and the transformed price_in_inr
columns. The selection is based on a specific timestamp range.
Transform(productListItems, value -> value.priceTotal * 73) AS
FROM geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
WHERE timestamp > To_timestamp('2017-11-01 00:00:00')
AND timestamp < To_timestamp('2017-11-02 00:00:00')
Results for this SQL would appear similar to those seen below.
productListItems | price_in_inr
(8376, NULL, NULL) | 611448.0
{(Burbank Hills Jeans, NULL, NULL), (Thermomax Steel, NULL, NULL), (Bruin Point Shearling Boots, NULL, NULL), (Uintas Pro Ski Gloves, NULL, NULL), (Timberline Survival Knife, NULL, NULL), (Thermomax Steel, NULL, NULL), (Timpanogos Scarf, NULL, NULL), (Lost Prospector Beanie, NULL, NULL), (Timpanogos Scarf, NULL, NULL), (Uintas Pro Ski Gloves, NULL, NULL)} | {0.0,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.0}
(84763,NULL, NULL) | 6187699.0
(843765, NULL, NULL) | 6.1594845E7
(199684, NULL, NULL) | 1.4576932E7
(10 rows)
exists(array<T>, function<T, boolean>): boolean
In the snippet above, the exists
function is applied to each element of the array and returns a boolean value. The boolean indicates if there are one or more elements in the array that satisfy a specified condition. In this case, it confirms whether a product with a specific SKU exists.
In the SQL example below, the query fetches productListItems
from the geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
table and evaluates whether an element with an SKU equal to 123679
in the productListItems
array exists. It then filters the results based on a specific range of timestamps and limits the final results to ten rows.
SELECT productListItems
FROM geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
WHERE EXISTS( productListItems, value -> value.sku == 123679)
AND timestamp > to_timestamp('2017-11-01 00:00:00')
AND timestamp < to_timestamp('2017-11-02 00:00:00')limit 10;
Results for this SQL would appear similar to those seen below.
{(123679, NULL,NULL)}
{(123679, NULL, NULL)}
{(123679, NULL, NULL), (150196, NULL, NULL)}
{(123679, NULL, NULL), (150196, NULL, NULL)}
{(123679, NULL, NULL), (150196, NULL, NULL)}
{(123679, NULL, NULL)}
{(123679, NULL, NULL)}
{(123679, NULL, NULL)}
{(123679, NULL,NULL)}
{(123679,NULL, NULL)}
(10 rows)
filter(array<T>, function<T, boolean>): array<T>
This function filters an array of elements based on a given condition that evaluates each element as a boolean value. It then returns a new array that only includes elements where the condition returned a true value.
The query below selects the productListItems
column, applies a filter to include only elements with SKU greater than 100000, and restricts the result set to rows within a specific timestamp range. The filtered array is then aliased as _filter
in the output.
SELECT productListItems,
Filter(productListItems, value -> value.sku > 100000) AS _filter
FROM geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
WHERE timestamp > To_timestamp('2017-11-01 00:00:00')
AND timestamp < To_timestamp('2017-11-02 00:00:00')
Results for this SQL would appear similar to those seen below.
productListItems | _filter
(123679, NULL, NULL) (123679, NULL, NULL)
(1346, NULL, NULL) |
(98347, NULL, NULL) |
(176015, NULL, NULL) | (176015, NULL, NULL)
(10 rows)
aggregate(array<T>, A, function<A, T, A>[, function<A, R>]): R
This aggregate operation applies a binary operator to an initial state and all elements in the array. It also reduces multiple values to a single state. After this reduction, the final state is then converted into the ultimate result by using a finish function. The finish function takes the last state obtained after applying the binary operator to all array elements and does something with it to produce the final result.
This query example calculates the maximum SKU value from the productListItems
array within the given timestamp range and doubles the result. The output includes the original productListItems
array and the computed max_value
SELECT productListItems,
aggregate(productListItems, 0, (acc, value) ->
value.sku > acc) THEN cast(value.sku AS int)
ELSE cast(acc AS int)
END, acc -> acc * 2) AS max_value
FROM geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
WHERE timestamp > to_timestamp('2017-11-01 00:00:00')
AND timestamp < to_timestamp('2017-11-02 00:00:00')
Results for this SQL would appear similar to those seen below.
productListItems | max_value
(123679, NULL, NULL) | 247358
(1346,NULL, NULL) | 2692
(98347, NULL, NULL) | 196694
(176015, NULL, NULL) | 352030
(10 rows)
zip_with(array<T>, array<U>, function<T, U, R>): array<R>
This snippet combines the elements of two arrays into a single new array. The operation is performed independently on each element of the array and generates pairs of values. If one array is shorter, null values are added to match the length of the longer array. This happens before the function is applied.
The following query uses the zip_with
function to create pairs of values from two arrays. It does this by adding the SKU values from the productListItems
array to an integer sequence, which was generated using the Sequence
function. The result is selected alongside the original productListItems
column and is limited based on a timestamp range.
SELECT productListItems,
zip_with(Sequence(1,5), Transform(productListItems, p -> p.sku), (x,y) -> struct(x, y)) AS zip_with
FROM geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
WHERE timestamp > to_timestamp('2017-11-01 00:00:00')
AND timestamp < to_timestamp('2017-11-02 00:00:00')
limit 10;
Results for this SQL would appear similar to those seen below.
productListItems | zip_with
| {(1,NULL), (2,NULL), (3,NULL),(4,NULL), (5,NULL)}
(123679, NULL, NULL) | {(1,123679), (2,NULL), (3,NULL), (4,NULL), (5,NULL)}
| {(1,NULL), (2,NULL),(3,NULL),(4,NULL), (5,NULL)}
| {(1,NULL), (2,NULL), (3, NULL),(4,NULL), (5,NULL)}
(1346,NULL, NULL) | {(1,1346), (2,NULL),(3,NULL),(4,NULL), (5,NULL)}
| {(1,NULL), (2,NULL), (3,NULL),(4,NULL), (5,NULL)}
(98347, NULL, NULL) | {(1,98347), (2,NULL), (3,NULL), (4,NULL), (5,NULL)}
| {(1,NULL), (2,NULL), (3,NULL), (4,NULL), (5,NULL)}
(176015, NULL, NULL) | {(1,176015),(2,NULL), (3,NULL), (4,NULL), (5,NULL)}
| {(1,NULL), (2,NULL), (3,NULL), (4,NULL), (5,NULL)}
(10 rows)
map_from_entries(array<struct<K, V>>): map<K, V>
This snippet converts an array of key-value pairs into a map. It is useful when dealing with key-value pair data that could benefit from a more organized and efficient structure.
The following query creates pairs of values from a sequence and the productListItems array, converts these pairs into a map using map_from_entries, and then selects the original productListItems column along with the newly created map_from_entries column. The result is filtered and limited based on the specified timestamp range.
SELECT productListItems, map_from_entries(zip_with(Sequence(1,Size(productListItems)), productListItems, (x,y) -> struct(x, y))) AS map_from_entries
FROM geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
WHERE timestamp > to_timestamp('2017-11-01 00:00:00')
AND timestamp < to_timestamp('2017-11-02 00:00:00')
Results for this SQL would appear similar to those seen below.
productListItems | map_from_entries
(123679, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(123679,NULL,NULL)"]
(1346, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(1346, NULL, NULL)"]
(98347, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(98347, NULL, NULL)"]
(176015, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(176015, NULL, NULL)"]
(92763, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(92763, NULL, NULL)"]
(48576, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(48576, NULL, NULL)"]
(135778, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(135778, NULL, NULL)"]
(123679, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(123679, NULL, NULL)"]
(98347, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(98347, NULL, NULL)"]
(167753, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(167753, NULL, NULL)"]
(10 rows)
map_form_arrays(array<K>, array<V>): map<K, V>
The map_form_arrays
function creates a map using paired values from two arrays.
There should be no null elements in the keys.
The SQL below creates a map where the keys are sequenced numbers generated using the Sequence
function, and the values are elements from the productListItems
array. The query selects the productListItems
column and uses the Map_from_arrays
function to create the map based on the generated sequence of numbers and the elements of the array. The result is limited to ten rows and filtered based on a timestamp range.
SELECT productListItems,
Map_from_arrays(Sequence(1, Size(productListItems)), productListItems) AS
FROM geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
WHERE Size(productListItems) > 0
AND timestamp > To_timestamp('2017-11-01 00:00:00')
AND timestamp < To_timestamp('2017-11-02 00:00:00')
Results for this SQL would appear similar to those seen below.
productListItems | map_from_entries
(123679, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(123679,NULL,NULL)"]
(1346, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(1346, NULL, NULL)"]
(98347, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(98347, NULL, NULL)"]
(176015, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(176015, NULL, NULL)"]
(92763, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(92763, NULL, NULL)"]
(48576, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(48576, NULL, NULL)"]
(135778, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(135778, NULL, NULL)"]
(123679, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(123679, NULL, NULL)"]
(98347, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(98347, NULL, NULL)"]
(167753, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(167753, NULL, NULL)"]
(10 rows)
map_concat(map<K, V>, ...): map<K, V>
The map_concat
function in the snippet above takes multiple maps as arguments and returns a new map that combines all the key-value pairs from the input maps. The function concatenates multiple maps into a single map, and the resulting map includes all the key-value pairs from the input maps.
The SQL below creates a map where each item in productListItems
is associated with a sequence number, which is then concatenated with another map where keys are generated in a specific sequence range.
SELECT productListItems,
map_from_entries(zip_with(Sequence(1,Size(productListItems)), productListItems, (x,y) -> struct(x, y))),
map_from_arrays(sequence(size(productListItems) + 1, size(productListItems) + size(productListItems)), productListItems) )
FROM geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
WHERE size(productListItems) > 0
AND timestamp > to_timestamp('2017-11-01 00:00:00')
AND timestamp < to_timestamp('2017-11-02 00:00:00')
limit 10;
Results for this SQL would appear similar to those seen below.
productListItems | map_from_entries
(123679, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(123679,NULL,NULL)",2 -> "(123679, NULL, NULL)"]
(1346, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(1346, NULL, NULL)",2 -> "(1346, NULL, NULL)"]
(98347, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(98347, NULL, NULL)",2 -> "(98347, NULL, NULL)"]
(176015, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(176015, NULL, NULL)",2 -> "(176015, NULL, NULL)"]
(92763, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(92763, NULL, NULL)",2 -> "(92763, NULL, NULL)"]
(48576, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(48576, NULL, NULL)",2 -> "(48576, NULL, NULL)"]
(135778, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(135778, NULL, NULL)",2 -> "(135778, NULL, NULL)"]
(123679, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(123679, NULL, NULL)",2 -> "(123679, NULL, NULL)"]
(98347, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(98347, NULL, NULL)",2 -> "(98347, NULL, NULL)"]
(167753, NULL, NULL) | [1 -> "(167753, NULL, NULL)",2 -> "(167753, NULL, NULL)"]
(10 rows)
element_at(array<T>, Int): T / element_at(map<K, V>, K): V
For arrays, the snippet returns the element at a specified (1-based) index, or the value associated with a key in a map. If the index is < 0, it accesses elements from the last to the first and returns null if the index exceeds the length of the array.
For maps, it either returns a value for the given key or null if the key is not contained in the map.
The query selects the identitymap
column from the table geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
and extracts the value associated with the key AAID
for each row. The results are restricted to rows that fall within the specified timestamp range, and the query limits the output to ten rows.
SELECT identitymap,
Element_at(identitymap, 'AAID')
FROM geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
WHERE timestamp > To_timestamp('2017-11-01 00:00:00')
AND timestamp < To_timestamp('2017-11-02 00:00:00')
Results for this SQL would appear similar to those seen below.
identitymap | element_at(identitymap, AAID)
[AAID -> "(3617FBB942466D79-5433F727AD6A0AD, false)",ECID -> "(67383754798169392543508586197135045866,true)"] | (3617FBB942466D79-5433F727AD6A0AD, false)
[AAID -> "[AAID -> "(533F56A682C059B1-396437F68879F61D, false)",ECID -> "(91989370462250197735311833131353001213,true)"] | (533F56A682C059B1-396437F68879F61D, false)
[AAID -> "(22E195F8A8ECCC6A-A39615C93B72A9F, false)",ECID -> "(57699241367342030964647681192998909474,true)"] | (22E195F8A8ECCC6A-A39615C93B72A9F, false)
[AAID -> "(6A60527B9D66CCB9-29638A632B45E9, false)",ECID -> "(50117234882064422833184021414056250576,true)"] | (6A60527B9D66CCB9-29638A632B45E9, false)
[AAID -> "(64FB4DC317E21B59-2A23602D234647E7, false)",ECID -> "(79785479785408621882908938960039330887,true)"] | (64FB4DC317E21B59-2A23602D234647E7, false)
[AAID -> "(2E70E8CF6DB1DE86-270E55BBBA58B9C1, false)",ECID -> "(80073674009951685326146914344189474476,true)"] | (2E70E8CF6DB1DE86-270E55BBBA58B9C1, false)
[AAID -> "(22E195F8A8ECCC6A-A39615C93B72A9F, false)",ECID -> "(57699241367342030964647681192998909474,true)"] | (22E195F8A8ECCC6A-A39615C93B72A9F, false)
[AAID -> "(1CFB3297C3146F2F-28D6902A610BA3B1, false)",ECID -> "(88251082790399360979074868101758236669,true)"] | (1CFB3297C3146F2F-28D6902A610BA3B1, false)
[AAID -> "(533F56A682C059B1-396437F68879F61D, false)",ECID -> "(91989370462250197735311833131353001213,true)"] | (533F56A682C059B1-396437F68879F61D, false)
(10 rows)
cardinality(array<T>): Int / cardinality(map<K, V>): Int
This snippet returns the size of a given array or map and provides an alias. It returns -1 if the value is null.
The query below retrieves the identitymap
column, and the Cardinality
function calculates the number of elements in each map within the identitymap
. The results are limited to ten rows and are filtered based on a specified timestamp range.
SELECT identitymap,
FROM geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
WHERE timestamp > To_timestamp('2017-11-01 00:00:00')
AND timestamp < To_timestamp('2017-11-02 00:00:00')
Results for this SQL would appear similar to those seen below.
identitymap | size(identitymap)
[AAID -> "(3617FBB942466D79-5433F727AD6A0AD, false)",ECID -> "(67383754798169392543508586197135045866,true)"] | 2
[AAID -> "[AAID -> "(533F56A682C059B1-396437F68879F61D, false)",ECID -> "(91989370462250197735311833131353001213,true)"] | 2
[AAID -> "(22E195F8A8ECCC6A-A39615C93B72A9F, false)",ECID -> "(57699241367342030964647681192998909474,true)"] | 2
[AAID -> "(6A60527B9D66CCB9-29638A632B45E9, false)",ECID -> "(50117234882064422833184021414056250576,true)"] | 2
[AAID -> "(64FB4DC317E21B59-2A23602D234647E7, false)",ECID -> "(79785479785408621882908938960039330887,true)"] | 2
[AAID -> "(2E70E8CF6DB1DE86-270E55BBBA58B9C1, false)",ECID -> "(80073674009951685326146914344189474476,true)"] | 2
[AAID -> "(22E195F8A8ECCC6A-A39615C93B72A9F, false)",ECID -> "(57699241367342030964647681192998909474,true)"] | 2
[AAID -> "(1CFB3297C3146F2F-28D6902A610BA3B1, false)",ECID -> "(88251082790399360979074868101758236669,true)"] | 2
[AAID -> "(533F56A682C059B1-396437F68879F61D, false)",ECID -> "(91989370462250197735311833131353001213,true)"] | 2
(10 rows)
array_distinct(array<T>): array<T>
The snippet above removes duplicate values from the given array.
The query below selects the productListItems
column, removes any duplicate items from the arrays, and limits the output to ten rows based on a specified timestamp range.
SELECT productListItems,
FROM geometrixxx_999_xdm_pqs_1batch_10k_rows
WHERE timestamp > To_timestamp('2017-11-01 00:00:00')
AND timestamp < To_timestamp('2017-11-02 00:00:00')
Results for this SQL would appear similar to those seen below.
productListItems | array_distinct(productListItems)
(123679, NULL, NULL) | (123679, NULL, NULL)
(1346,NULL, NULL) | (1346,NULL, NULL)
(98347, NULL, NULL) | (98347, NULL, NULL)
(176015, NULL, NULL) | (176015, NULL, NULL)
(10 rows)
The following examples of higher-order functions are explained as part of the retrieve similar records use case. An example and explanation of each function’s use are provided in the respective section of that document.
The transform
function example covers the tokenization of a product list.
The filter
function example demonstrates a more refined and precise extraction of relevant information from text data.
The reduce
function provides a way to derive cumulative values or aggregates, which can be pivotal in various analytical and planning processes.