Determine a propensity score using a machine-learning-generated predictive model

Last update: 2022-11-22
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Using Query Service you can leverage predictive models, such as propensity scores, built on your machine learning platform to analyse Experience Platform data.

This guide explains how to use Query Service to send data to your machine learning platform in order to train a model in a computational notebook. The trained model can be applied to data using SQL to predict a customer’s propensity to purchase for each visit.

Getting started

As part of this process requires you to train a machine learning model, this document assumes a working knowledge of one or more machine learning environments.

This example uses Jupyter Notebook as a development environment. Although there are many options available, Jupyter Notebook is recommended because it is an open-source web application that has low computational requirements. It can be downloaded from the official site.

If you have not already done so, follow the steps to connect Jupyter Notebook with Adobe Experience Platform Query Service before continuing with this guide.

The libraries used in this example include:


Import analytics tables from Platform into Jupyter Notebook

To generate a propensity score model, a projection of the analytics data stored in Platform must be imported into Jupyter Notebook. From a Python 3 Jupyter Notebook connected to Query Service, the following commands imports a customer behavior dataset from Luma, a fictitious clothing store. As Platform data is stored using the Experience Data Model (XDM) format, a sample JSON object must be generated that conforms to the schema’s structure. See the documentation for instructions on how to generate the sample JSON object.

The Jupyter Notebook dashboard with several commands highlighted.

The output displays a tabularized view of all columns from Luma’s behavioral dataset within the Jupyter Notebook dashboard.

The tabularized output of Luma's imported customer behavior dataset within Jupyter Notebook.

Prepare the data for machine learning

A target column must be identified to train a machine learning model. As propensity to buy is the goal for this use case, the analytic_action column is chosen as the target column from the Luma results. The value productPurchase is the indicator of a customer purchase. The purchase_value and purchase_num columns are also removed as they are directly related to the product purchase action.

The commands to carry out these actions are as follows:

#define the target label for prediction
df['target'] = (df['analytic_action'] == 'productPurchase').astype(int)
#remove columns that are dependent on the label

Next, the data from the Luma dataset must be transformed into appropriate representations. Two steps are required:

  1. Transform the columns representing numbers into numeric columns. To do this explicitly convert the data type in the dataframe.
  2. Transform categorical columns into numeric columns as well.
#convert columns that represent numbers
num_cols = ['purchase_num', 'value_cart', 'value_lifetime']
df[num_cols] = df[num_cols].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

A technique called one hot encoding is used to convert the categorical data variables for use with machine and deep learning algorithms. This in turn improves predictions as well as the classification accuracy of a model. Use the Sklearn library to represent each categorical value in a separate column.

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder

#get the categorical columns
cat_columns = list(set(df.columns) - set(num_cols + ['target']))

#get the dataframe with categorical columns only
df_cat = df.loc[:,cat_columns]

#initialize sklearn's OneHotEncoder
enc = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore')

#fit the data into the encoder

#define OneHotEncoder's columns names
ohc_columns = [[c+'='+c_ for c_ in cat] for c,cat in zip(cat_columns,enc.categories_)]
ohc_columns = [item for sublist in ohc_columns for item in sublist]

#finalize the data input to the ML models
X = pd.DataFrame( np.concatenate((enc.transform(df_cat).toarray(),df[num_cols]),axis=1),
                 columns =  ohc_columns + num_cols)

#define target column
y = df['target']

The data defined as X is tabularized and appears as below:

The tabularized output of X within Jupyter Notebook.

Now that the necessary data for machine learning is available, it can fit the preconfigured machine learning models in Python’s sklearn library. Logistics Regression is used to train the propensity model and allows you to see the accuracy of test data. In this case, it is approximately 85%.

The Logistic Regression algorithm and the train-test split method, used to estimate the performance of machine learning algorithms, are imported in the code block below:

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    X, y, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)

clf = LogisticRegression(max_iter=2000, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train)

print("Test data accuracy: {}".format(clf.score(X_test, y_test)))

The test data accuracy is 0.8518518518518519.

Through the use of Logistics Regression, you can visualize the reasons for a purchase and sort the features that determine propensity by their ranked importance in descending orders. The first columns denote a higher causation that leads to the purchasing behavior. The latter columns indicate factors that do not lead to purchasing behavior.

The code to visualize the results as two bar charts is as follows:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

#get feature importance as a sorted list of columns
feature_importance = np.argsort(-clf.coef_[0])
top_10_features_purchase_names = X.columns[feature_importance[:10]]
top_10_features_purchase_values = clf.coef_[0][feature_importance[:10]]
top_10_features_not_purchase_names = X.columns[feature_importance[-10:]]
top_10_features_not_purchase_values = clf.coef_[0][feature_importance[-10:]]

#plot the figures
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2,figsize=(10,5)),top_10_features_purchase_values)
ax1.set_xticklabels(top_10_features_purchase_names,rotation = 90)
ax1.set_title("Top 10 features to define \n a propensity to purchase"),top_10_features_not_purchase_values, color='#E15750')
ax2.set_xticklabels(top_10_features_not_purchase_names,rotation = 90)
ax2.set_title("Top 10 features to define \n a propensity to NOT purchase")

A vertical bar chart visualization of results is seen below:

The visualization of the top 10 features that define a propensity to buy or not to buy.

Several patterns can be discerned from the bar chart. The channel’s Point of sale (POS) and Call topics as reimbursement are the most important factors that decide a purchasing behavior. While the Call topics as complaints and invoices are important roles to define the not purchasing behavior. These are quantifiable, actionable insights that marketers can leverage to conduct marketing campaigns to address the propensity to purchase of these customers.

Use Query Service to apply the trained model

After the trained model has been created, it must be applied to the data held in Experience Platform. To do this, the logic of the machine learning pipeline must be converted to SQL. The two key components of this transition are as follows:

  • First, SQL must take the place of the Logistics Regression module to obtain the probability of a prediction label. The model created by Logistics Regression produced the regression model y = wX + c where weights w and intercept c are the output of the model. SQL features can be used to multiply the weights to obtain a probability.

  • Secondly, the engineering process achieved in Python with one hot encoding must also be incorporated into SQL. For example, in the original database, we have geo_county column to store the county but the column is converted to geo_county=Bexar, geo_county=Dallas, geo_county=DeKalb. The following SQL statement conducts the same transformation, where w1, w2, and w3 could be substituted with the weights learned from the model in Python:

SELECT  CASE WHEN geo_state = 'Bexar' THEN FLOAT(w1) ELSE 0 END AS f1,
        CASE WHEN geo_state = 'Dallas' THEN FLOAT(w2) ELSE 0 END AS f2,
        CASE WHEN geo_state = 'Bexar' THEN FLOAT(w3) ELSE 0 END AS f3,

For numerical features, you can directly multiply the columns with the weights, as seen in the SQL statement below.

SELECT FLOAT(purchase_num) * FLOAT(w4) AS f4,

After the numbers have been obtained, they can be ported to a sigmoid function where the Logistics Regression algorithm produces the final predictions. In the statement below, intercept is the number of the intercept in the regression.

SELECT CASE WHEN 1 / (1 + EXP(- (f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + FLOAT(intercept)))) > 0.5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Prediction;

An end-to-end example

In a situation where you have two columns (c1 and c2), if c1 has two categories, the Logistic Regression algorithm is trained with the following function:

y = 0.1 * "c1=category 1"+ 0.2 * "c1=category 2" +0.3 * c2+0.4

The equivalent in SQL is as follows:

  CASE WHEN 1 / (1 + EXP(- (f1 + f2 + f3 + FLOAT(0.4)))) > 0.5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Prediction
      CASE WHEN c1 = 'Cateogry 1' THEN FLOAT(0.1) ELSE 0 END AS f1,
      CASE WHEN c1 = 'Cateogry 2' THEN FLOAT(0.2) ELSE 0 END AS f2,
      FLOAT(c2) * FLOAT(0.3) AS f3

The Python code to automate the translation process is as follows:

def generate_lr_inference_sql(ohc_columns, num_cols, clf, db):
    features_sql = []
    category_sql_text = "case when {col} = '{val}' then float({coef}) else 0 end as f{name}"
    numerical_sql_text = "float({col}) * float({coef}) as f{name}"
    for i, (column, coef) in enumerate(zip(ohc_columns+num_cols, clf.coef_[0])):
        if i < len(ohc_columns):
            col,val = column.split('=')
            val = val.replace("'","%''%")
            sql = category_sql_text.format(col=col,val=val,coef=coef,name=i+1)
            sql = numerical_sql_text.format(col=column,coef=coef,name=i+1)
    features_sum = '+'.join(['f{}'.format(i) for i in range(1,len(features_sql)+1)])
    final_sql = '''
    select case when 1/(1 + EXP(-({features} + float({intercept})))) > 0.5 then 1 else 0 end as Prediction
        (select {cols}
        from {db})
    return final_sql

When SQL is used to infer the database, the output is as follows:

sql = generate_lr_inference_sql(ohc_columns, num_cols, clf, "fdu_luma_raw")
samples = [r for r in cur]
colnames = [desc[0] for desc in cur.description]

The tabularized results display the propensity to buy for each customer session with 0 meaning no propensity to buy and 1 meaning a confirmed propensity to buy.

The tabularized results of the database inference using SQL.

Working on sampled data: Bootstrapping

In the case that data sizes are too large for your local machine to store the data for model training, you can take samples instead of the full data from Query Service. To know how much data is needed to sample from Query Service, you can apply a technique called bootstrapping. In this regard, bootstrapping means that the model is trained multiple times with various samples, and the variance of the model’s accuracies among different samples is inspected. To adjust the propensity model example given above, first, encapsulate the whole machine learning workflow into a function. The code is as follows:

def end_to_end_pipeline(df):

    #define the target label for prediction
    df['target'] = (df['analytic_action'] == 'productPurchase').astype(int)
    #remove columns that are dependent on the label

    num_cols = ['purchase_num','value_cart','value_lifetime']
    df[num_cols] = df[num_cols].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

    #get the categorical columns
    cat_columns = list(set(df.columns) - set(num_cols + ['target']))

    #get the dataframe with categorical columns only
    df_cat = df.loc[:,cat_columns]

    #initialize sklearn's One Hot Encoder
    enc = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore')

    #fit the data into the encoder

    #define one hot encoder's columns names
    ohc_columns = [[c+'='+c_ for c_ in cat] for c,cat in zip(cat_columns,enc.categories_)]
    ohc_columns = [item for sublist in ohc_columns for item in sublist]

    #finalize the data input to the ML models
    X = pd.DataFrame( np.concatenate((enc.transform(df_cat).toarray(),df[num_cols]),axis=1),
                     columns =  ohc_columns + num_cols)

    #define target column
    y = df['target']

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    X, y, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)

    clf = LogisticRegression(max_iter=2000,random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train)

    return clf.score(X_test, y_test)

This function can then be run multiple times in a loop, for example, 10 times. The difference to the previous code is that the sample now is not taken from the whole table but only a sample of rows. For example, the sample code below only takes 1000 rows. The accuracies for each iteration can be stored.

from tqdm import tqdm

bootstrap_accuracy = []
for i in tqdm(range(100)):

    #sample data from QS
    cur.execute('''SELECT *
    FROM fdu_luma_raw
    ORDER BY random()
    LIMIT 1000
    samples = [r for r in cur]
    colnames = [desc[0] for desc in cur.description]
    df_samples = pd.DataFrame(samples,columns=colnames)

    #train the propensity model with sampled data and output its accuracy

bootstrap_accuracy = np.sort(bootstrap_accuracy)

The bootstrapped model’s accuracies are then sorted. After which, the 10th and 90th quantiles of the model’s accuracies become a 95% Confidence Interval for the model’s accuracies with the given sample size.

The print command to display the confidence interval of the propensity score.

The above figure states that if you only take 1000 rows to train your models, you can expect the accuracies to fall between approximately 84% and 88%. You can adjust the LIMIT clause in Query Service queries based on your needs to ensure the performance of the models.

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