Learn how to use SQLAlchemy for greater flexibility in the management of your Adobe Experience Platform data. For those who are not as familiar with SQL, SQLAlchemy can greatly improve development time when working with relational databases. This document provides instructions and examples to connect SQLAlchemy to Query Service and begin using Python to interact with your databases.
SQLAlchemy is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) and a Python code library that can transfer data stored in a SQL database into Python objects. You can then perform CRUD operations on data held within the Platform data lake using Python code. This removes the need to manage data using only PSQL.
To acquire the necessary credentials for connecting SQLAlchemy to Experience Platform, you must have access to the Queries workspace in the Platform UI. Please contact your organization administrator if you do not currently have access to the Queries workspace.
To find your credentials, log in to the Platform UI and select Queries from the left navigation, followed by Credentials. For complete directions on how to find your login credentials, please read the credentials guide.
Although port 80 is the recommended port for a connection to Query Service, you can also use port 5432.
If you use expiring credentials (as seen in the image above) to connect to Query Service, the session life for your connection will expire after the set period of time defined in your organization’s settings. By default, this period is 24 hours. See the documentation to learn how to connect a client with non-expiring credentials, or how to change the session life for your expiring credentials.
Once you have access to your QS credentials open your Python editor of choice.
In your Python editor, import the urllib.parse.quote
library and save each credential variable as a parameter. The urllib.parse
module provides a standard interface to break URL strings into components. The quote function replaces special characters in the URL string to make the data safe for use as URL components. An example of the required code is seen below:
Use Python’s triple quotes to enter your multiple lines password string.
from urllib.parse import quote
host = "<YOUR_HOST>"
port = "<YOUR_PORT>"
dbname = "<YOUR_DATABASE>"
user = "<YOUR_USERNAME>"
password = quote('''
The password you provide to connect SQLAlchemy to Experience Platform will expire if you use expiring credentials. See the credentials section for more information.
After the variables have been created, import the create_engine
function and create a string to compile and format your Query Service credentials in SQLAlchemy. The create_engine
function is then used to construct an engine instance.
returns an instance of an engine. However, it does not open the connection to Query Service until a query is called that requires a connection.
SSL must be enabled when accessing Platform using third-party clients. As part of your engine, use the connect_args
to enter additional keyword arguments. You are recommended to set your SSL mode to require
. See the SSL modes documentation for more information on accepted values.
The example below displays the Python code necessary to initialize an engine and connection string.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
db_string = "postgresql://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{dbname}".format(
port = port,
dbname = dbname
engine = create_engine(db_string, connect_args={'sslmode':'require'})
The password you provide to connect SQLAlchemy to Experience Platform will expire if you use expiring credentials. See the credentials section for more information.
You are now ready to query Platform data using Python. The example shown below returns an array of Query Service table names.
from sqlalchemy import inspect
insp = inspect(engine)