Audience Portal overview

Last update: 2025-02-10
  • Created for:
  • User

Audience Portal is a central hub, within Adobe Experience Platform, that allows you to view, manage, and create audiences.

Within Audience Portal, you can accomplish the following tasks:

To open Audience Portal, select the Browse tab within the Segmentation section.

Audience list

By default, Audience Portal displays a list of all the audiences in your organization and sandbox including the profile count, origin, created date, last modified date, tags, and breakdown.

The browse screen is displayed. A list of all the audiences belonging to the organization is shown.

Quick actions

Next to each audience is an ellipsis icon. Selecting this displays a list of available quick actions for the audience. This list of actions differs, based on the audience’s origin.

The quick actions list is shown for audiences with the origin of Audience composition.

Action Origins Description
Edit Segmentation Service Opens the Segment Builder to edit your audience. Please note that if your audience was created through the API, you will not be able to edit it using Segment Builder. For more information on using the Segment Builder, please read the Segment Builder UI guide.
Open composition Audience composition Opens the Audience composition to see your audience. For more information on Audience composition, please read the audience composition UI guide.
Activate to destination Segmentation Service Activates the audience to a destination. For more detailed information on activating an audience to a destination, please read the activation overview.
Share with partners Audience composition, Custom upload, Segmentation Service Shares your audience with other Platform users. For more information on this feature, please read the Segment Match overview.
Manage tags Audience composition, Custom upload, Segmentation Service Manages the user-defined tags that belong to the audience. For more information on this feature, please read the section on filtering and tagging.
Move to folder Audience composition, Custom upload, Segmentation Service Manages which folder the audience belongs to. For more information on this feature, please read the section on filtering and tagging.
Copy Segmentation Service Duplicates the selected audience. More information about this function can be found in the Segmentation FAQ.
Apply access labels Audience composition, Custom upload, Segmentation Service Manages the access labels that belong to the audience. For more information on access labels, please read the documentation on managing labels.
Publish Custom upload, Segmentation Service Publishes the selected audience. For more information on lifecycle status management, please read the lifecycle state section of the Segmentation FAQ.
Deactivate Custom upload, Segmentation Service Deactivates the selected audience. For more information on lifecycle status management, please read the lifecycle state section of the Segmentation FAQ.
Delete Audience composition, Custom upload, Segmentation Service Deletes the selected audience. Audiences that are used in downstream destinations or are dependents in other audiences cannot be deleted. For more information on audience deletion, please read the segmentation FAQ.
Add to package Audience composition, Custom upload, Segmentation Service Moves the audience between sandboxes. For more information on this feature, please read the sandbox tooling guide.

Before deleting your audience, please ensure that the audience is not used as a component in an account-based audience or used in Adobe Journey Optimizer.

On the top of the page are options to add all audiences to a schedule, import an audience, create a new audience, and view a summary of the audience evaluation.

Toggling Schedule all audiences will enable scheduled segmentation. More information on scheduled segmentation can be found in the scheduled segmentation section of this user guide.

Selecting Import audience will let you import an externally generated audience. To learn more about importing audiences, please read the section on importing an audience in the user guide.

Selecting Create audience will let you create an audience. To learn more about creating audiences, please read the section on creating an audience in the user guide.

The top navigation bar on the audience browse page is highlighted. This bar contains a button to create an audience and a button to import an audience.

You can select Evaluation summary to display a pie chart that shows a summary of the audience evaluations.

The Evaluation summary button is highlighted.

The pie chart appears, displaying a breakdown of the audiences by audience evaluation. The chart displays the total number of audiences in the middle, and the daily batch evaluation time in UTC at the bottom. If you hover over the different parts of the audience, it will display the number of audiences that belong to each update frequency type.

The audience evaluation pie chart is highlighted, with the batch segmentation evaluation time also displayed.


You can add additional fields to Audience Portal by selecting the filter attribute icon. These additional fields include lifecycle status, update frequency, last updated by, description, created by, and access labels.

Field Description
Name The name of the audience.
Profile count The total number of profiles that qualify for the audience.
Origin The origin of the audience. This states where the audience comes from. Possible values include Segmentation Service, Custom upload, Audience composition, and Audience Manager.
Lifecycle status The status of the audience. Possible values for this field include Draft, Inactive, and Published. More information about lifecycle statuses, including what the different states mean and how to move audiences to different lifecycle states, read the lifecycle status section of the Segmentation FAQ.
Update frequency A value that states how often the audience’s data is updated. Possible values for this field include Batch, Streaming, Edge, and Not Scheduled.
Last updated by The name of the person who last updated the audience.
Created The date and time, in UTC, that the audience was created.
Last updated The date and time, in UTC, that the audience was last updated.
Tags The user-defined tags that belong to the audience. More information about these tags can be found in the section on tags.
Description The description of the audience.
Created by The name of the person who created the audience.
Access labels The access labels for the audience. Access labels allow you to categorize datasets and fields according to usage policies that apply to that data. These labels can be applied at any time, providing flexibility in how you choose to govern data. For more information on access labels, please read the documentation on managing labels.
Breakdown The profile status breakdown for the audience. A more detailed description of this profile status breakdown can be found below.

If breakdown is selected, the display shows a bar graph outlining the percentage of profiles that belong to each of the following calculated profile statuses: Realized, Existing, and Exiting. Additionally, the breakdown shown on the Browse tab is the most accurate breakdown of the segment definition status. If this number differs with what is stated on the Overview tab, you should use the numbers on the Browse tab as the correct source of information, since the Overview tab numbers only update once per day.

Status Description
Realized The count of profiles that qualified for the segment in the last 24 hours since the last batch segment job ran.
Existing The count of profiles which remained in the segment in the last 24 hours since the last batch segment job ran.
Exiting The count of profiles which exited the segment in the last 24 hours since the last batch segment job ran.

After you select the fields you want to display, you can also re-size the width of the displayed columns. You can either do this by dragging the area between the columns or by selecting the arrow icon of the column you want to re-size, followed by Resize column.

The Resize column button is highlighted.

Filtering, folders, and tagging

To improve your work efficiency, you can search for existing audiences, add user-defined tags to audiences, put audiences in folders, and filter the displayed audiences.

You can search your existing audiences in up to 9 different languages with Unified Search.

To use Unified Search, add the term you want to search in the highlighted search bar.

The search bar is highlighted.

For more information about Unified Search, including supported features, please read the Unified Search documentation.


You can add user-defined tags to better describe, find, and manage your audiences.

To add a tag, select Manage tags on the audience you want to tag.

The Manage tags button is selected for a specified audience.

The Manage tags popover appears. On this popover, you can either select a categorized tag or an uncategorized tag.

Tag type Description
Categorized A tag that is created and managed by your organization’s administrators.
Uncategorized A tag that is created within the Manage tags popover. Anyone can create or manage these types of tags.

The Manage tags popover is displayed. The options to choose a categorized or uncategorized are highlighted.

After adding all the tags you want to attach to the audience, select Save.

On the Manage tags popover, the added tags are highlighted.

For more information on creating and managing tags, please read the Managing Tags guide.


You can place audiences within folders for better audience management.

To create a folder to hold your audiences, select Create folder.

The Create folder button is highlighted.


You can only create a folder if you’re within another folder. This means you cannot create a folder if you have All Audiences selected on the left navigation bar.

A popover appears, letting you name your newly created folder. Select Save after naming your folder to finish creating the folder. Please note that names must be unique to the parent folder.

The Save button on the create folder dialog is highlighted.

To move an audience into a folder, select Move to folder on the audience you want to move.

The Move to folder button is selected for a specific audience.

The Move audience to folder popover appears. Select the folder you want to move the audience to, then select Save.

The Move audience to folder popover is displayed. The folder that the audience will be moved to is highlighted.

Once the audience is in a folder, you can choose to only display audiences that belong to a specific folder.

Audiences that belong to a specific folder are displayed.


You can also filter your audiences, based on a variety of settings.

To filter the available audiences, select the filter icon.

The browse audiences page is displayed, with the filter icon highlighted.

The list of available filters is displayed.

Filter Description
Origin Lets you filter based on the origin of the audience. Available options include Segmentation service, Custom upload, Audience composition, and Audience Manager.
Has any tag Lets you filter by tags. You can select between Has any tag and Has all tags. When Has any tag is selected, the filtered audiences will include any of the tags you’ve added. When Has all tags is selected, the filtered audiences must include all of the tags you’ve added.
Lifecycle status Lets you filter based on the audience’s lifecycle status. Available options include Deleted, Draft, Inactive, and Published.
Update frequency Lets you filter based on the audience’s update frequency (evaluation method). Available options include Batch, Streaming, and Edge
Created by Lets you filter based on the person who created the audience.
Creation date Lets you filter based on the creation date of the audience. You can choose a date range to filter when the audience was created.
Modified date Lets you filter based on the last modified date of the audience. You can choose a date range to filter when the audience was last modified.

The available filters are displayed and highlighted on the browse audiences page.

Bulk actions

Additionally, you can select up to 25 different audiences, and perform various actions on these audiences. These actions include moving to a folder, editing or applying a tag, evaluating audiences, applying access labels,and deleting.

The available options for bulk actions are displayed.

When you apply bulk actions to audiences, the following conditions apply:

  • You can select audiences from different pages.
  • You cannot delete an audience which is being used in a destination activation.
  • If you select a filter, the selected audiences will reset.

Limited availability Flexible audience evaluation

Flexible audience evaluation lets you run a segmentation job on demand. Choose the audiences you want to have evaluated and select Evaluate audiences.


When selecting audiences for flexible audience evaluation, the following conditions apply:

  • You can only use flexible audience evaluation twice per day. This limit resets at midnight (UTC).
  • You have a maximum of 50 flexible audience evaluation runs per year.
  • All the audiences must have an origin of “Segmentation Service”.
  • All the audiences must be evaluated using batch segmentation.
  • All the audiences must be people-based audiences.
  • The audiences can only be activated to destinations in Platform.
  • You can only select a maximum of 20 audiences.

The audiences that you want to use flexible audience evaluation on are selected.

The Evaluate audiences on demand popover appears, displaying the list of audiences that will be evaluated with the on-demand-segment job. If an audience is ineligible to be evaluated on demand, it will automatically be removed from the evaluation job. Confirm that the listed audiences are the ones you want to be evaluated.

The audiences that can be evaluated using flexible audience evaluation are displayed.

After confirming the correct audiences are listed, you can proceed with the request, and the flexible audience evaluation will begin. You can view the status of this audience evaluation in the evaluation job monitoring view.


If you run flexible audience evaluation, you need to ensure the frequency is set to After segment evaluation. Running flexible audience evaluation on audiences which are already set to be activated after segment evaluation, will activate audiences as soon as the flexible audience evaluation job finishes, regardless of any previous daily activation jobs.

Audience details

To see more details about a specific audience, select an audience’s name within the Browse tab.

The audience details page appears. On the top, there is a summary of the audience, information about the qualified audience size, as well as destinations the segment is activated for.

The audience details page is displayed. The audience summary, audience total, and activated destinations cards are highlighted.

Audience summary

The Audience summary section provides information such as the ID, name, description, origin, and details of the attributes.

Additionally, you are given the option to activate the audience to a destination, apply access labels, or edit/update the audience.

Selecting Activate to destination lets you activate the audience to a destination. For more detailed information on activating an audience to a destination, please read the activation overview.

The Activate to destination button is highlighted.

Selecting Apply access labels lets you manage the access labels that belong to the audience. For more information on access labels, please read the documentation on managing labels.

The Apply access labels button is highlighted.

The audience details page is shown, with the Open composition button highlighted.

Selecting Open composition lets you view your audience in Audience Composition. For more information about Audience Composition, please read the Audience Composition UI guide.

The audience details page is shown, with the Update audience button highlighted.

Selecting Update audience lets you re-upload an externally generated audience. For more information on importing an externally generated audience, please read the section on importing an audience.

The audience details page is shown, with the Edit audience button highlighted.

Selecting Edit audience lets you edit your audience in the Segment Builder. For more detailed information about using the Segment Builder workspace, please read the Segment Builder user guide.

Selecting Edit properties will let you edit the basic details of the audience, such as the name, description, and tags.

The edit properties button is highlighted within the audience details page.

Audience total

For Platform-generated audiences and compositions, the Audience total section shows the total number of profiles that qualify for the audience.


It may take up to 30 minutes for the audience total count to update after the export job is completed.

Estimates are generated by using a sample size of that day’s sample data. If there are less than 1 million entities in your Profile store, the full data set is used; for between 1 and 20 million entities, 1 million entities are used; and for over 20 million entities, 5% of the total entities are used. More information about generating estimates can be found in the estimate generation section of the audience creation tutorial.

Ingestion details

For audiences with an origin of Custom upload, the Ingestion details section shows both the profile total, as well as details of the dataset the externally generated audience was ingested into.


It may take up to 30 minutes following the export job for the profile count of the audience to be fully updated.

The ingestion details section for the audience details page is displayed.

Property Description
Profile count The total number of profiles that qualify for the audience.
Dataset name The name of the dataset that the audience was ingested into. You can select the dataset name for more information about the dataset. To learn more about datasets, read the dataset UI guide.
Dataset batch The ID of the dataset that the audience was ingested into. You can select the ID of the batch for more information about the batch. To learn more about batches, read the monitoring data ingestion guide.
Profile batch The ID of the batch that created the profiles on Platform. You can select the ID of the batch for more information about the batch. To learn more about batches, read the monitoring data ingestion guide.
Schema The name of the schema that the audience belongs to. You can select the name of the schema to view information about the schema’s structure and apply data usage labels. For more information, read the manage data usage labels for a schema guide.
Records ingested The number of records ingested into the dataset.
Records failed The number of records that were not able to be ingested into the dataset.
New profile fragments The number of new profiles that were created.
Existing profile fragments The number of existing profiles that were updated.

Applying data usage labels to the schema is the best practice. You cannot apply a data usage label directly to the audience.

Activated destinations

The Activated destinations section shows the destinations that this audience is activated for.


Destinations are a feature available with Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform, and allow you to export data to external platforms. For more information on destinations, please read the destinations overview. To learn how to activate a segment to a destination, see activation overview.

Profile samples

Underneath is a sampling of profiles that qualify for the segment, detailing information including the Profile ID, first name, last name, and personal email.

The way data sampling gets triggered depends on the method of ingestion.

For batch ingestion, the Profile store is automatically scanned every fifteen minutes to see if a new batch was successfully ingested since the last sampling job was run. If that is the case, the Profile store is subsequently scanned to see if there’s been at least a 5% change in the number of records. If these conditions are met, a new sampling job is triggered.

For streaming ingestion, the Profile store is automatically scanned every hour to see if there’s been at least a 5% change in the number of records. If this condition is met, a new sampling job is triggered.

The sample size of the scan depends on the overall number of entities in your Profile store. These sample sizes are represented in the following table:

Entities in Profile store Sample size
Less than 1 million Full data set
1 to 20 million 1 million
Over 20 million 5% of total

More detailed information about each Profile can be seen by selecting the Profile ID. To learn more about a profile’s details, please read the Real-Time Customer Profile user guide.

The sample profiles for the audience are highlighted. Sample profile information includes the profile ID, the first name, the last name, and the person's email.

Scheduled segmentation

Once audiences have been created, you can then evaluate them through on-demand or scheduled (continuous) evaluation. Evaluation means moving Real-Time Customer Profile data through segment jobs in order to produce corresponding audiences. Once created, the audiences are saved and stored so that they can be exported using Experience Platform APIs.

On-demand evaluation involves using the API to perform evaluation and build audiences as needed, whereas scheduled evaluation (also known as ‘scheduled segmentation’) allows you to create a recurring schedule to evaluate audiences at a specific time (at a maximum, once daily).

Enable scheduled segmentation

Enabling your audiences for scheduled evaluation can be done using the UI or the API. In the UI, return to the Browse tab within Audiences and toggle on Schedule all audiences. This will cause all audiences to be evaluated based on the schedule set by your organization.


Scheduled evaluation can be enabled for sandboxes with a maximum of five (5) merge policies for XDM Individual Profile. If your organization has more than five merge policies for XDM Individual Profile within a single sandbox environment, you will not be able to use scheduled evaluation.

Schedules can currently only be created using the API. For detailed steps on creating, editing, and working with schedules using the API, please follow the tutorial for evaluating and accessing segmentation results, specifically the section on scheduled evaluation using the API.

The toggle to Schedule all audiences is highlighted on Audience Portal.

Creating an audience

You can select Create audience to create an audience.

On the Audience browse page, the Create audience button is highlighted.

A popover appears, letting you choose between composing an audience or building rules.

A popover that displays the two types of audiences you can create.

Audience Composition

Selecting Compose audiences takes you to Audience Composition. This workspace provides intuitive controls for building and editing audiences, such as drag-and-drop tiles used to represent different actions. To learn more about creating audiences, please read the Audience Composition guide.

The Audience Composition workspace is displayed.

Segment Builder

Selecting Build rule takes you to the Segment Builder. This workspace provides intuitive controls for building and editing segment definitions, such as drag-and-drop tiles used to represent data properties. To learn more about creating segment definitions, please read the Segment Builder guide

The Segment Builder workspace is displayed.

Federated Audience Composition

In addition to audience compositions and segment definitions, you can use Adobe Federated Audience Composition to build new audiences from enterprise datasets without copying underlying data and store those audiences in Adobe Experience Platform Audience Portal. You can also enrich existing audiences in Adobe Experience Platform by utilizing composed audience data that has been federated from the enterprise data warehouse. Please read the guide on Federated Audience Composition.

A list of audiences created in Federated Audience Composition for your organization.

Importing an audience


In order to import an externally generated audience, you must have the following permissions: View segments, Manage segments, and Import audience. For more information on these permission, read the access control overview.

You can select Import audience to import an externally generated audience.

On the Audience browse page, the Import audience button is highlighted.

The Import audience CSV workflow appears. You can select a CSV file to import as an externally generated audience.

In the Import audience CSV workflow, the Drag and drop files box is highlighted, showing where you can upload your externally generated audience.


The external generated audience must be in CSV format, have a maximum of 25 columns, and be less than 1GB.

Additionally, you cannot use spaces or dashes in the first row or the associated columns of the CSV.

For example, the first row’s value can be “FirstName” or “First_Name”, but it cannot be “First Name” or “First-Name”.

After selecting the CSV file to import, a list of sample data is shown for this externally generated audience. After confirming that the sample data is correct, select Next.

Sample data for the externally generated audience is displayed.

The Audience details page appears. You can add information about your audience, including its name, description, primary identity, and identity namespace value.

When importing the externally generated audience, you must select one of the columns to be the primary identity field and specify the namespace value. Please note that all the remaining fields will be considered payload attributes. These attributes are considered non-durable, as they will only be associated with this audience for purposes of personalization, and are not connected to the profile.

The Audience details page is displayed.

You can also optionally add some extra details to your externally generated audience, including giving it an ID, defining its merge policy, or editing its column data type.


If you use a custom external audience ID, it must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • It must start with a letter (a-z or A-Z), underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($).
  • All subsequent characters can be alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), underscores (_), or dollar signs ($).

After filling in your audience details, select Next.

The Next button is highlighted on the Audience details page.

The Review page is displayed. You can review the details of your newly imported externally generated audience.

The Review page is displayed, showing details of your newly imported externally generated audience.

After confirming the details are correct, select Finish to import your externally generated audience into Adobe Experience Platform.


By default, externally generated audiences have a data expiration of 30 days. The data expiration is reset if the audience is updated or modified in any way.

Additionally, if your externally generated audience contains sensitive and/or healthcare-related information, you must apply the necessary data usage labels before activating it to any destination. Since variables from externally generated audiences are stored in the data lake rather than within Real-time Customer Profile, you should not include consent data within your CSV file.

For more information on applying data usage labels, please read the documentation on managing labels. To learn about data usage labels on Platform in general, please read the data usage labels overview. To learn about how consent works in externally generated audiences, please read the audiences FAQ.

Next steps

After reading this overview, you should be able to use Audience Portal to effectively manage, create, and import audiences into Adobe Experience Platform.

For more information on using the Segmentation Service UI, please read the Segmentation Service UI overview.

To find out frequently asked questions about Audience Portal, please read the frequently asked questions.

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