Adobe Experience Platform Segmentation Service provides a user interface for creating and managing audiences and segment definitions.
Working with audiences and segment definitions requires an understanding of the various Experience Platform services involved with segmentation. Before reading this user guide, please review the documentation for the following services:
You should also understand the following key terms that are used through this document and understand the difference between them:
In the Experience Platform UI, select Audiences in the left navigation to open the Overview tab displaying the Audiences dashboard.
If your organization is new to Platform and does not yet have active Profile datasets or merge policies created, the Audiences dashboard is not visible. Instead, the Overview tab displays links and documentation to help you get started with audiences.
The Audiences dashboard outlines key metrics related to your organization’s audience data.
To learn more, visit the audiences dashboard guide.
Select the Browse tab to see the Audience Portal. Audience Portal provides a list of all the audiences that belong to your organization and sandbox, and includes details such as the profile count, origin, created date, last modified date, tags, and breakdown.
In addition, Audience Portal lets you create new audiences using Segment Builder or Audience Composition, as well as import externally generated audiences into Platform.
For more information about Audience Portal, please read the Audience Portal overview.
Select the Compositions tab to see a list of all the audiences generated through Audience Composition for your organization.
By default, this view lists information about the audiences including the name, status, created date, created by, last updated date, and last updated by.
Next to each audience is an ellipsis icon. Selecting this displays a list of available quick actions for the audience.
Action | Description |
Duplicate | Copies the selected audience. |
Manage access | Manages the access labels that belong to the audience. For more information on access labels, please read the documentation on managing labels. |
Delete | Deletes the selected audience. Audiences that are used in downstream destinations or are dependents in other audiences cannot be deleted. For more information on audience deletion, please read the segmentation FAQ. |
You can select the icon to change which fields are displayed.
A popover appears, listing all the fields that can be displayed within the table.
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the audience. |
Status | The status of the audience. Possible values for this field include Draft , Inactive , and Published . |
Created | The time and date the audience was created. |
Created by | The name of the person who created the audience. |
Updated | The time and date the audience was last updated. |
Updated by | The name of the person who last updated the audience. |
To see how the audience is composed, select an audience’s name within the Audiences tab.
The Audience Composition page appears with the building blocks that compose your audience. For more details about how to use Audience Composition, please read the Audience Composition UI guide.
In addition to audience compositions and segment definitions, you can use Adobe Federated Audience Composition to build new audiences from enterprise datasets without copying underlying data and store those audiences in Adobe Experience Platform Audience Portal. You can also enrich existing audiences in Adobe Experience Platform by utilizing composed audience data that has been federated from the enterprise data warehouse. Please read the guide on Federated Audience Composition.
Streaming segmentation is the ability to do segmentation on Platform in near real-time, while focusing on data richness. With streaming segmentation, qualification for segmentation now happens as data lands into Platform, alleviating the need to schedule and run segmentation jobs.
More information about streaming segmentation can be found in the streaming segmentation user guide.
In order for streaming segmentation to work, you will need to enable scheduled segmentation for the organization. For details on enabling scheduled segmentation, please refer to the streaming segmentation section in this user guide.
Edge segmentation is the ability to evaluate audiences in Platform instantaneously on the edge, enabling same page and next page personalization use cases.
More information about edge segmentation can be found in the edge segmentation UI guide
Policy violations only apply if you are creating an audience that has been assigned to a destination.
Once you are done creating your audience, the audience will be analyzed by Adobe Experience Platform Data Governance to ensure there are no policy violations within the audience. See the Data Governance overview for more information.
The Segmentation Service UI provides a rich workflow allowing you to create marketable audiences from Real-Time Customer Profile data.
To learn more about Segmentation Service, please continue reading the documentation. To learn how to use the Segmentation Service API, please read the Segmentation Service developer guide.