Microsoft Dynamics field mappings
The tables below contain the mappings between Microsoft Dynamics source fields and their corresponding Experience Data Model (XDM) fields.
Source field |
Target XDM field |
Notes |
address1_addressid |
workAddress._id |
address1_city | |
address1_country | |
address1_county |
workAddress.stateProvince |
address1_latitude |
workAddress._schema.latitude |
address1_line1 |
workAddress.street1 |
address1_line2 |
workAddress.street2 |
address1_line3 |
workAddress.street3 |
address1_longitude |
workAddress._schema.longitude |
address1_postalcode |
workAddress.postalCode |
address1_postofficebox |
workAddress.postOfficeBox |
address1_stateorprovince |
workAddress.state |
assistantname | |
assistantphone | |
birthdate |
person.birthDate |
"Dynamics" |
b2b.personKey.sourceType |
"${CRM_ORG_ID}" |
b2b.personKey.sourceInstanceID |
The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
contactid |
b2b.personKey.sourceID |
concat(contactid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics") |
b2b.personKey.sourceKey |
Primary identity. The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
iif(contactid != null && contactid != "", to_object("sourceType", "Dynamics", "sourceInstanceID", "${CRM_ORG_ID}","sourceID", contactid, "sourceKey", concat(contactid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics")), null) |
personComponents.sourcePersonKey |
department |
extendedWorkDetails.departments |
fullname | |
suffix | |
iif(parentcustomerid != null && parentcustomerid != "", to_object("sourceType", "Dynamics", "sourceInstanceID", "${CRM_ORG_ID}", "sourceID", parentcustomerid, "sourceKey", concat(parentcustomerid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics")), null) |
personComponents.sourceAccountKey |
iif(parentcustomerid != null && parentcustomerid != "", to_object("sourceType", "Dynamics", "sourceInstanceID", "${CRM_ORG_ID}", "sourceID", parentcustomerid, "sourceKey", concat(parentcustomerid, "@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics")), null) |
b2b.accountKey |
createdon |
extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate |
emailaddress1 |
workEmail.address |
Secondary identifier. |
emailaddress2 |
personalEmail.address |
emailaddress1 |
personComponents.workEmail.address |
firstname | |
fullname | |
lastname | |
jobtitle |
extendedWorkDetails.jobTitle |
middlename | |
mobilephone |
mobilePhone.number |
modifiedon |
extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate |
salutation | |
telephone1 |
workPhone.number |
Source field |
Target XDM field |
Notes |
address1_addressid |
workAddress._id |
address1_city | |
address1_country | |
address1_county |
workAddress.stateProvince |
address1_latitude |
workAddress._schema.latitude |
address1_line1 |
workAddress.street1 |
address1_line2 |
workAddress.street2 |
address1_line3 |
workAddress.street3 |
address1_longitude |
workAddress._schema.longitude |
address1_postalcode |
workAddress.postalCode |
address1_postofficebox |
workAddress.postOfficeBox |
address1_stateorprovince |
workAddress.state |
telephone1 |
workPhone.number |
mobilephone |
mobilePhone.number |
createdon |
extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate |
emailaddress1 |
workEmail.address |
Secondary identifier |
emailaddress2 |
personalEmail.address |
emailaddress1 |
personComponents.workEmail.address |
fax |
faxPhone.number |
firstname | |
fullname | |
jobtitle |
extendedWorkDetails.jobTitle |
lastname | |
"Dynamics" |
b2b.personKey.sourceType |
"${CRM_ORG_ID}" |
b2b.personKey.sourceInstanceID |
The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
leadid |
b2b.personKey.sourceID |
concat(leadid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics") |
b2b.personKey.sourceKey |
Primary identity. The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
iif(leadid != null && leadid != "", to_object("sourceType", "Dynamics", "sourceInstanceID", "${CRM_ORG_ID}","sourceID", leadid, "sourceKey", concat(leadid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics")), null) |
personComponents.sourcePersonKey |
middlename | |
mobilephone |
mobilePhone.number |
modifiedon |
extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate |
salutation | |
Source field |
Target XDM field |
Notes |
"Dynamics" |
accountKey.sourceType |
"${CRM_ORG_ID}" |
accountKey.sourceInstanceID |
The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
accountid |
accountKey.sourceID |
Primary identity. The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
accountnumber |
accountNumber |
accountratingcode |
accountOrganization.rating |
address1_addressid |
accountPhysicalAddress._id |
address1_city | |
address1_country | |
address1_county |
accountPhysicalAddress.region |
address1_latitude |
accountPhysicalAddress._schema.latitude |
address1_line1 |
accountPhysicalAddress.street1 |
address1_line2 |
accountPhysicalAddress.street2 |
address1_line3 |
accountPhysicalAddress.street3 |
address1_longitude |
accountPhysicalAddress._schema.longitude |
address1_name |
accountPhysicalAddress.label |
address1_postalcode |
accountPhysicalAddress.postalCode |
address1_postofficebox |
accountPhysicalAddress.postOfficeBox |
address1_stateorprovince |
accountPhysicalAddress.state |
createdon |
extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate |
description |
accountDescription |
fax |
accountFax.number |
modifiedon |
extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate |
name |
accountName |
numberofemployees |
accountOrganization.numberOfEmployees |
revenue |
accountOrganization.annualRevenue.amount |
sic |
accountOrganization.SICCode |
telephone1 |
accountPhone.number |
tickersymbol |
accountOrganization.tickerSymbol |
websiteurl | |
concat(accountid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics") |
accountKey.sourceKey |
Source field |
Target XDM field |
Notes |
name |
opportunityName |
"Dynamics" |
opportunityKey.sourceType |
"${CRM_ORG_ID}" |
opportunityKey.sourceInstanceID |
The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
iif(parentaccountid != null && parentaccountid != "", to_object("sourceType", "Dynamics", "sourceInstanceID", "${CRM_ORG_ID}","sourceID", parentaccountid, "sourceKey", concat(parentaccountid, "@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics")), null) |
accountKey |
actualclosedate |
actualCloseDate |
actualvalue |
opportunityAmount.amount |
iif(campaignid != null && campaignid != "", to_object("sourceType", "Dynamics", "sourceInstanceID", "${CRM_ORG_ID}", "sourceID", campaignid, "sourceKey", concat(campaignid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics")), null) |
campaignKey |
closeprobability |
probabilityPercentage |
createdon |
extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate |
description |
opportunityDescription |
estimatedclosedate |
expectedCloseDate |
estimatedvalue |
expectedRevenue.amount |
modifiedon |
extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate |
opportunityid |
opportunityKey.sourceID |
concat(opportunityid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics") |
opportunityKey.sourceKey |
Primary identity. The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
salesstage |
opportunityStage |
stepname |
nextStep |
Source field |
Target XDM field |
Notes |
"Dynamics" |
opportunityPersonKey.sourceType |
"${CRM_ORG_ID}" |
opportunityPersonKey.sourceInstanceID |
The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
connectionid |
opportunityPersonKey.sourceID |
concat(connectionid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics") |
opportunityPersonKey.sourceKey |
Primary identity. The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
createdon |
extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate |
modifiedon |
extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate |
iif(record1id != null && record1id != "", to_object("sourceType", "Dynamics", "sourceInstanceID", "${CRM_ORG_ID}", "sourceID", record1id, "sourceKey", concat(record1id,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics")), null) |
opportunityKey |
iif(record2id != null && record2id != "", to_object("sourceType", "Dynamics", "sourceInstanceID", "${CRM_ORG_ID}", "sourceID", record2id, "sourceKey", concat(record2id,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics")), null) |
personKey |
| |
personRole |
record1objecttypecode |
A custom field group must be defined as a target schema. See the appendix section for steps on how to map a picklist type source field to a target XDM schema for more information. |
For a list of possible and values and labels for the record1objecttypecode source field, see this Microsoft Dynamics connection entity reference document. |
record2objecttypecode |
A custom field group must be defined as a target schema. See the appendix section for steps on how to map a picklist type source field to a target XDM schema for more information. |
For a list of possible and values and labels for the record2objecttypecode source field, see this Microsoft Dynamics connection entity reference document. |
Source field |
Target XDM field |
Notes |
campaignid |
campaignKey.sourceID |
"${CRM_ORG_ID}" |
campaignKey.sourceInstanceID |
The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
concat(campaignid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics") |
campaignKey.sourceKey |
Primary identity. The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
"Dynamics" |
campaignKey.sourceType |
iif(campaignid != null && campaignid != "", to_object("sourceType", "Dynamics", "sourceInstanceID", "${CRM_ORG_ID}","sourceID", campaignid, "sourceKey", concat(campaignid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics")), null) |
extSourceSystemAudit.externalKey |
The extSourceSystemAudit.externalKey is the secondary identity. The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
createdon |
extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate |
modifiedby |
extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedBy |
modifiedon |
extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate |
description |
campaignDescription |
name |
campaignName |
totalactualcost |
actualCost.amount |
budgetedcost |
budgetedCost.amount |
expectedrevenue |
expectedRevenue.amount |
actualend |
campaignEndDate |
actualstart |
campaignStartDate |
expectedresponse |
expectedResponse |
utcconversiontimezonecode |
timeZone |
utcconversiontimezonecode |
timezoneName |
Marketing list
Source field |
Target XDM field |
Notes |
"Dynamics" |
marketingListKey.sourceType |
"${CRM_ORG_ID}" |
marketingListKey.sourceInstanceID |
The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
description |
marketingListDescription |
listname |
marketingListName |
listid |
marketingListKey.sourceID |
concat(listid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics") |
marketingListKey.sourceKey |
Primary identity. The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
modifiedon |
extSourceSystemAudit.lastUpdatedDate |
createdon |
extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate |
Marketing list members
Source field |
Target XDM field |
Notes |
"Dynamics" |
marketingListMemberKey.sourceType |
"${CRM_ORG_ID}" |
marketingListMemberKey.sourceInstanceID |
The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
iif(entityid != null && entityid != "", to_object("sourceType", "Dynamics", "sourceInstanceID", "${CRM_ORG_ID}", "sourceID", entityid, "sourceKey", concat(entityid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics")), null) |
personKey |
listmemberid |
marketingListMemberKey.sourceID |
concat(listmemberid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics") |
marketingListMemberKey.sourceKey |
Primary identity. The value for "${CRM_ORG_ID}" will be automatically replaced. |
iif(listid != null && listid != "", to_object("sourceType", "Dynamics", "sourceInstanceID", "${CRM_ORG_ID}", "sourceID", listid, "sourceKey", concat(listid,"@${CRM_ORG_ID}.Dynamics")), null) |
marketingListKey |
createdon |
extSourceSystemAudit.createdDate |
The sections below provide additional information that you can use when configuring B2B mappings for your Microsoft Dynamics source.
Picklist type fields
You can use calculated fields to map a picklist type source field from Microsoft Dynamics to a target XDM field.
For example, the genderCode
field includes two options:
Value |
Label |
1 |
male |
2 |
female |
You can use the following options to map the genderCode
source field to person.gender
target field:
Use a logical operator
Source field |
Target XDM field |
decode(genderCode, "1", "male", "2", "female", "default") |
person.gender |
In this scenario, the value corresponds to the key, if the key is found in options, or default
, if default
is present and the key is not found. The value corresponds to null
if options is null
or there is no default
and the key is not found.
Use a calculated field
Source field |
Target XDM field |
iif(gendercode.equals("1"),"male",iif(gendercode.equals("2"),"female",null)) |
person.gender |
A nested iteration of the above operation would be similar to: iif(condition, iif(cond1, tv1, fv1), iif(cond2, tv2, fv2))
For more information is the document on logical operators in Data Prep