

Last update: 2023-09-29
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  • Sources
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  • Created for:
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The RainFocus source is in beta. Please read the sources overview for more information on using beta-labeled sources.

RainFocus is a platform that you can use to promote your events and build your audiences. You can use RainFocus to create beautiful promotional pages, track campaign performances, and optimize registration conversions.

Use the RainFocus source in Adobe Experience Platform and Real-Time Customer Data Platform to automatically enrich your customer data profiles with attendee experience events in real time. Once enabled, experience events are automatically streamed into Real-Time CDP, allowing for powerful audience segmentation, data analysis, and activation of the attendee journey with downstream destinations and applications such as Customer Journey Analytics and Adobe Journey Optimizer.


This source connector and documentation page are created and maintained by the RainFocus team. For any inquiries or update requests, please contact them directly at or visit the RainFocus Help Center


You must complete the following prerequisites before you can activate the RainFocus integration on Experience Platform:

Create an Adobe Service Account (JWT) in the Adobe Developer Portal


Adobe has recently announced the deprecation of JWT tokens in favor of OAuth. To accommodate this change, the RainFocus source will be migrating to OAuth in the near future.

Gather required credentials

In order to connect RainFocus to Experience Platform, you must provide values for the following connection properties in RainFocus:

Credential Description Example
Client ID The client ID can be obtained from the Adobe Service Account in the Adobe Developer Portal. b9c32a63e7d41a0f87d3e8b52a16e7a2
Client Secret The client secret can be btained from the Adobe Service Account in the Adobe Developer Portal. k1b-p-umplcjtg_arnw-R-Bx44bybu
Technical Account ID The technical account ID can be btained from the Adobe Service Account in the Adobe Developer Portal.
Organization ID The organization ID can be obtained from the Adobe Service Account in the Adobe Developer Portal

Create an XDM schema and define the identity field

In order to store the Experience Events from RainFocus in Experience Platform, you must create an Experience Data Model (XDM) schema to describe a dataset which can store the possible fields and data types that will be sent from RainFocus.

RainFocus recommends the following fields, which covers all possible data sent by default.

The following field groups are also recommended (denoted by prefix):

  • Attendee
  • Exhibitor
  • Lead
  • Session
  • SessionTime

The schema should contain the following fields:

Field Type Example Description
attendee.registered String Yes A flag that determines if the attendee is considered to be registered.
attendee.attendeeId String 1619119968857001fvLB The attendee ID in RainFocus.
attendee.externalId String 1666809456617001wyPj The external ID specified by an organization.
attendee.clientId String 8EFC1F57631CAFE70A495ECB@8f3f1f5c631caf3e495fd8.e The attendee SSO client ID. String The email address of the attendee.
transmissionId String 1680309557133001YHhz A unique identifier used for data push.
eventType String SessionScheduled The name of the Attendee Experience Event.
timestamp DateTime 2023-04-01T00:41:57.000Z The timestamp of the data push. String Adobe Summit 2023 The name of the event in which a transmission took place.
exhibitor.exhibitorId String 1680309557133001YHhz The RainFocus identifier of the exhibitor.
exhibitor.externalId String 1666809514105001lSJN The identifier for the exhibitor in the client system. String IBM The name of the exhibitor.
lead.leadId String 1666809456617001wyPj The RainFocus identifier for the lead.
lead.note String
session.sessionId String 1666809373585001t4aV The RainFocus identifier for the session.
session.externalId String 1666809456617001wyPj The identifier for the session in the client system.
session.code String GS3 The code for the session.
session.title String Inspiration Keynote The title of the session.
session.length Integer 90 The length of the session.
sessiontime.sessiontimeId String 1673033149739001OJLZ The RainFocus identifier for the session time.
sessiontime.startTime String 2023-03-22 10:00:00 The start time of the session.
sessiontime.endTime String 2023-03-22 10:00:00 The end time of the session. String B32 The room used for the session.

To create your schema for RainFocus data, read the following documentation for steps on how to create a schema using APIs or the UI.

  • The schema must extend the XDM ExperienceEvent class.
  • You must ensure that the schema includes a primary identity, and is enabled for Profile. For more information, read the guide on defining identity fields in the UI
  • You may substitute the example identity (Email) for another appropriate identifier such as a sha256 email or ECID.

Create an Integration Profile in RainFocus

Once your service account and your XDM schema are ready, you can now activate the Integration Profile through the RainFocus platform. The Integration Profile is responsible for streaming data to Experience Platform.

Log into the RainFocus platform. In the primary navigation, select Libraries and then select Integration Profiles

The RainFocus UI with Libraries and Integration Profiles selected.

To create a new profile, select the (+) icon. Next, select Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform and then select OK.

The create integration profile window in the RainFocus UI.

Next, provide the credentials that you retrieved in the Adobe Developer Portal Project:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Technical Account ID
  • Organization ID

Once the credentials have been provided, select Save.You should now see the new Integration Profile listed in the RainFocus dashboard.

Select the Integration Profile that you just created to see a list of predefined push types already configured. These are the Experience Events that will be sent to Experience Platform when they occur.

A list of predefined push types in the RainFocus dashboard.

To retrieve a copy of the sample JSON payload, select Sample JSON Payload. Next, highlight and copy the sample JSON payload and save it in a new file with a .json extension. This will be used later in Experience Platform for mapping configurations.

A sample JSON payload in the RainFocus dashboard.


Setup is not yet complete: Once your dataflow is created, you will need to return to the RainFocus dashboard to complete your Integration Profile by providing your streaming endpoint URL and dataflow ID.

Next steps

By reading this document, you have completed prerequisite setup needed in order to stream data from your RainFocus account to Experience Platform. You can now proceed to the guide on connecting RainFocus to Experience Platform using the user interface.

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