Azure Blob connector

Last update: 2024-11-18
  • Topics:
  • Sources
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  • Created for:
  • Developer

Adobe Experience Platform provides native connectivity for cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure. You can bring your data from these systems into Platform.

Cloud storage sources can bring your own data into Platform without the need to download, format, or upload. Ingested data can be formatted as XDM JSON, XDM Parquet, or delimited. Every step of the process is integrated into the Sources workflow. Platform allows you to bring in data from Azure Blob through batches.

IP address allow list

A list of IP addresses must be added to an allow list prior to working with source connectors. Failing to add your region-specific IP addresses to your allow list may lead to errors or non-performance when using sources. See the IP address allow list page for more information.


The Azure Blob source does not support same-region connectivity to Experience Platform. If your Azure instance is using the same network region as Experience Platform, then a connection to Experience Platform sources cannot be established. Currently, only cross-region connectivity is supported.

Naming constraints for files and directories

The following is a list of constraints you must account for when naming your cloud storage file or directory.

  • Directory and file component names cannot exceed 255 characters.
  • Directory and file names cannot end with a forward slash (/). If provided, it will be automatically removed.
  • The following reserved URL characters must be properly escaped: ! ' ( ) ; @ & = + $ , % # [ ]
  • The following characters are not allowed: " \ / : | < > * ?.
  • Illegal URL path characters not allowed. Code points like \uE000, while valid in NTFS filenames, are not valid Unicode characters. In addition, some ASCII or Unicode characters, like control characters (0x00 to 0x1F, \u0081, etc.), are also not allowed. For rules governing Unicode strings in HTTP/1.1 see RFC 2616, Section 2.2: Basic Rules and RFC 3987.
  • The following file names are not allowed: LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, PRN, AUX, NUL, CON, CLOCK$, dot character (.), and two dot characters (…).

Connect Azure Blob to Platform

The documentation below provides information on how to connect Azure Blob to Adobe Experience Platform using APIs or the user interface:

Using APIs

Using the UI

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