
Last update: 2023-08-22
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Adobe Experience Platform allows data to be ingested from external sources while providing you with the ability to structure, label, and enhance incoming data using Platform services. You can ingest data from a variety of sources such as Adobe applications, cloud-based storage, databases, and many others.

Experience Platform provides support for ingesting data from a third-party CRM application. Support for CRM providers include SugarCRM.

SugarCRM is a customer relationship management (CRM) system. SugarCRM’s functionality includes sales-force automation, marketing campaigns, customer support, collaboration, Mobile CRM, Social CRM and reporting.

The SugarCRM source allows you to ingest accounts, contacts, and events data from the following API endpoints:

SugarCRM uses bearer tokens as an authentication mechanism to communicate with the SugarCRM Account and Contact APIs and the SugarCRM Events API.

IP address allow list

A list of IP addresses must be added to an allow list prior to working with source connectors. Failing to add your region-specific IP addresses to your allow list may lead to errors or non-performance when using sources. See the IP address allow list page for more information.


Before you can create a SugarCRM source connection, you must first ensure that you have the following:

  • A SugarMarket account. You must contact your SugarCRM account manager to obtain a valid SugarMarket account if you do not already have one.

  • A unique API username and account separate from any user account associated with the marketing or sales process. This unique username and account combination must have API access permissions. For more information on the process to set up an account, visit the SugarMarket RESTFUL API documentation.

Connect SugarCRM Accounts & Contacts to Platform

Connect SugarCRM Events to Platform

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